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ls01 07-04-22 04:29 AM

Originally Posted by 2manybikes (Post 22562412)
Who else us riding to a parade tomorrow?

I am, but only because that's where we start our ride before they start the parade.

ls01 07-04-22 04:30 AM

Originally Posted by Jack Tone (Post 22562224)
Got my Powerpod power meter to work. Don't know my own strength.

His legs must be huge....

ls01 07-04-22 04:37 AM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22562665)
Time to vent - apologies.

I mean, I know that my BIL is aggressively lazy, but muther ****. :mad:

The AC stopped working effectively overnight and my MIL asked him to check it out first thing in the morning. Before leaving for the day, I changed out the air filter, which still had my handwriting on it from when I changed it out... in Aug 2021.

We (wife and I and the kids) just got back from a day of being out and about on vacation to find the lazy **** laying on the couch, per usual. "Well, the fan's not spinning outside. I haven't checked the fuse out there, yet."

Why. The ****. Not? It's July in VA, you moron.

It took me 30 seconds to confirm that there is no ******g fuse and then another 60 seconds for my wife to call the heating/cooling company to find out that, hey - it's now after 5:00 and effectively the 4th, maybe we'll get back to you on Tuesday.

Lazy ******g ****.

did you turn it off and turn it back on?

t2p 07-04-22 04:40 AM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22562817)
Ran out with a long-handled screw driver to reach through the grate and spin the blades - moving freely. Probably a bad cap, then, but I don't want to unscrew the panel and be a sitting duck for dusk mosquitos. :cry:

if the outdoor unit is not spinning - and motor still good (?) - could be a bad capacitor

I don't know squat about HVAC - but have a few friends in the field so I've acquired a few tidbits

t2p 07-04-22 04:42 AM

Originally Posted by ls01 (Post 22563055)
His legs must be huge....

ls01 07-04-22 04:48 AM

Had a little run in with a rail road gate yesterday. We got stopped by the train so the arm was down. We went on the side walk as the train was ending. As I was passing the traffic control the guy behind me said "I'm on your right" so I moved left and got hit by the counter weight for the arm. Backs all scraped up and bruised hips sore. Knocked the wind out of me. I'm sore as crap this morning. Hopefully a hot shower will help. Must avoid in the future. Wish I saw who was passing me I'd have a couple words for him.

t2p 07-04-22 04:51 AM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 22562832)

back in the day my little guy getting some outfield reps at PNC

t2p 07-04-22 04:59 AM

Originally Posted by big john (Post 22562851)
A friend of mine passed a couple years back and his wife gave away a lot of his bike stuff. Our club had a memorial ride and she was at the park where we went and had a ton of food for everyone. I think there were at least 50 riders, he was a member of the club before I was. I got some of his gels and packaged ride snacks but couldn't use any of his gear.

memorial ride sounded like great tribute and good time

one of my close bike friends passed away within the past year ; he was a frame builder and had a shop at his house so he had a significant amount of component / parts and tools

some 'young guys' (lol) purchased majority of the frame build tools and related

LBS has been selling off much of his inventory on eBay

seedsbelize2 07-04-22 05:20 AM

Wordle 5/6
The business end of the weed eater flew apart Saturday... Which adds a trip to the city to my already busy schedule.

Trsnrtr 07-04-22 05:37 AM

Originally Posted by gnome (Post 22562956)
Had an enjoyable weekend tramping (hiking) and soaking in some natural hot pools. Nice easy walk. Lots of good food. Good company. It even was fairly mild for winter with only a light frost.

Beautiful, Symon. :thumb:

seedsbelize2 07-04-22 05:48 AM

When's the last time you've seen stars like that? Wow!
They must have more in the southern hemisphere. We didn't get that concentration even in the Belizean rainforest.

indyfabz 07-04-22 06:19 AM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22563043)
Haven't seen this in a long time.

Wordle 380 2/6


Same here, only different.

Wordle 380 6/6


rjones28 07-04-22 06:54 AM

Originally Posted by ls01 (Post 22563067)
Had a little run in with a rail road gate yesterday. We got stopped by the train so the arm was down. We went on the side walk as the train was ending. As I was passing the traffic control the guy behind me said "I'm on your right" so I moved left and got hit by the counter weight for the arm. Backs all scraped up and bruised hips sore. Knocked the wind out of me. I'm sore as crap this morning. Hopefully a hot shower will help. Must avoid in the future. Wish I saw who was passing me I'd have a couple words for him.

It wasn't me.

Jack Tone 07-04-22 08:29 AM

Originally Posted by ls01 (Post 22563055)
His legs must be huge....

