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BillyD 10-21-21 10:53 AM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22277591)
Morning activity. I have to go to a new place because the nurse at the witch doctor's office quit. :rolleyes:

That's a rat, not a mouse. Plus, he's boney as a rail, they need to alter his deprivation schedule.

genejockey 10-21-21 11:07 AM

Originally Posted by DougRNS (Post 22277769)
and a thin slice of ham, highly processed of course. I need to lose weight that I gained since my time off the bike.

Mustard, pickles, and ham? Aren't you gaining water weight from all the salt?

genejockey 10-21-21 11:08 AM

Originally Posted by BillyD (Post 22277854)
That's a rat, not a mouse. Plus, he's boney as a rail, they need to alter his deprivation schedule.

(mouse, actually)

rjones28 10-21-21 11:08 AM

Originally Posted by BillyD (Post 22277854)
That's a rat, not a mouse. Plus, he's boney as a rail, they need to alter his deprivation schedule.


MoAlpha 10-21-21 11:16 AM

Originally Posted by DougRNS (Post 22277769)
and a thin slice of ham, highly processed of course. I need to lose weight that I gained since my time off the bike.

The ham redeems it.

Eric F 10-21-21 11:28 AM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22277870)
(mouse, actually)

You sure? Looks like a rat to me. I've been around both a bit.

ls01 10-21-21 11:30 AM

Originally Posted by indyfabz (Post 22277469)
Sounds like last page lockout, or lplo. Happens to me sometimes. Just post something and it will take you to the last page.

Friken weird mannn..... duck duck works ok but my android doesnt.

ls01 10-21-21 11:35 AM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22277602)
Minor point in your favor. Your ride elevation profiles aren't exactly intimidating, but if you could sucker him in to taking the lead and pacing it wrong (likely), he would gas himself.

But, if he follows your lead, he wouldn't have a problem...

Lol. "Oh great Diety in the sky, please forgive for this abuse of power....I'm crushing your head, I'm crushing your head...."

ls01 10-21-21 11:36 AM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22277591)
Morning activity. I have to go to a new place because the nurse at the witch doctor's office quit. :rolleyes:

And yet, no one here is surprised....

genejockey 10-21-21 11:42 AM

Originally Posted by Eric F (Post 22277893)
You sure? Looks like a rat to me. I've been around both a bit.

It's the size of the ears and eyes.

BillyD 10-21-21 11:42 AM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22277870)
(mouse, actually)

I’m pretty sure that’s a rat, but it’s impossible to say for sure except for the individual who actually procured that critter for the ad.

genejockey 10-21-21 11:43 AM

It's also knowing the likely size of the tubes in that rack.

BillyD 10-21-21 11:44 AM

A juvy rat looks just like a mouse, you can’t tell by size.

genejockey 10-21-21 11:47 AM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22277913)
It's also knowing the likely size of the tubes in that rack.

Those tubes look like 12x75mm tubes, which is what goes in a rack like that. Mice are 50-100mm long, so that's the right proportion relative to the tubes, whereas rats are 200-400mm and would totally dwarf the tubes.

Eric F 10-21-21 11:48 AM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22277910)

Compelling evidence.

genejockey 10-21-21 12:01 PM

Did the final workout of Zwift Academy last night. 3 repeats of 400W for 30", 135W for 1', 230W for 4' and 250W for 3', with 5' at 135W in between. The first one was, if not easy, definitely doable. I looked forward to seeing the gate, but I could have kept on at 250 a while longer.

Second set was more of a chore.

Third set, I made it through, but felt AWFUL for the first 30 seconds after the end, which is kinda the point, I guess.

indyfabz 10-21-21 12:12 PM

Looks like there will be some rain/occasional showers most days of my upcoming trip. :( I am going anyway.

indyfabz 10-21-21 12:17 PM

I used to have a pet rat. It was white. It developed mammary tumors. My mom had it euthanized while I was touring Europe after my sophomore year of college.

Eric F 10-21-21 12:24 PM

Originally Posted by indyfabz (Post 22277956)
I used to have a pet rat. It was white. It developed mammary tumors. My mom had it euthanized while I was touring Europe after my sophomore year of college.

I had a black and white one when I was about 9-10. Cool little guy. It had tumor issues, too. :(

LesterOfPuppets 10-21-21 12:27 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22277925)
Those tubes look like 12x75mm tubes,

ANOTHER thru axle size? Must be more aero skinny forks for the roadies

genejockey 10-21-21 12:43 PM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 22277966)
ANOTHER thru axle size? Must be more aero skinny forks for the roadies

Sounds more like one of them track bike sizes, for when 100mm is just too wide.

genejockey 10-21-21 12:47 PM

Originally Posted by Eric F (Post 22277963)
I had a black and white one when I was about 9-10. Cool little guy. It had tumor issues, too. :(

When I was too young to remember directly (like 3 or 4) one of my older siblings brought home a pair of hooded rats from school one summer - George and Georgette. G&G did what rats do, and soon there were more, so each of the kids got one. I apparently had one, but I have no memory of it. I don't know how long this lasted, but I suspect all the rats one day were sent to a farm upstate, where they could run and run, as the saying goes.

genejockey 10-21-21 12:50 PM

I had guinea pigs when I was younger. They're very cute, friendly, cuddly, and will actually greet you with what we used to call "greeching". They live a long time, it turns out, so we found a family with younger kids to take on my group of 6 when I headed off to college.

indyfabz 10-21-21 12:52 PM

Originally Posted by Eric F (Post 22277963)
I had a black and white one when I was about 9-10. Cool little guy. It had tumor issues, too. :(

IIRC, it's a common problem with rats.

My girl was sweet. I got her from a friend who was quitting school and could not bring her home. She lived on the bookshelves in my dorm room. I built a ramp so she had a split-level pad. Made her a shoebox house for her to hide in and gave her an old sneaker to gnaw on. I liked how you could feed her anything. Even pizza. I would sneak vegetables out of the cafeteria to make sure she got her share of healthy food.

bampilot06 10-21-21 01:09 PM

I had a hamster once.

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