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Doctor Morbius 04-21-19 04:12 PM

39.4 miles today.

Took one of the road bikes out for its first ride of the season and was going gangbusters until the rear tire flatted at 14.4 miles. :( Walked the bike home, as I was only a few blocks away, and took out one of the hybrids for 25 miles.

The tires and tubes on the road bike were brand new too. Never been ridden. :cry:

one4smoke 04-21-19 07:33 PM

Originally Posted by Doctor Morbius (Post 20894377)
39.4 miles today.

Took one of the road bikes out for its first ride of the season and was going gangbusters until the rear tire flatted at 14.4 miles. :( Walked the bike home, as I was only a few blocks away, and took out one of the hybrids for 25 miles.

The tires and tubes on the road bike were brand new too. Never been ridden. :cry:

Well that's s***house luck. :(

30.0 miles today on a beautiful 75° Easter Sunday!

NoWhammies 04-24-19 10:44 PM

50k after work. Included some climbing. Managed to get it all in before sunset.

Great night to be out on the bike.

79pmooney 04-24-19 10:58 PM

54 blocks. 3 blocks to a neighboring street. 2 blocks of flat on that street, 3 blocks hitting steeper than 15%, 1 block to the turnaround, down and repeat. 4 times. Rode home.

Got the wake-up call Sunday when I rode to Portland's steepest climb and couldn't make it. Scheduled (and pre-paid) to do two tough rides this summer. First is on the solstice, not far away at all.


diphthong 04-25-19 01:30 AM

nothing wed but a nice, hard 57 mile ride on tues with 15 miles or so on dirt running 23's w/the road bike. hit a road i'd been meaning to experience for a few years but
always had an excuse to not do it. finally ran out of excuses and it gave me a thorough thrashing. will look to do it again soon but only the fun southern half.

NoWhammies 04-26-19 10:58 PM

60k today. Managed to get a bit of climbing in, which I'd been wanting to do for a while now. The climb up, good. The ride down, freaking cold! Next time, bring warmer gloves!

one4smoke 04-27-19 07:58 PM

22 at 16.5 with the wind gusting at 15 to 20 mph.

NoWhammies 04-27-19 09:53 PM

100k. Wind was either in my face or blowing across me and my bike the whole ride. I hate wind.

Doctor Morbius 04-28-19 08:38 PM

0.6 miles today before I gave up. It was just too cold. I came home and worked abs then did some yard work. It's supposed to rain tomorrow so I plan to use the trainer for an hour.

Sometimes you have to make lemonade.

Juggy_Gales 04-29-19 03:36 AM

Long Ride

30 Mile ride from North Pinellas County to the Beach

jadocs 04-29-19 09:01 AM

101.43 miles on Saturday. Took Sunday off. Will ride again today.

insignia100 04-29-19 05:54 PM

Did 11 miles today, slowly working up to 20 mile rides, at which point I will buy a road bike and start training for a 50 mile ride in earnest...

Juggy_Gales 04-29-19 06:09 PM

Originally Posted by jadocs (Post 20905864)
101.43 miles on Saturday. Took Sunday off. Will ride again today.

I hope to one day be able to do 100mile rides.. I look forward to it.. Im at 30miles now.. with the heat it beat me up a bit.. but physically Im not hurting which is good. Ive lost a good amount of weight.. Once I get to 50 miles Ill look into a good road bike.. I'll probably buy in the $1800-2500 range which should be enough of a bike to do what I want to do.. Im not a pro and I won't be racing. But would love a nice fast decently light dedicated road bike.

jadocs 04-29-19 08:09 PM

Originally Posted by Juggy_Gales (Post 20906824)
I hope to one day be able to do 100mile rides.. I look forward to it.. Im at 30miles now.. with the heat it beat me up a bit.. but physically Im not hurting which is good. Ive lost a good amount of weight.. Once I get to 50 miles Ill look into a good road bike.. I'll probably buy in the $1800-2500 range which should be enough of a bike to do what I want to do.. Im not a pro and I won't be racing. But would love a nice fast decently light dedicated road bike.

You can do it. If you can do 30 now without hurting you can do 50.

diphthong 04-29-19 08:12 PM

42 miles with some rain here and there. didn't mind as a back problem had me sidelined since thursday. just nice to be out regardless of the weather.

Juggy_Gales 04-29-19 08:35 PM

Originally Posted by jadocs (Post 20906988)
You can do it. If you can do 30 now without hurting you can do 50.

Yesterday I was wiped.. the sun and heat got me.. it was only 85 yesterday but the sun was on me for hrs.. thats what finally drained me.. so now that I am fully hydrated again etc.. Im fine..
Ill do a few more 30 mile runs then go for a 50

diphthong 04-30-19 10:23 PM

another 40+ miler in mixed overcast and rain. again, just nice to be out.

one4smoke 05-03-19 06:48 AM

A quick 22 mile ride after work yesterday at almost 17 mph. Gorgeous evening with perfect temps and no wind, made it difficult to want to come home ...but the Mrs. had pizza and beer waiting. ;)

Doctor Morbius 05-03-19 12:43 PM

30 miles today. Avg. speed = 15.4 MPH. Avg. HR = 124 BPM. Felt good, but it was still a little chilly and damp. Sunday should be much nicer riding weather.

NoWhammies 05-04-19 10:24 PM

115k today. Sun was out, but the temp was cool. Great to be out on the bike again after a week away. Damn work.

alloo 05-05-19 06:24 AM

I rode 4 miles checking out a local bike trail. It was pretty cool. Tonight, I will go the opposite direction on the bike trail.

Doctor Morbius 05-05-19 02:27 PM

Today I turned 59 so to celebrate I rode 59 miles. Had to take a couple of breaks for food, drink and "other" stuff. Total ride time was 3 Hrs. 47 Min. Avg. HR = 128 BPM. Avg Speed around 15.1 MPH.

Paul Barnard 05-05-19 03:29 PM

I did my first 50+ miler since my shoulder surgery in October. I rode my touring bike and averaged right at 16. I rode the Tammany Trace where there are a good number of street crossings where I had to stop. It was a wonderful weather day here. The shoulder held up pretty well. My butt is a bit sore, but overall I am happy. I need to build up some miles before I go to Colorado this year.

PaulH 05-05-19 03:39 PM

One mile for a haircut.

jadocs 05-06-19 08:42 AM

26 miles Friday
52 miles Saturday
Sunday - off
Will probably do 20 after work today.

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