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Robvolz 11-05-23 11:36 AM

Thank god we aren't the full lycra kit wearing fools.
OK, my shorts tend to be, but I do like a good vintage wool jersey. And thank god we aren't like Jef*

Last Friday, I was walking through Powell's bookstore and there was a speech/signing going on. I don't want to say a reading because the book was a comic book by Stephan Pastis.

He had attempted to become a comic artist but after sending submissions to 12 different comic syndicates (now only 2) he was turned down by all. Mainly because his humor was dark and mentioned "death" way to often.

So, he went to law school. During boring court sessions he began doodling again, which no one complained because they thought he was taking legal notes.

Finally he decided to take one last stab and sent examples to United Syndicate, home of Peanuts which inspired him to begin with.

They said NO, but offered to try him out "on-line" on this new thing called the internet.

First week: 2000 visits
Second week: 2000 visits
third week: 150,000 visits. It was a hit.

A few years later, he was in a Healdsburg CA, Starbucks when this annoying cyclist in Lycra went click-clacking across the floor and "Jeff" was the name he gave loudly for the barista to write on the coffee cup.
"I'm going to make you famous," thought Stephan. "But I'm going to drop an "F" to make you lighter and more annoying."*

Anyway, here are some of the strips featuring Jef:

Clang 11-05-23 11:56 AM

Finally someone brave enough to take the all-powerful cyclists down a notch.

Classtime 11-05-23 12:20 PM

I thought this would be the thread about the dangers of chemicals from the spandex absorbed through our skin.

SurferRosa 11-05-23 12:26 PM

Are any of them actually funny or is it all base level ridicule?

juvela 11-05-23 12:38 PM

Originally Posted by Classtime (Post 23062492)
I thought this would be the thread about the dangers of chemicals from the spandex absorbed through our skin.


...have sleepless nights worrying that the essences coming out me epidermis may be harming the spandex in me jeggings...


iab 11-05-23 01:13 PM

What's the difference between a lycra-clad and wool-clad cyclist?


Trakhak 11-05-23 01:18 PM

Originally Posted by SurferRosa (Post 23062497)
Are any of them actually funny or is it all base level ridicule?

Jokes based on prejudice don't have to be funny, which is lucky for that guy's comic strip.

I don't know why, but cyclists are the last group who can be ridiculed by the general public without fear of reproach, and cyclists in Lycra are the last group who can be ridiculed by other cyclists without fear of reproach.

merziac 11-05-23 01:22 PM

Originally Posted by iab (Post 23062533)
What's the difference between a lycra-clad and wool-clad cyclist?


The head to toe lycra, carbon riding ones would probably beg to differ. :twitchy:

panzerwagon 11-05-23 01:27 PM

Too bad he spent all his time doodling and none of it developing any comedic competency. Probably best stick to lawyering.

iab 11-05-23 01:45 PM

Originally Posted by merziac (Post 23062545)
The head to toe lycra, carbon riding ones would probably beg to differ. :twitchy:

Head to toe lycra riding crabon is pretty much every road cyclist in the great Chicagoland area. Most are Bear fans, some are Packers fans. Stereotypes are ******g stupid.

merziac 11-05-23 01:53 PM

Originally Posted by iab (Post 23062564)
Head to toe lycra riding crabon is pretty much every road cyclist in the great Chicagoland area. Most are Bear fans, some are Packers fans. Stereotypes are ******g stupid.

Ok, well that is not the case here in PDX, many of them act far superior, look down their nose at anybody who doesn't, ride and act like the MUP's are their own personal TT with zero regard for anybody else in their way.

Aside from that, I did say "probably".

panzerwagon 11-05-23 02:03 PM

That head-to-toe lycra sure does keep me cozy during winter commutes, but no time to look down my nose or anyone else’s— too busy gasping for air through mine and trying not to get run over.

Reynolds 531 11-05-23 02:03 PM

All I can say is I wear lycra nearly every day, and LOVE Stephen Pastis and Jef. My friends and I share Jef comics when they show up. ))shrug((

attached is bizarro

merziac 11-05-23 02:17 PM

Originally Posted by panzerwagon (Post 23062586)
That head-to-toe lycra sure does keep me cozy during winter commutes, but no time to look down my nose or anyone else’s— too busy gasping for air through mine and trying not to get run over.

Originally Posted by Reynolds 531 (Post 23062588)
All I can say is I wear lycra nearly every day, and LOVE Stephen Pastis and Jef. My friends and I share Jef comics whn they show up. ))shrug((

Yep, I get it but we ride C+V, they don't.

I wear plenty of lycra, all my shorts and a seldom jersey to celebrate a team, grand tour, etc. win.

My dry cold weather jacket is as well and yes is fantastic, most else is merino, cotton, performance flannel and tech or bike specific overshorts so it is mostly covered up. ;)

Ironfish653 11-05-23 02:49 PM

It's a good thing y'all don't take yourselves too seriously around here. :innocent:
Stay dry; I've heard those hair shirts get itchy when they get wet :thumb:

Steel Charlie 11-05-23 03:16 PM

It's great to see Jef being promoted. I liked Old Guys Who Get Fat In Winter better, but .....

MooneyBloke 11-05-23 03:27 PM

Originally Posted by Steel Charlie (Post 23062665)
It's great to see Jef being promoted. I liked Old Guys Who Get Fat In Winter better, but .....

I wanted to get one of those jerseys when they were around and a "hill slug" one, but those times are past. I wonder what O'Grady's up to these days.

SurferRosa 11-05-23 03:34 PM

Originally Posted by Ironfish653 (Post 23062633)
It's a good thing y'all don't take yourselves too seriously around here. :innocent:

I take funny seriously more than myself seriously.


smd4 11-05-23 03:55 PM

It’s no Calvin & Hobbes or Far Side, but it’s a pretty good strip. You gotta have a sense of humor to appreciate it.

jadmt 11-05-23 04:17 PM

Originally Posted by panzerwagon (Post 23062548)
Too bad he spent all his time doodling and none of it developing any comedic competency. Probably best stick to lawyering.

dude is doing something right his net worth is 100 million.....

Yune_Garage 11-05-23 05:11 PM

This is the one that made me chuckle a bit :D

abdon 11-05-23 05:25 PM

The thing is that he's not picking on lycra wearing cyclist, he's specifically picking on the ******bag breed of lycra wearing cyclists. I think we have all seen examples of those in the wild. Fortunately they are the minority.

downtube42 11-05-23 05:35 PM

Originally Posted by Yune_Garage (Post 23062763)
This is the one that made me chuckle a bit :D

I coulda used a crew like that yesterday. 500' in 2 miles in the rain. But no, all I had was a rice krispie treat. Lycra head to toe, but I did have a wool jersey stowed and my frame was steel.

It's a bit challenging to maintain the proper air of lycra clad roadie arrogance whilst trying to shift to a lower gear that isn't there and raspily gasping for air, but I think I pulled it off.

Robvolz 11-05-23 06:25 PM

Originally Posted by panzerwagon (Post 23062548)
Too bad he spent all his time doodling and none of it developing any comedic competency. Probably best stick to lawyering.


microcord 11-05-23 06:44 PM

It's been decades since I last rode a motorbike or devoted much thought to motorbikes, but I prefer Ogri to what I see above.

Different strokes.

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