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Troul 09-16-20 01:27 PM

probably posting online how a guy would keep socially distant without ppe. :p


one4smoke 09-16-20 08:18 PM

93 total miles today. 42 on a morning ride then 51 in the afternoon.

Troul 09-17-20 08:12 AM

39 windy miles

gokhanbas 09-17-20 09:54 PM


diphthong 09-18-20 01:44 AM

15 miles in still bad air quality. it was difficult. less than 600 feet in elevation over those 15 miles so obviously not the toughest
but it felt like 2,000 ft gained over the same distance. a little improved over yesterday tho. hoping friday is better.

Troul 09-18-20 03:28 PM

115 miles went from winter like to spring like temps.

Troul 09-18-20 10:04 PM

19 miles transitioning into the new day.

808HIcycler 09-19-20 06:53 PM

45.5 miles and almost got to 2000 ft of climb.

one4smoke 09-19-20 07:17 PM

42 around work today.

ultrarider7 09-20-20 06:24 AM
Fall is in the air. Cool start, warm afternoon. Bloomington (MPLS), Minnesota
77 miles, 2,000 feet gain.

Troul 09-20-20 11:53 AM

57.89 miles headwinds bout 15-20mph

DownByLaw 09-20-20 04:19 PM

11miles today (11 hilly miles). Didn't push for more as I'm gradually getting in shape and unfortunately when restoring my high school bike, I managed to get a 1/2" wire from the brake cable
in my foot, right where my big toe meets my foot (sharp little suckers, don't trim cables in socks). A couple hours at a foot surgeon couldn't remove it in the office, I'm taking a look see attitude before signing for full blown surgery.
Really have been absent serious riding for some time, so I'd be happy to get 50 miles in a week.


indyfabz 09-20-20 05:25 PM

64 miles to finish up a self contained trip from Pittsburgh to Philly. About 440 miles total over 9 days.

KenCT 09-20-20 05:42 PM

57.5 miles, a little windy toward the end. Temperature at start was 42F (5.6C) and ended at 62F (16.7C). Fall is in the air, enjoying an alcohol free Octoberfest now.

The Chemist 09-20-20 05:51 PM

140km. My longest ride in nearly 8 years.

ultrarider7 09-20-20 06:18 PM

40 miles today to wrap up 274 miles in 3 days. 5,012 miles since March 1st.

Grotug 09-20-20 06:52 PM

109 miles and 7638’ of climbing but it felt like more climbing than that.

one4smoke 09-20-20 08:13 PM

35 today, 202 for the week.

diphthong 09-21-20 03:38 AM

Originally Posted by one4smoke (Post 21704600)
35 today, 202 for the week.

big week. glad you're picking up my slack.

one4smoke 09-21-20 07:18 AM

Originally Posted by ooga-booga (Post 21704941)
big week. glad you're picking up my slack.

Yeah, I took a bit of a hiatus in July and August. Partly due to work, partly due to the heat (just don't enjoy riding when it's extremely hot anymore), and honestly just plain burned out. Have the Great Cycle Challenge to motivate me this month and get me back in the groove.

Troul 09-22-20 12:34 PM

21.9 miles

Troul 09-24-20 09:12 AM

29 miles

UnderDawgAl 09-24-20 01:40 PM

11.2 miles. Old and slow.

Juan Foote 09-24-20 01:41 PM

I rode the clock for a while, does that count?

delbiker1 09-24-20 03:36 PM

Zero miles today. Took the day off from pedaling and did chores. I started the day on my school bus, went grocery shopping, did some laundry, cut the grass, pulled weeds including some always tough wire grass, finished some paperwork and made necessary phone calls. Before getting back on the school bus for the afternoon take home, I relaxed and read a bit. Back home I made a big salad for dinner with an assortment of greens, veggies, fruit, cold meat and cheese, homemade citrus honey mustard dressing. I am finishing that as I type. All in all, a pretty good day. I didn't so much as touch a bicycle.

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