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ls01 04-08-20 08:29 AM

Originally Posted by indyfabz (Post 21407089)


WhyFi 04-08-20 08:29 AM

Originally Posted by ls01 (Post 21407102)
holy halibut, I was 6

I was 7 years away from being born.

MoAlpha 04-08-20 08:34 AM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 21407096)
Addiction/VA/Cervelo ride meet-up.

You know - if the zombies don't get us first.

We can also meet up in Naptown and go sailing.

big john 04-08-20 08:35 AM

Originally Posted by noodle soup (Post 21406745)
I love this version of Can't Find My Way Home.I

Me too.

big john 04-08-20 08:38 AM

Originally Posted by Trsnrtr (Post 21407081)
FTR, I graduated HS in 1969. I'm not sure anyone here is older than me. Billy? Seeds?

Beat me by 2 years. Maybe 1.5 because Winter 1971.

ericy 04-08-20 08:41 AM

Originally Posted by Trsnrtr (Post 21407077)
Don't you think it's because you can't effectively lighten your load? At least that's what I always feel when on a trainer. It's that constant pressure all the time even when you try to ease up.

That's it for me. It is hard for me to dial it back to a leisurely pace - even when my intention is to do a so-called recovery ride. I just get pulled into trying to push harder and harder. All of those other riders passing me I guess - plays tricks with my mind.

indyfabz 04-08-20 08:47 AM

Originally Posted by ls01 (Post 21407102)
holy halibut, I was 6

I was 4.

datlas 04-08-20 08:55 AM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 21407088)
I dumb. That's what I meant. So does it feel similar to when you're on the road or worse?

Feels worse. I may have a lower threshold on the trainer to say "screw it, I am done" compared to on the road.

I am not racing so don't really care a whole lot about it, but it's indeed frustrating to lose the draft benefits on Zwift (for whatever reason), get gapped, dial it up to 400W to get back to the group only to be dropped by the group in 2 minutes because I can't maintain the (previously sustainable) effort required.

MoAlpha 04-08-20 09:00 AM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 21407149)
Feels worse. I may have a lower threshold on the trainer to say "screw it, I am done" compared to on the road.

I am not racing so don't really care a whole lot about it, but it's indeed frustrating to lose the draft benefits on Zwift (for whatever reason), get gapped, dial it up to 400W to get back to the group only to be dropped by the group in 2 minutes because I can't maintain the (previously sustainable) effort required.

Yup,it sure is. Your description applies to about 68% of my real world racing experience.

datlas 04-08-20 09:00 AM

Charoset done and tastes fantastic. Matzoh ball soup done.

LAJ 04-08-20 09:10 AM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 21407029)
I just did another virtual ride on Zwift.

I have a question for people who have trained more with power. I notice that I can ride say "easy-all day" at something like Zone 2, no problem....Zone 3, mildly hard but can still maintain for a long time. Getting into Zone 4 is fine for a few minutes but I can't sustain it indefinitely, and of course Zone 5 is short term. I think that's "normal."

The problem is on Zwift, sometimes there is a sprint or a hill and I have to go beyond Zone 5, say 140-200% of FTP. I do that as best I can for several seconds to bridge the gap or not get dropped....but once I do that effort, even staying in Zone 3 is hard for me. I feel totally shot and have to drop to Zone 1 for a few minutes to recover. What happens on Zwift is that I burn matches, bridge the gap, only to get dropped because I can't maintain Zone 2/3.

It's hard to say how much of this weakness is mental and how much is physiologic, I suspect it's both.

Any comments or advice?

This is very typical for a club rider. 50-60 mile rides are what you enjoy, and when they get longer, I think you say you get bored? You have base all set for that ride, and can hold that pace as long as you want. You can coast when you want, and pedal when you like, and on the road, you're only going by HR. That stands to reason you're going to like that ride more, and be able to "hold" power easier, because as said, micro-resting, coasting, all that is a small recovery. Hold Z2 on the trainer for two hours, true upper Z2, and don't stop pedaling. Same on the road. No coasting. Once that happens, up it to 2.5, 3 hours, more. That's setting the base for the rest of the riding you'll do. If you can do that, you'll be a faster club rider, but you'll still get blown out the back door in the next race you do.

Once you start doing the stuff that makes you breathe hard, and limit recovery, is when you'll be able to do the race stuff. My breathing hard base stuff was 2' on, 1 minute rest, 4 times per set, 4 sets, 5 minutes rest between sets. Now when I do 2 on, 2 off, it's like a vacation, and my numbers are up. Same with 40" on, 20 easy (easy=lowZ2/High Z1/No actual rest) for 10 minutes, rest 8-10' between each, times 4. Nasty, and breathing is off the chart, but that's what it's about. 5x6' 120% 5 rest between, 3x20' 105% 10 rest between, stuff like that is the cherry on top.

You train to train better, which transfers to racing strong. Racing well is a whole nuther deal.

LAJ 04-08-20 09:11 AM

You people are old.

datlas 04-08-20 09:16 AM

Originally Posted by laj (Post 21407184)
you people are old.



seedsbelize 04-08-20 09:16 AM

Originally Posted by Pirkaus (Post 21406755)
Schrödinger's cat illustrates the observation problem well, once you wrap your head around it. Like so many things, humans try to apply Earthly terms to quantum problems, it doesn't work people. Look at the solar system, it could just as easily be a single atom in a larger world and universe. Space is so vast, that our mortal time frame limits our distance capacity. Now, don't forget the faster you move, the slower time progresses, in you frame of reference, so earth years become meaningless. Oh, lets not for get E=Mc2, the faster something travels the more massive it becomes. You would become infinitely massive, the closer to the speed of light you reach. Thus you would require infinite energy, to hold your speed. Let's just leave the amount of energy required to warp space out, unless you like to sovle that too.

