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BillyD 01-09-22 01:02 PM

Originally Posted by seedsbelize2 (Post 22367218)
I continue to have to login on every visit.
And I continue to get sent to the terms of service page almost every trime I hit the login button.
It gets old.

I’m amazed that you continue to suffer so many uniquely intractable system problems. All I can tell you is to revisit the Suggestions forum to see if you’ve tried all the suggestions as already provided. There has GOT to be something in there you’re overlooking. Personally, BillyD has no new ideas, system troubleshooting is not my strong suit, I’m more of a CC guy: Congeniality Coordinator. :)

bampilot06 01-09-22 01:06 PM

glad to hear you are mobile BH!

Koyote 01-09-22 01:09 PM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 22367267)
That there is exactly what scares me about riding a bike these days (other than a motor vehicle attack) and it happening to a youngster like you makes it scarier. Hope the issues all resolve with time.

Same thing happened to another youngish guy I know, but he was an idiot and British and rode himself down to a state of emaciation, in which his bones were probably embrittled.

At my age, I've decided to replace a bit of my cycling with some weighlifting in order to maintain bone density. My understanding is that osteoporosis is (at least somewhat) hereditary, and my 83-year old mother has fractured a few vertebrae just by livin'.

phrantic09 01-09-22 01:12 PM

Originally Posted by Bah Humbug (Post 22367178)
I can one-up that, sadly.

hope you’re able to get back to running.

MoAlpha 01-09-22 01:16 PM

Originally Posted by Koyote (Post 22367282)
At my age, I've decided to replace a bit of my cycling with some weighlifting in order to maintain bone density. My understanding is that osteoporosis is (at least somewhat) hereditary, and my 83-year old mother has fractured a few vertebrae just by livin'.

Yeah, I am a big believer in shock loading too, as in running down stairs. I don't think I have much of a genetic predisposition, but I weigh 140 lbs and tend sit around on my ass when I'm not on the bike, so I'm a set up. Gotta start the squats again, like coach [MENTION=140600]LAJ[/MENTION] keeps telling me too.

bampilot06 01-09-22 01:16 PM

Originally Posted by Koyote (Post 22367282)
At my age, I've decided to replace a bit of my cycling with some weighlifting in order to maintain bone density. My understanding is that osteoporosis is (at least somewhat) hereditary, and my 83-year old mother has fractured a few vertebrae just by livin'.

my mom has it bad too. Thankfully she hasn’t fractured anything yet but I know her bone density is an issue.

I started drinking milk again about a year ago hoping that does something.

bampilot06 01-09-22 01:17 PM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 22367289)
Yeah, I am a big believer in shock loading too, as in running down stairs. I don't think I have much of a genetic predisposition, but I weigh 140 lbs and tend sit around on my ass when I'm not on the bike, so I'm a set up. Gotta start the squats again, like coach [MENTION=140600]LAJ[/MENTION] keeps telling me too.

squats and milk squats and milk repeat.

get you swole.

bampilot06 01-09-22 01:18 PM

Originally Posted by indyfabz (Post 22367252)
Went cat food shopping today. Pembroke Welsh Corgi named Oreo. 10 weeks old. What a sweetheart he is. He’ll grow into that big head.

what happens if if you throw water on it?

Trsnrtr 01-09-22 01:20 PM

Bah Humbug Good to hear from you. Hope it all works out in the end. :thumb:

MoAlpha 01-09-22 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by bampilot06 (Post 22367291)
squats and milk squats and milk repeat.

get you swole.

And too stiff to ride, in my experience.

bampilot06 01-09-22 01:27 PM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 22367297)
And too stiff to ride, in my experience.

Nobody is perfect.

Bah Humbug 01-09-22 01:29 PM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 22367267)
Same thing happened to another youngish guy I know, but he was an idiot and British and rode himself down to a state of emaciation, in which his bones were probably embrittled.

I am from old (old) dairy farming stock and went through a gallon of milk a day for my adolescence. My bones should be as stout as stout gets.

Bah Humbug 01-09-22 01:31 PM

Originally Posted by LAJ (Post 22367233)
They were going to turn me loose on Tuesday after checking in (?) Sunday night. Unfortunately, as I was on the walker Tuesday morning, heading to head, I fainted. That kept me in an extra day. I was already off the Dilaudid IV, which was key.

I'm not sure you adductor will ever be 100%. It's weird, as even now, I struggle to tie my left shoe whilst sitting down. I blame it on age, as it gets better every year. The walking thing will just happen. One day, I realized I wasn't walking without a limp. Same with running. It'll come back, even though it's not at all important to me, but your case is certainly much different.

The shower seat we got was magic. Even now, I wish I were still using it.

Not 100% but able to run sounds weird?

