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Velo Vol 02-19-22 09:11 AM

Originally Posted by rjones28 (Post 22414317)
Heater broken?

Yes. #SunWithoutWarmth

rjones28 02-19-22 09:13 AM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22414395)
Yes. #SunWithoutWarmth

No sun at the moment. Snow squall moving through. High winds. Near zero visibility.

phrantic09 02-19-22 09:35 AM

Originally Posted by rjones28 (Post 22414398)
No sun at the moment. Snow squall moving through. High winds. Near zero visibility.

same, dropped an inch on us so far in about 40 mins

Mojo31 02-19-22 09:39 AM

Sunny and 46 heading to 66. Wind at 1 mph.

About to hit the road.

WhyFi 02-19-22 09:45 AM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22414417)
About to hit the road.

As in go for a ride? Or are you talking bam-style hit the road? :innocent:


seedsbelize2 02-19-22 09:53 AM

Mid-70s. Going up to 88. At the moment the air is dead still. Overcast skies. I guess I should get my ride in before the threatened rain arrives.

genejockey 02-19-22 10:52 AM

I've got a 3 day weekend, of which today is supposed to be by far the best for riding, but Sunday is my long ride day. By keeping to that, I'm able to prevent the scenario where I don't get a ride in at all, because something gets scheduled over it.

genejockey 02-19-22 11:07 AM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22414341)

The nice thing about the Alpe is the automatic segment data, so that you can treat it as a bunch of 2-8min intervals rather than an hour-long TT.

What's worked best for me is to set out with a recovery interval power in mind - I never target too far over FTP on a segment (the max is probably 1.2 on some of the really short ones), so I don't need to rest too far under FTP, either (usually my recovery target will be in the 0.85 -0.9 range). This approach works well for me because it'll let me wind it up a bit if I'm feeling my Wheaties, while being able to look forward to a rest that's still at a respectable pace.

Usually I'll consider the next two or three segments and decide how to attack them. Two short segments will probably mean a target of 1.1-1.2 on one followed by 0.9 on the next, that sort of thing. I don't like to "rest" too long, so a 5min+ segment will usually be .95-1.05 or so and then I'll have a rest segment before or after.

All of this also makes for a nice distraction, and I'll usually get lost in process until I take a beat and find myself already at corner #7 or something.

That's interesting - my goal was to ride in as narrow a range of power as I could, to avoid either wasting time at low power or burning too many matches. I switched gears to give me some variety in cadence, anywhere from the high 70s to the low 90s, but mostly settled in between 82 and 87, which I think is my 'comfort zone' for climbing.

My average power works out to about 2.4 w/kg over 77 minutes, and my Ftp is 2.8 w/kg, as far as I can tell. Apparently it takes a bit over 3 w/kg to do the Alpe in hour, so I don't see that happening without a considerable bump in my FTP. At my current weight, 3 w/kg is 273. If I drop to 185, 3 w/kg is almost exactly my current FTP, so theoretically doable. Hmmmmmm.

BTW, this ride didn' move my power curve much, out at the longer durations end, but it did nudge it a little. I guess that's no surprise since I set the power target based on the power curve!

indyfabz 02-19-22 11:14 AM

Originally Posted by rjones28 (Post 22414398)
No sun at the moment. Snow squall moving through. High winds. Near zero visibility.

We could get those today. It was sunny this morning but it has clouded up and feels like snow. Glad I got my shopping done early.

genejockey 02-19-22 11:29 AM

Wordle 245 X/6


WhyFi 02-19-22 11:30 AM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22414501)
That's interesting - my goal was to ride in as narrow a range of power as I could, to avoid either wasting time at low power or burning too many matches. I switched gears to give me some variety in cadence, anywhere from the high 70s to the low 90s, but mostly settled in between 82 and 87, which I think is my 'comfort zone' for climbing.