With teleportation, all that would be meaningless

datlas 04-08-20 09:18 AM

Originally Posted by LAJ (Post 21407182)
This is very typical for a club rider. 50-60 mile rides are what you enjoy, and when they get longer, I think you say you get bored? You have base all set for that ride, and can hold that pace as long as you want. You can coast when you want, and pedal when you like, and on the road, you're only going by HR. That stands to reason you're going to like that ride more, and be able to "hold" power easier, because as said, micro-resting, coasting, all that is a small recovery. Hold Z2 on the trainer for two hours, true upper Z2, and don't stop pedaling. Same on the road. No coasting. Once that happens, up it to 2.5, 3 hours, more. That's setting the base for the rest of the riding you'll do. If you can do that, you'll be a faster club rider, but you'll still get blown out the back door in the next race you do.

Once you start doing the stuff that makes you breathe hard, and limit recovery, is when you'll be able to do the race stuff. My breathing hard base stuff was 2' on, 1 minute rest, 4 times per set, 4 sets, 5 minutes rest between sets. Now when I do 2 on, 2 off, it's like a vacation, and my numbers are up. Same with 40" on, 20 easy (easy=lowZ2/High Z1/No actual rest) for 10 minutes, rest 8-10' between each, times 4. Nasty, and breathing is off the chart, but that's what it's about. 5x6' 120% 5 rest between, 3x20' 105% 10 rest between, stuff like that is the cherry on top.

You train to train better, which transfers to racing strong. Racing well is a whole nuther deal.

Agree. And I don’t have any interest in racing. I can still drop most of my friends on the hills.


rjones28 04-08-20 09:19 AM

Originally Posted by LAJ (Post 21407184)
You people are old.

Tell me about it.

seedsbelize 04-08-20 09:24 AM

Originally Posted by Trsnrtr (Post 21407081)
FTR, I graduated HS in 1969. I'm not sure anyone here is older than me. Billy? Seeds?

Graduated in 70.
Penmman is older, but he's not around anymore

seedsbelize 04-08-20 09:35 AM

I just got in from my road ride. Smelling the roses effort. I was all prepared for any questions they might have for me at the checkpoint. He recognized me and waved me through. Much ado about nothing. I hope it holds as we get deeper into this thing.
​​​​​Velo Vol I wore my mask throughout 22 miles of riding, except to take a drink

Velo Vol 04-08-20 09:44 AM

Originally Posted by LAJ (Post 21407184)
You people are old.


Originally Posted by seedsbelize (Post 21407213)
Penmman is older, but he's not around anymore


Originally Posted by seedsbelize (Post 21407246)
​​​​​Velo Vol I wore my mask throughout 22 miles of riding, except to take a drink

One kudos minus 1/2 kudos for the drink = 0.5 kudos

Checkpoint? wut

MoAlpha 04-08-20 10:13 AM

Hey, [MENTION=107711]datlas[/MENTION], 8 APR model run!

datlas 04-08-20 10:19 AM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 21407331)
Hey, [MENTION=107711]datlas[/MENTION], 8 APR model run!

I see that.

One issue, I expect a much longer "tail" in the distribution and some undulation in said tail, based on loosening of restrictions and people getting more confident and taking more risks These models don't factor that in.

My first "death panel" teleconference is 2PM today. I am feeling more hopeful that such services won't be needed, but we can't get too confident just yet.

MoAlpha 04-08-20 10:23 AM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 21407344)
I see that.

One issue, I expect a much longer "tail" in the distribution and some undulation in said tail, based on loosening of restrictions and people getting more confident and taking more risks These models don't factor that in.

My first "death panel" teleconference is 2PM today. I am feeling more hopeful that such services won't be needed, but we can't get too confident just yet.

You're right. This is a system that could easily oscillate. I guess they don't model in any future changes in regime or behavior.

Very interested in your death panel experience.

Velo Vol 04-08-20 10:28 AM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 21407344)
My first "death panel" teleconference is 2PM today.

Better practice.

BillyD 04-08-20 10:37 AM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 21406296)
You're traveling to a distant star by spaceship and you can only take three of your favorite songs from high school with you.


For me just three is virtually impossible, because during high school both R&B and Rock & Roll were exploding onto the scene simultaneously. Here's a dozen samples.

1963 Can I get a witness - Marvin Gaye
1964 You never can tell - Chuck Berry
1964 Runnin' out of fools - Aretha Franklin
1964 She loves you - Beatles
1965 Azucar - Eddie Palmeri
1965 I can't help myself - Four Tops
1965 I've been loving you too long - Otis Redding
1965 Satisfaction - Rolling Stones
1966 My world is empty without you - Supremes
1966 Uptight - Stevie Wonder
1966 Mustang Sally - Wilson Pickett
1966 The sound of silence - Simon & Garfunkel

BillyD 04-08-20 10:45 AM

Originally Posted by noodle soup (Post 21406494)
I got the call from my employer today, and I've been furloughed.

I'll be fine financially(in theory) if this doesn't last more than 6 months, but what am I supposed to do with all this free time?

I hear it's great riding weather in those climes for a young buck.

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