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Mojo31 10-28-21 05:07 AM

Originally Posted by phrantic09 (Post 22286603)

I have a million bucks in UM/SUM coverage on my auto policy so I can collect if some ******* seriously injures me. Most drivers have the basic 50K BI minimums here in NY

Smart man.

ls01 10-28-21 05:54 AM

Originally Posted by phrantic09 (Post 22286603)
I have a million bucks in UM/SUM coverage on my auto policy so I can collect if some ******* seriously injures me. Most drivers have the basic 50K BI minimums here in NY

Get the wage replacement too if you can. They will fight you on payouts like that. Wage replacement came within the month.
I had set up my coverage 15 years prior and I had completely forgotten I even had it. It saved my bacon. My adjuster let me know I had it after she looked at my file. It wasn't that expensive, but well worth it.

phrantic09 10-28-21 06:09 AM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22286632)
Smart man.

Working in P&C before I moved to healthcare helped

Originally Posted by ls01 (Post 22286681)
Get the wage replacement too if you can. They will fight you on payouts like that. Wage replacement came within the month.
I had set up my coverage 15 years prior and I had completely forgotten I even had it. It saved my bacon. My adjuster let me know I had it after she looked at my file. It wasn't that expensive, but well worth it.

Have that too, I think enough to cover about a year.

bampilot06 10-28-21 06:11 AM

In 13000 miles I have crashed a total of 5 times. Failed to unclip 3 times.


Is that a lot?

datlas 10-28-21 06:13 AM

So I have the chance to get Moderna #3 tonight, which means tomorrow may suck but I might be able to ride my bike this weekend.. The previous plan was to get it Saturday morning which could ruin the whole weekend.

I think I will get it tonight, but my wife thinks I am a fool and will feel like crap at work tomorrow.

She is probably right. I am still going to get it tonight.

WhyFi 10-28-21 06:13 AM

Originally Posted by bampilot06 (Post 22286697)
In 13000 miles I have crashed a total of 5 times. Failed to unclip 3 times.


Is that a lot?

For a recreational rider? Without question - yes, that's a lot.

datlas 10-28-21 06:13 AM

Originally Posted by bampilot06 (Post 22286697)
In 13000 miles I have crashed a total of 5 times. Failed to unclip 3 times.


Is that a lot?

Yes. I think I have had 1 crash in the past 3 years/20K miles.

WhyFi 10-28-21 06:16 AM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22286701)
So I have the chance to get Moderna #3 tonight, which means tomorrow may suck but I might be able to ride my bike this weekend.. The previous plan was to get it Saturday morning which could ruin the whole weekend.

I think I will get it tonight, but my wife thinks I am a fool and will feel like crap at work tomorrow.

She is probably right. I am still going to get it tonight.

Hmmmm... Feel good for work or feel good for the ride?

I think you've got the priorities right. Then again, I'm in this thread and my judgement on things such as balancing cycling vs work can't be trusted.

bampilot06 10-28-21 06:16 AM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22286704)
Yes. I think I have had 1 crash in the past 3 years/20K miles.

must be a Virginia thing, One of the guys I look up to has had 2 really bad crashes this year. I thought I was lucky.

WhyFi 10-28-21 06:18 AM

The two falls that I've had as an adult were because of ice. :notamused:

MoAlpha 10-28-21 06:19 AM

Originally Posted by phrantic09 (Post 22286603)
I have a million bucks in UM/SUM coverage on my auto policy so I can collect if some ******* seriously injures me. Most drivers have the basic 50K BI minimums here in NY

If they even carry that. When we lived in the Boston area in the 80s, we were hit by several drivers running signals etc. or from behind when we stopped for them. Not a single one of them was insured.

MoAlpha 10-28-21 06:21 AM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22286710)
The two falls that I've had as an adult were because of ice. :notamused:

My last one, if you don't count the vehicular hit and run or the wrong-way cyclist coming around a blind corner, was unsuccessfully trying to hop a parallel curb at low speed and that was a very long time ago.

seedsbelize2 10-28-21 06:36 AM

Originally Posted by phrantic09 (Post 22286603)
I’m always curious how bam crashes so much

Me too

Mojo31 10-28-21 06:38 AM

Winds out of the north at 27 mph sustained with gusts to 50 mph today. Would you yanks keep that crap to yourselves please?

datlas 10-28-21 06:38 AM

Maybe we need a thread with a poll. How often do you crash??

For me, it's roughly every 2-3 years on average.


seedsbelize2 10-28-21 06:38 AM

Originally Posted by bampilot06 (Post 22286697)
In 13000 miles I have crashed a total of 5 times. Failed to unclip 3 times.


Is that a lot?

I haven't crashed 5 times in my cycling career.

Mojo31 10-28-21 06:45 AM

Originally Posted by phrantic09 (Post 22286603)

I’m always curious how bam crashes so much

Cyclist's version of Munchausen syndrome?

Maybe a shrink can weigh in?


rjones28 10-28-21 06:51 AM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22286710)
The two falls that I've had as an adult were because of ice. :notamused:

Most of my falls have been during cyclocross races.

MoAlpha 10-28-21 07:07 AM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22286701)
So I have the chance to get Moderna #3 tonight, which means tomorrow may suck but I might be able to ride my bike this weekend.. The previous plan was to get it Saturday morning which could ruin the whole weekend.

I think I will get it tonight, but my wife thinks I am a fool and will feel like crap at work tomorrow.

She is probably right. I am still going to get it tonight.

Good luck. I'd probably do the same. I am still feeling about 50% off, with elevated HR and sweats.

Mojo31 10-28-21 07:23 AM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 22286761)
Good luck. I'd probably do the same. I am still feeling about 50% off, with elevated HR and sweats.

That hit you much harder than it hit me.

datlas 10-28-21 07:25 AM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22286710)
The two falls that I've had as an adult were because of ice. :notamused:

Would be a non-issue if you moved South. :innocent:

MoAlpha 10-28-21 07:26 AM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22286783)
That hit you much harder than it hit me.

This is considerably milder than what I got after the second shot.

WhyFi 10-28-21 07:28 AM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22286788)
Would be a non-issue if you moved South. :innocent:

Then I might catch whatever bam's got.

Mojo31 10-28-21 07:42 AM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22286788)
Would be a non-issue if you moved South. :innocent:

I have enough competition in the looks department without having a ringer move down.

BillyD 10-28-21 08:31 AM

Originally Posted by bampilot06 (Post 22286218)
I’ve gotten blood all over my mini van, my new shoes, my hotel room. sigh.

Why are you crashing so often, is this some kind of bicycle rejection phenomena?

And oh, please no more closeups, please.

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22286229)
Theory: Physical/mental exhaustion from riding with Velo Vol was taking its toll on him.

Outstanding fiction writing.

Originally Posted by DougRNS (Post 22286241)
Sorry to inform you of this but you prolly lost 10 IQ points from being in Knox County that long.

:lol: At least.

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