MoAlpha 01-09-22 01:32 PM

Originally Posted by Bah Humbug (Post 22367299)
I am from old (old) dairy farming stock and went through a gallon of milk a day for my adolescence. My bones should be as stout as stout gets.

I think dietary intake is a necessary, but insufficient, factor in stout bones.

bampilot06 01-09-22 01:34 PM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 22367302)
I think dietary intake is a necessary, but insufficient, factor in stout bones.

does drinking stouts help form stout bones?

Koyote 01-09-22 01:36 PM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 22367289)
Yeah, I am a big believer in shock loading too, as in running down stairs. I don't think I have much of a genetic predisposition, but I weigh 140 lbs and tend sit around on my ass when I'm not on the bike, so I'm a set up. Gotta start the squats again, like coach [MENTION=140600]LAJ[/MENTION] keeps telling me too.

Yeah, I had laid off the squats because I assumed that it put to much stress on my old knees...But last week a personal trainer told me not to worry about it and to start doing them again. Damn her.

MoAlpha 01-09-22 01:39 PM

Originally Posted by bampilot06 (Post 22367303)
does drinking stouts help form stout bones?

Has to!

Bah Humbug 01-09-22 01:55 PM

Life could be worse.

Bah Humbug 01-09-22 02:11 PM

Originally Posted by bampilot06 (Post 22367303)
does drinking stouts help form stout bones?

Does it matter if it's a milk stout?

Bah Humbug 01-09-22 02:16 PM

Originally Posted by seedsbelize2 (Post 22367240)
I'm on the Brave browser. They tell me cookies are effectively blocked. Or rather that the digital me never appears the same, visit to visit. I just logged in again, btw. On another site I used to frequent, I had to verify my device each and every time I logged in. That right there is the reason I no longer go there.

Without cookies, the site has no way to know who you are after the session is closed. It does not know you validated yourself to a username, nor that you accepted the TOS. Therefor upon returning you are immediately required to go through the process. This is what you want when you want no cookies...

DougRNS 01-09-22 02:23 PM

Originally Posted by Bah Humbug (Post 22367318)

that's the spirit. Welcome back.

DougRNS 01-09-22 02:25 PM

Originally Posted by DougRNS (Post 22367350)
that's the spirit. Welcome back.

reminds me of this.

Bah Humbug 01-09-22 02:32 PM

The in-laws look at real estate every time we come here. Maybe one of these times.

LAJ 01-09-22 03:09 PM

Originally Posted by seedsbelize2 (Post 22367242)
I was in seven days for my re-attached finger.

I guess I won't be chopping any of my fingers off. 2+ days in the hospitals is bad enough.

big john 01-09-22 03:09 PM

Originally Posted by Bah Humbug (Post 22367362)
The in-laws look at real estate every time we come here. Maybe one of these times.


LAJ 01-09-22 03:15 PM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 22367289)
Yeah, I am a big believer in shock loading too, as in running down stairs. I don't think I have much of a genetic predisposition, but I weigh 140 lbs and tend sit around on my ass when I'm not on the bike, so I'm a set up. Gotta start the squats again, like coach [MENTION=140600]LAJ[/MENTION] keeps telling me too.

Yes. Even through racing season I'm doing 15-20 reps. Body weight-ish, but the maintenance helps. FWIW, we're getting heavy now, and it will continue through January. It'll start tapering a bit in February because the season starts in March.

LAJ 01-09-22 03:19 PM

Originally Posted by Koyote (Post 22367306)
Yeah, I had laid off the squats because I assumed that it put to much stress on my old knees...But last week a personal trainer told me not to worry about it and to start doing them again. Damn her.

Of course, I'm no Doctor, but your knees will be the last thing that you'll mess with when you do squats. I'm sure you know... If your form is proper, squats are the best thing you can do because it works a whack of stuff in the old bad. Dead lift is decent as an accompaniment. If you get to the point where form breaks down, back off on the weight until you regain it. Grinding is bad.

LAJ 01-09-22 03:22 PM

Originally Posted by Bah Humbug (Post 22367301)
Not 100% but able to run sounds weird?

I'm not sure what you're saying, but I don't like to run, though I can. My adductor is still tight on that side, but it functions pretty well. When I lean over to tie my shoe, my leg/knee kicks out. Not like it did at the start, but it still does a bit.

Velo Vol 01-09-22 03:22 PM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 22367267)
Same thing happened to another youngish guy I know, but he was an idiot and British and rode himself down to a state of emaciation, in which his bones were probably embrittled.


BillyD 01-09-22 03:22 PM

Originally Posted by Koyote (Post 22367282)
At my age, I've decided to replace a bit of my cycling with some weighlifting in order to maintain bone density.

Highly recommended for all cyclists.

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