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grosey 11-27-21 05:49 AM

Originally Posted by ooga-booga (Post 22321520)
anything decent?

Yellow Tail Shiraz. Hopefully get out for a proper cycle tomorrow.

ofajen 11-27-21 05:02 PM

About 42 miles today. Mid 50s, sunny and a little wind. Very nice. Visibility is great with the leaves down. No blind corners on trail turns these days. Lots and lots of people out and about. I saw most of the usual suspects and many others.


biker128pedal 11-27-21 07:05 PM

It was windy and 40 F today. So I wanted a 2 hour ride. I took the mountain bike to Newport News park and road the gravel route I found on a local feed. I had ridden part of it on the Domane but did not want to swap tires. And clean it afterwards. The mountain bike can stay dirty. Anyway road 24 miles. The Garmin/Bontrager 1030 got confused twice. I restarted it the first time but just followed the route. A nice lite ride.

beechnutC23 11-28-21 07:50 PM

We had a nice little dump of snow in the night between Friday and Saturday. I rode indoors on the trainer on Saturday, and on the tractor outdoors just before blowing out the driveway. Today, it was sunny and a balmy -4C, so I managed to get outdoors and do 31 km/629 m on my newly renovated winter beater. That leaves me only 22.2 km to go to hit 10,000 km on the season!
Mt. Sutton
Temporarily 56...
Call's Mills
Home Stretch

Troul 11-28-21 08:32 PM

41 Miles I.D.

jaxgtr 11-29-21 01:28 PM

41 outside today. Beautiful weather, upper 50's, bright blue clear skies, could have done without the wind from the NW, but it was not terrible.

diphthong 11-29-21 11:34 PM

easy, 23-spot cruisefest. 76 degrees. zero rush.

kahn 11-30-21 09:11 AM

Yesterday, the 29th, we did our usual "looks like it won't rain for a while" short ride of 15/16 miles and about 600 gain. Not bad and warmer than last week. Lots of slimy leaves on the roads and worse on tree-lined bike paths.

jaxgtr 11-30-21 02:03 PM

popped out 51 today, started in the 50's topped out at 61F, clear blue skies, light wind out of the NE off the ocean, just an awesome day.

Edit: Snap of the intercoastal on my way to the beach...

Troul 11-30-21 04:03 PM

57 Miles I.D. I will treat myself to some coffee now.

diphthong 11-30-21 05:48 PM

22-spot on (mostly) a quiet, rural road in the san diego backcountry. btw…76 degrees-again.

one4smoke 11-30-21 09:37 PM

30 miles on a beeeeautiful day!

beechnutC23 12-01-21 09:10 AM

Broke 10,000 km for the year yesterday (to be precise, 10,003 km); total elevation change 128,965 metres (423,000 ft). And the year ain't over yet! It is getting tougher out there, winter weather is now upon us and the roads had a fresh light dusting of snow. Distances are shorter due to less daylight, slower speeds (heavier bike, studded tires, traction), and the toe/hand freeze factor. And fewer rides as sometimes the road surface is not amenable to safe riding even with studded tires (slush isn't your friend). Still, I'm proud of myself, 63 y.o. diabetic who once weighed 212 lb, down to 170 or so. Most distance and climb I've ever done since I was riding on training wheels when I was 5 y.o...

jaxgtr 12-01-21 01:26 PM

Birthday ride today, so goal was 57 , but I started having some pain in the tendon behind my right knee , so versus causing further issues, I just did 30. I will give it a rest for a day and try again on Friday or Saturday, based on how I feel.

Troul 12-01-21 04:18 PM

44 Miles I.D. Stationary headwinds of 10 MPH.

Troul 12-02-21 07:36 AM

55 Miles Spun I.D.

Flip Flop Rider 12-02-21 07:48 AM

0 miles

one4smoke 12-02-21 08:26 AM

Nice ride of 40 miles yesterday.

kahn 12-02-21 09:36 AM

Originally Posted by jaxgtr (Post 22325764)
Birthday ride today, so goal was 57 , but I started having some pain in the tendon behind my right knee , so versus causing further issues, I just did 30. I will give it a rest for a day and try again on Friday or Saturday, based on how I feel.

