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BillyD 07-01-19 08:19 PM

Addiction LXXV
Here's the new puppy, 12 weeks old, 24 lbs, full of mischievous energy, chewing on EVERYTHING.

Makel 07-01-19 08:32 PM

Pointy ears.

Trsnrtr 07-01-19 08:32 PM

Awww. :love:

rjones28 07-01-19 08:32 PM


noodle soup 07-01-19 09:03 PM

Originally Posted by Makel (Post 21006848)
Pointy ears.

No ****.

I say we trim the owner's ears.

gnome 07-01-19 09:12 PM

Originally Posted by BillyD (Post 21006826)
Here's the new puppy, 12 weeks old, 24 lbs, full of mischievous energy, chewing on EVERYTHING.

It's a puppy. Chewing on everything is their default state. You shouldn't be surprised by now.

datlas 07-02-19 03:48 AM

Originally Posted by BillyD (Post 21006826)
Here's the new puppy, 12 weeks old, 24 lbs, full of mischievous energy, chewing on EVERYTHING.

You should name him Spock.

seedsbelize 07-02-19 05:58 AM

Originally Posted by rjones28 (Post 21006851)

Is anybody out there?

BillyD 07-02-19 06:03 AM

We have gone through so many name ideas by now . . . spice, sky, stormy, sáde, samurai. We thought we had settled on sparkle, but the luster on that one faded over time, I kept thinking about that goofy teenager of the tv show by the same name. Finally we were all able to agree on Venus, so that’s what she’s stuck with. I don’t think it carries as far as most of the others when calling her name, which was my priority, but I guess it’ll do.

In regards to the ears, of course you know there’ll be critics, but you can’t please everybody. The ears are 95% of what makes a Doberman, otherwise it’s just a floppy-eared hound.

datlas 07-02-19 06:20 AM

Originally Posted by seedsbelize (Post 21007218)
Is anybody out there?

Is there anybody in there?

Trsnrtr 07-02-19 06:22 AM

Originally Posted by BillyD (Post 21007223)
...of course you know there’ll be critics, but you can’t please everybody.

Really? Ive never noticed. :D

Trsnrtr 07-02-19 06:52 AM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 21007248)

Beat me to it.

WhyFi 07-02-19 07:10 AM

Originally Posted by seedsbelize (Post 21007218)
Is anybody out there?

MoAlpha 07-02-19 07:28 AM

Well, based on last night's reading assignment from [MENTION=209428]seedsbelize[/MENTION], I tried nose breathing on some of the less anaerobic parts of this morning's flail and was clearly able to raise my pCO2 to the point of frank air panic or the "pink puffer" stage of COPD. There was, however, no accompanying performance benefit of which I was aware. It also occurred to me that I might be genetically unsuited to distance sports and more adapted to chess and philosophical debate, simply by virtue of the conformation of my nose.

seedsbelize 07-02-19 07:40 AM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 21007384)
Well, based on last night's reading assignment from [MENTION=209428]seedsbelize[/MENTION], I tried nose breathing on some of the less anaerobic parts of this morning's flail and was clearly able to raise my pCO2 to the point of frank air panic or the "pink puffer" stage of COPD. There was, however, no accompanying performance benefit of which I was aware. It also occurred to me that I might be genetically unsuited to distance sports and more adapted to chess and philosophical debate, simply by virtue of the conformation of my nose.

Well, one advantage is you don't inhale any bugs. I tend to use nose breathing to Pace myself; otherwise I tend to go too hard too early, and then have difficulties. Difficulties around dispepsia which, oddly, manifest in my jaw. If I cut the power immediately, I can remain mounted. Otherwise it's a stop and sit down thing. Unpleasant and frustrating.

indyfabz 07-02-19 08:04 AM

So I see that, during my absence, entrance prior to prohibition became a four letter word.

MoAlpha 07-02-19 08:29 AM

Originally Posted by seedsbelize (Post 21007407)
Well, one advantage is you don't inhale any bugs. I tend to use nose breathing to Pace myself; otherwise I tend to go too hard too early, and then have difficulties. Difficulties around dispepsia which, oddly, manifest in my jaw. If I cut the power immediately, I can remain mounted. Otherwise it's a stop and sit down thing. Unpleasant and frustrating.

Hmmm. Jaw pain can be referred from nerves in the chest, including those to the heart, and is a famous angina "equivalent." Sorry to sound like some of the amateurs around here, but jaw pain with exertion and relieved by rest is definitely worth getting checked out!