Just a quick sprint past a yellow light.

Back when I lived in the Bay Area, I was riding in Portola Valley, and a guy in 7 Eleven kit was riding the other way about 20 mph sitting up, no handed. Turned out it was Eric Heiden. Talk about BIG legs!!

seedsbelize2 07-04-22 08:38 AM

Slow morning. Must be a bank holiday. I hope you all are relaxing marvelously. I have already run a few errands, on the town bike, and will soon head to the city on the bus. Ungodly humid this morning.
Aahhhh summertime

t2p 07-04-22 08:51 AM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22562628)
I prepared a notebook on what to do if I croak. I have a few things of substantial value that if not sold right she could lose meaningful money, so for that I told her who to get to help her. I also gave her detailed instructions on how to collect the practice receivables, and how to take over the real estate company. I don’t want her to worry about small stuff, but don’t want her giving away stuff that could be converted to meaningful cash.

we have a ton of 'stuff'

I've been a 'picker' for decades - more of an accumulator than a collector so we have an assortment of ... 'stuff'

old toys, tools, jugs, pots, trunks, car, motorcycle, bicycle (including vintage bmx), etc

some of the stuff can be worth some money - so I have reviewed/reminded wife and kids (just in case/when that time arrives)

I should probably document

LesterOfPuppets 07-04-22 09:14 AM

Oooh man, that's pretty snug.


datlas 07-04-22 09:34 AM

Good news: I went on a ride with some friends
Bad news: I am on call and got several pages, the first couple I was able to address while soft pedaling, but more kept coming so I had to send my friends on their way and put out some fires.
Good news: on my way home I saw some yummy wild raspberries and ate them. Dee-licious!

genejockey 07-04-22 09:34 AM

Originally Posted by t2p (Post 22563236)
we have a ton of 'stuff'

I've been a 'picker' for decades - more of an accumulator than a collector so we have an assortment of ... 'stuff'

old toys, tools, jugs, pots, trunks, car, motorcycle, bicycle (including vintage bmx), etc

some of the stuff can be worth some money - so I have reviewed/reminded wife and kids (just in case/when that time arrives)

I should probably document

I was talking to my cousin's husband a couple years back- they're about 12 or so years older than me. They'd recently moved from the big house with a barn they'd lived in for years into an apartment/townhouse in a 55+ community. He was describing all the stuff he found in the barn that he'd accumulated over the years - like a bunch of electric motors that he was "going to fix someday." .

genejockey 07-04-22 09:48 AM

Another embarrassment of riches day. I know too many words.
Wordle 380 5/6


big john 07-04-22 10:01 AM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 22563257)

Best thing they did was move the driver to the front, at least in the dragsters.

DougRNS 07-04-22 10:05 AM

This is how bored I was last night.

DougRNS 07-04-22 10:14 AM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 22562832)

Yes, nice view. Stadium is nice too. Watched the game on the TV, streaming it on MLB.TV

Mojo31 07-04-22 10:27 AM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 22563257)

And we worry about carbon bikes assploding.

genejockey 07-04-22 10:48 AM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22563338)
And we worry about carbon bikes assploding.

Yeah, you wouldn't find me sitting with a diff in my lap.

LesterOfPuppets 07-04-22 11:39 AM

They should do this again, I'd totally drive to San Diego for it. Fireworks shows are too damn long.

MoAlpha 07-04-22 11:47 AM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22562739)
No, no - there was no fuse in the circuit in the first place. He just assumed that there was and didn't check and didn't call anyone, either.

When I changed that filter in August, it had been more than a year and a half since it had been changed. The intake was audibly groaning from the load, but he never noticed. :rolleyes:

There’s a capacitor in the power circuit for the outside unit which has a limited lifespan. That’s my dumbass guess.

MoAlpha 07-04-22 11:51 AM

Originally Posted by ls01 (Post 22563067)
Had a little run in with a rail road gate yesterday. We got stopped by the train so the arm was down. We went on the side walk as the train was ending. As I was passing the traffic control the guy behind me said "I'm on your right" so I moved left and got hit by the counter weight for the arm. Backs all scraped up and bruised hips sore. Knocked the wind out of me. I'm sore as crap this morning. Hopefully a hot shower will help. Must avoid in the future. Wish I saw who was passing me I'd have a couple words for him.

Holy smoke! Better than the train, I guess.

rjones28 07-04-22 12:07 PM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 22563257)

Hope that diff doesn't fail. :twitchy:

LesterOfPuppets 07-04-22 12:52 PM

Happy fig season from LoP Farms!


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