My average power works out to about 2.4 w/kg over 77 minutes, and my Ftp is 2.8 w/kg, as far as I can tell. Apparently it takes a bit over 3 w/kg to do the Alpe in hour, so I don't see that happening without a considerable bump in my FTP. At my current weight, 3 w/kg is 273. If I drop to 185, 3 w/kg is almost exactly my current FTP, so theoretically doable. Hmmmmmm.

BTW, this ride didn' move my power curve much, out at the longer durations end, but it did nudge it a little. I guess that's no surprise since I set the power target based on the power curve!

You can certainly take that approach, and for some that might yield the best result, but I think that it's mentally fatiguing and, at a duration of an hour plus, the feedback on my guess (target power) is a little too late in the game for my tastes. I'm not necessarily the best when it comes to plodding away for looooong durations, but I do feel that I recover well so, for my strengths/weaknesses, I'd rather have a target over/under to dance around and the ability to adjust that, on the fly, based on how I'm feeling. For me, this approach will still result in an intensity around 1.0 on my good days.

datlas 02-19-22 11:53 AM

We had a cold and windy ride. The CX bike was fine on the gravel. Needs a better driver and an engine upgrade.

indyfabz 02-19-22 11:57 AM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22414548)
Needs a better driver and an engine upgrade.

Just like the Saturn? :innocent:

Velo Vol 02-19-22 12:04 PM

Originally Posted by rjones28 (Post 22414398)
Snow squall moving through. High winds. Near zero visibility.


Velo Vol 02-19-22 12:22 PM


DougRNS 02-19-22 01:12 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22414548)
We had a cold and windy ride. The CX bike was fine on the gravel. Needs a better driver and an engine upgrade.

the engine is older than the Saturn. SM*H

DougRNS 02-19-22 01:14 PM

A little more work today from home. Maybe this is the last weekend I work for a while.

ofajen 02-19-22 01:26 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22414524)
Wordle 245 X/6


My Wordbubbles app now has one of these each day and I can’t recall needing more than four entries, but those tend to use mostly the high frequency letters I start with on at least the first two guesses.

I’ve made four guesses on this one and at the moment I can’t even think of another word that might work given what I know this far. 🤔


Wordle 245 5/6



rjones28 02-19-22 01:55 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22414562)

Sun's out. :)

DougRNS 02-19-22 02:00 PM


bampilot06 02-19-22 02:16 PM

Stupid question of the day. I plan on doing 30/30 on monday. What do you guys and gals use for a timer? My garmin has a timer but as far as I can tell, it doesn’t have a stop watch function. I was thinking about strapping my apple watch to my stem.

Also we talked about this before, but I really want to be able to complete the work out. If my FTP is 250 should I aim for 300 watts for 30 seconds, 275? I am a terrible judge at hard effort, I tend to go way to hard and then fail.

bampilot06 02-19-22 02:18 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22414422)
As in go for a ride? Or are you talking bam-style hit the road? :innocent:



speaking of hitting the road. The W&M road race was today. Reading through strava sounds like a lot of crashing happened today in the Cat 4/5. Looks like I am not the only one who has a personal relationship with gravity.

bampilot06 02-19-22 02:26 PM

All more reason to get cervelo brakes working. I really want the power data from my first Crit but I do not want to break the madone. Langley speedway I would imagine is safer than the W&M course, no hills or rough road or blind turns but still.

Im watching the Nor Cal youtube guy, I wish we had the pre season crit training series they have out in San Fran, I feel like I know nothing. I get nervous just thinking about it…….

Mojo31 02-19-22 02:35 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22414334)
Wordle 245 3/6


Surprised by that outcome.

Originally Posted by indyfabz (Post 22414551)
Just like the Saturn? :innocent:

I don’t think a better driver would make the Saturn any better than it already is.

Mojo31 02-19-22 02:39 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22414422)
As in go for a ride? Or are you talking bam-style hit the road? :innocent:


Bam-style is for the utes. I pray to stay upright on all but two occasions - nap time and.bed time.

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