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Baby Puke 07-11-17 05:04 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Thought some of you parents out there might appreciate the shot- my son and I about to get on Toyama keirinjo. Good times.

carleton 07-11-17 06:51 PM

Originally Posted by Baby Puke (Post 19711926)
Thought some of you parents out there might appreciate the shot- my son and I about to get on Toyama keirinjo. Good times.

That's so awesome!

Huskey 07-13-17 07:14 AM

Hey all,

So I've started a Facebook page, I'll be uploading track cycling videos on it as regularly as i can.
I'd appreciate if you guys would check it out, and if you like what you see then "like and follow" and if you really want to do me a solid you could share my videos. I live in Australia and in a reasonable small city, so that 'target audience' local to me is pretty small. So I'm trying to stretch out to and reach as many people as possible, as early as possible.

The Video pinned to the top of the page is a quick intro and explanation of the page, and there are a few videos already uploaded further through the page.

Didn't feel this really warranted its own thread

gycho77 07-23-17 11:14 AM

So a shop said this is updated version of DF4 and WTH
The dropout is super short.
It looks like TT dropout
And they said they "fixed the seapost slipping"

carleton 07-23-17 11:58 AM

Originally Posted by gycho77 (Post 19739356)
So a shop said this is updated version of DF4 and WTH
The dropout is super short.
It looks like TT dropout
And they said they "fixed the seapost slipping"
IMG 0412 ?

Well, at least they now acknowledge the 2 problems people have been talking about since the frame was introduced :thumb:

This is not a good solution:

So, instead of keeping the ends from separating, they just get rid of the ends that were separating, thus creating the bigger problem of having to use 2 chains as you switch gears when you train and race. :twitchy:

This is like complaining about pain in your wrist, and the doctor cuts off your arm..."No more pain in your wrist!"

queerpunk 07-23-17 12:19 PM

Those ends are a LOT beefier than the ones that spread. They didn't just shorten them - and part of the reason they look short is because they're reinforced vertically. There's a lot more vertical mass. Compare to:

But also, yes, they look short. Half a solution.

Poppit 07-23-17 02:19 PM

As there is carbon above the metal on the dropouts, if it spread wouldn't the carbon crack? Just to say as well, the seatpost on my wife's DF4 has the rougher finish, it did slip but since I put some carbon paste on it and torqued it up to the recommended 15Nm it's been fine.

taras0000 07-23-17 09:49 PM

The carbon won't crack necessarily, but it would've been nicer if the meat above the dropout was webbed/gusseted to the seatstay. Something more in line with the force vector, not just a beefier cantilever.

seau grateau 08-19-17 01:55 AM

Perkins goes to...Russia?

Putin grants Aussie sprinter Perkins Russian citizenship |

carleton 08-19-17 03:17 AM

Originally Posted by seau grateau (Post 19802978)

OK. Things just got really weird.

MOSCOW (AFP) – Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday gave former cycling world champion Shane Perkins of Australia Russian citizenship, paving the way for the rider to represent Russia at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

Perkins, 30, announced he was switching allegiance to Russia earlier this year after failing to get on Australia’s track cycling team for the 2016 Rio Olympic Games.

A decree published by the Kremlin said Putin had signed off on granting citizenship to the the rider, who is currently in Saint Petersburg for Russia’s national championships. The rare defection by an Australian athlete raised eyebrows, since Melbourne-born Perkins has no family ties to Russia.

The cyclist was reportedly convinced to join the Russian team by his training partner in Japan Denis Dmitriev, who told him that it would give him a good chance of competing in Tokyo.

seau grateau 08-19-17 03:54 AM

Yeah, definitely weird. Tokyo will probably be his last shot at an Olympics run, but I don't see why he'd choose to go with Russia, unless they have some kind of plan to make him stronger... (I just watched "Icarus")

topflightpro 08-19-17 05:37 AM

Not the first time this happened.

American Becky Hammon got Russian citizenship after she was denied a spot on the U.S. Women's Basketball team for the 2008 Olympics. She played for Russia in 08 and 12.

She's currently an assistant coach for the San Antonio Spurs.

Baby Puke 08-19-17 04:12 PM

He was left out of the Aussie Olympic squad while he was reigning national keirin champ. He took the option that was open to him to continue his career while he's still obviously going at a high level. I say more power to him.

brawlo 08-20-17 07:06 PM

There's examples in a whole bucket of sports with athletes moving to other countries to enable them to compete in the Olympics, or just represent at a high level.

In the case of Perkins, there's a lot of head scratching as to why he didn't make the squad. He's been friends with Dmitriev for a long time and the idea was apparently just thrown out there as a random possibility.......and here we are.

If you have watched Icarus then you will know that despite the whole Russian saga, not everyone dopes, even in the Russian team. There is also the notion that many other countries are or were on the same path as Russia. Italy did the same which I hadn't realised until watching the Pantani doco/movie a few days ago

seau grateau 08-21-17 01:19 AM

Found this documentary where he talks about off-the-bike behavior pretty much torpedoing his shot at going to Beijing. Wonder if something similar happened with the Rio situation. Haven't really heard any details. The whole doc is cool to watch though, interesting look at Japanese Keirin racing.

carleton 08-21-17 08:22 PM

Originally Posted by seau grateau (Post 19806785)
Found this documentary where he talks about off-the-bike behavior pretty much torpedoing his shot at going to Beijing. Wonder if something similar happened with the Rio situation. Haven't really heard any details. The whole doc is cool to watch though, interesting look at Japanese Keirin racing.