Happy Birthday. I recently reversed those numbers. No, not the 30!!!

kahn 12-02-21 09:41 AM

Yesterday: 20.1 and about 900 feet. A cut down version of one of my urban adventures as the headwind was more than I wanted to deal with. So I cut out about a mile of waterfront trail that ran straight into the winds. But the surf was up (g) and there were the usual Planes, trains and automobiles.
Smith Cove. I've not seen waves, small as they were, crashing on the shore before. Driven by south wind.
Major train yard/switching station.
Hope it is not a MAX!

Troul 12-02-21 09:54 AM

Originally Posted by kahn (Post 22326562)
Yesterday: 20.1 and about 900 feet. A cut down version of one of my urban adventures as the headwind was more than I wanted to deal with. So I cut out about a mile of waterfront trail that ran straight into the winds. But the surf was up (g) and there were the usual Planes, trains and automobiles.
Smith Cove. I've not seen waves, small as they were, crashing on the shore before. Driven by south wind.
Major train yard/switching station.
Hope it is not a MAX!

I test my endurance with the thought that *IF* I could easily have a trouble free route with the scenery that you happen to have, then high headwinds would have to break into the +30 MPH range before I consider backpedaling the outdoor ride.
Seeing how that isn't the case, I have to really justify a ride if the conditions contain the following: +20 MPH headwinds, winter temps, & slick leaves covering moon-like surfaces.

kahn 12-02-21 10:13 AM

Originally Posted by Troul (Post 22326585)
I test my endurance with the thought that *IF* I could easily have a trouble free route with the scenery that you happen to have, then high headwinds would have to break into the +30 MPH range before I consider backpedaling the outdoor ride.
Seeing how that isn't the case, I have to really justify a ride if the conditions contain the following: +20 MPH headwinds, winter temps, & slick leaves covering moon-like surfaces.

Color me lazy!

Actually, my planned route through Discovery Park entailed thinking about pushing the bike up the leaf slime covered road but thankfully, I believe the city (not the winds) cleared much of that slime and I pedaled up it. That same road sometimes has an iridescent green glow from the surface moss - no sudden moves. But, yup, at this time of year there is weaving and bobbing to avoid some really messy "slush" of the leaf, not snow kind.

The piggy back planes were an additional visual, although, not completely unusual in the home of Boeing. I use to work in Renton (not for Boeing) and there's a road and railroad track that share the same surface. Occasionally, you'd have to pull over to allow a fuselage to pass :p

jaxgtr 12-02-21 01:51 PM

Tendon felt better today, but it was too nice a day to just mow the grass, so I went and did a nice easy 30 miles at the rail trail. I typically do not ride the rail trail during the week day as I am generally working, but I noticed that everyone out there had a gray\grey beard which includes me. :lol:

Troul 12-03-21 05:08 PM

Threaded myself in between some lite flakes & chill atmosphere, netting 47 Miles O.D. Just as I concluded the ride the clouds brought in a heavier flurry, & I then yelled at the clouds.

Troul 12-04-21 09:10 PM

33 Miles O.D. brrrrrrr

Troul 12-05-21 08:39 AM

22 Miles O.D. with extra brrrrrrrr

beechnutC23 12-05-21 07:12 PM

25 cold km with a light dusting of fresh snow, temp. -4C, light winds. Some icy patches as it rained last week and then it froze the next day. I walked 9 km on Friday in what turned out to be defective boots and gave myself two big blisters just above the heel. I should have ridden but the 40 km/h winds and cold temperatures dissuaded me. I managed to ride today by using my very rigid hiking boots (I ride flat pedals in winter), which kept the feet immobile. I rode a similar distance yesterday on a different route but it was an overcast and very gloomy day. Today's effort:

mschwett 12-05-21 07:19 PM

50.76 miles, a flattish 2,947 feet. 51 degrees, partly sunny, not much wind. nice day.

CAT7RDR 12-05-21 09:36 PM

44 miles and 5K of Climb in SoCal hills. Cool and heavy fog then the sun finally broke through around Noon.

letank 12-06-21 12:35 AM

Originally Posted by mschwett (Post 22329970)
50.76 miles, a flattish 2,947 feet. 51 degrees, partly sunny, not much wind. nice day.

Yep, it was coldish this am... waited until noon and more sun, 55F.

Mid peninsula 25 miles, rather flat... I could smell jet fuel going thru Millbrae and Boringame

Edit: ride repeat with SIL who has all the tech gizmo, the elevation gain is 1387feet

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