Bugs, provided they don't sting, are a welcome source of nutrition for me. My wife's description of my appearance this morning after the ride was "cadaverous."

seedsbelize 07-02-19 09:23 AM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 21007458)
Hmmm. Jaw pain can be referred from nerves in the chest, including those to the heart, and is a famous angina "equivalent." Sorry to sound like some of the amateurs around here, but jaw pain with exertion and relieved by rest is definitely worth getting checked out!

Bugs, provided they don't sting, are a welcome source of nutrition for me. My wife's description of my appearance this morning after the ride was "cadaverous."

Thanks for the tip. I'll check with my doctor. I had decided the pressure there was caused by indigestion, which I have in abundance. The jaw thing has been a more recent addition.

seedsbelize 07-02-19 11:28 AM

I went to see my doctor a few minutes ago (yes, we are on Mexico's public option, [and we're in a village setting as opposed to the city] so I can go in any time before noon, and if the doctor has a few minutes, she'll talk to me). She disagreed on the exact destination of the nerves, believing them to be further back on the neck. I pressed her on this and she said that the jugular could be stressed, thus causing pain in one side of the jaw, but not both sides. Perhaps my pain is indeed further back, but I have no intention of testing it. In any case she cleared me for my upcoming trip to Belize, with Mrs. Seeds, as long as I don't over exert, over drink, or get overly stressed out. And she wrote up an order for an elecdtrocardiogram when I get back. She's in her 30s, if that makes a difference.
Carry on,

MoAlpha 07-02-19 11:37 AM

Originally Posted by seedsbelize (Post 21007877)
I went to see my doctor a few minutes ago (yes, we are on Mexico's public option, [and we're in a village setting as opposed to the city] so I can go in any time before noon, and if the doctor has a few minutes, she'll talk to me). She disagreed on the exact destination of the nerves, believing them to be further back on the neck. I pressed her on this and she said that the jugular could be stressed, thus causing pain in one side of the jaw, but not both sides. Perhaps my pain is indeed further back, but I have no intention of testing it. In any case she cleared me for my upcoming trip to Belize, with Mrs. Seeds, as long as I don't over exert, over drink, or get overly stressed out. And she wrote up an order for an elecdtrocardiogram when I get back. She's in her 30s, if that makes a difference.
Carry on,

Good outcome! Sorry to be a busybody and I hope whatever it is goes away soon. Smart and dumb docs come in all shapes, sizes, and ages.

seedsbelize 07-02-19 11:44 AM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 21007894)
Good outcome! Sorry to be a busybody and I hope whatever it is goes away soon. Smart and dumb docs come in all shapes, sizes, and ages.

I was fishing for a comment when I wrote that. A sly way around without asking outright. I did some internet research, which the doc admonished me not to do, and as a result will look more deeply into it as time goes along. I will NOT be attempting any more intervals. I will not rule out heart issues. And I appreciate your insight. I realized, a few minutes ago, that the discomfort is likely in my throat and presenting itself in the jaws. That would follow the jugular theory. Which does include angina.

WhyFi 07-02-19 02:58 PM

Me: Honey, what should we have for dinner tonight? I feel like we're in a rut, eating the same ol' things.

Wife: Leftovers?

Me: :foo:

rpenmanparker 07-02-19 03:06 PM

IMO and IME you don't talk about jaw pain, you do something about it. You don’t get a bunch of second chances. My brother was having “heartburn” when playing tennis. He called and asked me what to do? Seriously? Quad bypass. The folks who have pain without a heart attack are the lucky ones. I wasn’t so lucky. Don’t ignore it. If it is serious, it won’t warn you forever. See a cardiologist. A village GP may be a fine doctor, but is in no position to help you properly.

rpenmanparker 07-02-19 03:11 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 21008257)
Me: Honey, what should we have for dinner tonight? I feel like we're in a rut, eating the same ol' things.

Wife: Leftovers?

Me: :foo:

I keep trying to get my chef SIL to open a restaurant called “Play It Again Sam”, comfort food dishes at dinner and leftovers for lunch the next day. Hot sandwiches made out of the meatloaf and meatballs, roast beef, roast chicken, turkey/gravy/dressing/cberry sauce, etc. leftover from the night before. Lots of gravy on everything. Chicken pot pie from the chicken soup. And so on. He just shrugs.

WhyFi 07-02-19 03:17 PM

Originally Posted by rpenmanparker (Post 21008278)
I keep trying to get my chef SIL to open a restaurant called “Play It Again Sam”, comfort food dishes at dinner and leftovers for lunch the next day. Hot sandwiches made out of the meatloaf and meatballs, roast beef, roast chicken, turkey/gravy/dressing/cberry sauce, etc. leftover from the night before. Lots of gravy on everything. Chicken pot pie from the chicken soup. And so on. He just shrugs.

Transformed leftovers can be great, but that's not what my wife is talking about.

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