Thanks! I watched all of the parts of the documentary. Very enlightening.

Anybody know what this thing is inside of the dura ace cranks?

Also, did you folks notice the Nitto B123AA aluminum bars on some of his bikes? Those are as light as carbon bars and similarly stiff. Just not aero. But only 1/4 to 1/2 the price of carbon bars.

Maybe it's because they don't do full-gas standing starts?

seau grateau 08-22-17 12:44 AM

Originally Posted by carleton (Post 19808888)
Anybody know what this thing is inside of the dura ace cranks?

Noticed this too, and had never seen one before. Thought maybe a custom job or something picked up from the Australian team. I can't imagine they'd be allowed in Japan's Keirin races.

edit- And it looks like those are Velocity rims, which also wouldn't be allowed in Japanese races. Guess it must be a training setup?

carleton 08-22-17 06:30 AM

Originally Posted by seau grateau (Post 19809210)
Noticed this too, and had never seen one before. Thought maybe a custom job or something picked up from the Australian team. I can't imagine they'd be allowed in Japan's Keirin races.

edit- And it looks like those are Velocity rims, which also wouldn't be allowed in Japanese races. Guess it must be a training setup?

I think you are right about it probably being a training setup. I noticed a bike computer in some close shots, too.

What does it do? Does it make the cranks more aero? More stiff? Is it a custom product or available for sale?

Maybe his dad made it for him?

queerpunk 08-22-17 09:00 AM

Whoa. Gary Sutton just hired as the Team USA Endurance Coach:

Gary Sutton let go from Cycling Australia coaching role |

carleton 08-22-17 09:34 AM

Originally Posted by queerpunk (Post 19809780)

Wow. This is messed up:

"It was probably the hardest week I have had in 25 years of coaching. To deal with that and work through it with the athletes, and quite a few of them were emotional. I think that also helped them as it motivated them. They could say 'we are doing it for Sutto' so my way of thinking was that it went the other way, but for me, it was one of the most unprofessional things I have seen done in 25 years to advertise. When you are at the biggest event of the year for our sport, and you see your job advertised the day before… It was very disappointing."
Hopefully, this means that Sutton will be here for many years to come:

The Head Endurance Track Coach will focus on identifying and developing a deep pool of world-class endurance track athletes and fully leveraging USA Cycling’s development programs and high performance support. In this role, Sutton will build upon the success of USA Cycling’s World Champion team pursuit squad to achieve USA Cycling’s goal of becoming the number one women’s endurance track program in the world while launching a new men’s endurance track program as well.

queerpunk 08-22-17 10:09 AM

By all apparent indicators, USAC is very committed to supporting both a men's and women's track endurance team.

One gets the impression that a coach with Sutton's pedigree wouldn't come here without a pretty good sense that it was gonna be a long-term thing.


rustymongrel 08-22-17 01:23 PM

Originally Posted by carleton (Post 19809416)
I think you are right about it probably being a training setup. I noticed a bike computer in some close shots, too.

What does it do? Does it make the cranks more aero? More stiff? Is it a custom product or available for sale?

Maybe his dad made it for him?

Looks like a custom job to me and bonded in place. likely an aero thing as I don't see that improving stiffness much.

Wouldn't be too hard to replicate I bet.

brawlo 08-22-17 09:28 PM

Originally Posted by queerpunk (Post 19809999)
By all apparent indicators, USAC is very committed to supporting both a men's and women's track endurance team.

One gets the impression that a coach with Sutton's pedigree wouldn't come here without a pretty good sense that it was gonna be a long-term thing.


LA is billed as hosting the 2028 Olympics, although I can't find anything that I would consider concrete. Lots of "deals being done" stories. It sure would be a bonus to cycling in the USA if it's a definite, as the USA certainly has the sporting talent and the Olympics prospect could certainly draw people away from other sports that typically swallow up potential candidates due to money. Putting Sutton on the roster would certainly increase chances of much higher results

700wheel 08-23-17 10:44 AM

Originally Posted by brawlo (Post 19811633)
LA is billed as hosting the 2028 Olympics, although I can't find anything that I would consider concrete. ................

Check here for details LA City Council approves going forward with 2028 Olympic Games

I was living in LA during the 1984 games. I saw all the track events and the road TTT which started and ended neat the 7-11 Velodrome. Great events. No soviet countries although they had competed a year earlier in the pre-Olympic test event.

Excess funds from the 84 games were provided to improve Encino track and to support youth track race training.

carleton 08-23-17 11:48 AM

Originally Posted by brawlo (Post 19811633)
LA is billed as hosting the 2028 Olympics, although I can't find anything that I would consider concrete. Lots of "deals being done" stories. It sure would be a bonus to cycling in the USA if it's a definite, as the USA certainly has the sporting talent and the Olympics prospect could certainly draw people away from other sports that typically swallow up potential candidates due to money. Putting Sutton on the roster would certainly increase chances of much higher results

I think they are preparing a formal bid. As part of the bid process, they have to provide proof that if they win the bid, there is funding for the things that need to be funded.

Basically, "Hey, I'm gonna ask if we can host the 2028 Olympics. If the IOC says OK, will you guys pay for the stuff that needs to be built?"

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