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Troul 07-02-22 06:28 PM

Originally Posted by kahn (Post 22561407)
I am having trouble (once again) navigating to the end of this thread. I get returned to page 155. I can forward to 159 or Reply 3975. I can forward by editing the url to 159 but 160 does not work and sends me back to 155. I can use the drop down to select a page but, again it will not got to 160.

Let's see if entering this reply takes me to the end or not. I must have a setting wrong somewhere.

edited to add:

Well, I finally found my way to the end by setting my options to CONTINUOUS SCROLL which is not my favored reading method.

It's a legacy forum glitch that the admin is aware of. Those pages that are not viewable are actually nothing. It's like chasing a forum carrot.

SpeedyBlueBiker 07-02-22 09:23 PM

Shorter ride today, just 25 miles. Nice day though.

Daniel4 07-02-22 09:57 PM

Will this be post #3993 on page 160 of 164?

I rode 40.9 km today. Had some fried chicken at 26km.

Camilo 07-03-22 12:06 AM

21.5 miles, 1,745 feet of climbing. I'm slow, average 12-13mph on these typical solo rides.

The Chemist 07-03-22 03:27 AM

JohnDThompson 07-03-22 07:59 AM

Only 28mi on Friday. Cut it short after two flats, as I had no more spare tubes. 40mi on the fixed gear yesterday.

kahn 07-03-22 08:57 AM

Originally Posted by Daniel4 (Post 22562067)
Will this be post #3993 on page 160 of 164?

I rode 40.9 km today. Had some fried chicken at 26km.

Maybe those page numbers are metric rather than Imperial! :p

My issue was I could not even get to the last page or pages. It always bottomed out at 155 and then I could manually force it to 159. But it would not go further. I changed to continuous scrolling to finally find the last page/entries.

Ubie 07-03-22 09:21 AM

31.7mi gravel ride. ~400' of climb, all in miles 2-16. Downhill on the way back :)

808HIcycler 07-03-22 11:54 AM

34.5 miles and 2000'ish. First group ride in a year and a half. It was good as it kept me from going out and trying to kill myself, and forced me to maintain a conversational pace.

biker128pedal 07-03-22 03:08 PM

Hot and humid ride today. 25 miles. Seem like a popular distance this past week or so. stopped in town for a photo.

kahn 07-03-22 06:12 PM

Zero. Zilch. Not a mile. Well, it is to be expected. It is after all a holiday weekend, a long weekend, a "summer" weekend in Seattle where we are notorious for....

Troul 07-03-22 06:41 PM

Originally Posted by kahn (Post 22562358)
Maybe those page numbers are metric rather than Imperial! :p

My issue was I could not even get to the last page or pages. It always bottomed out at 155 and then I could manually force it to 159. But it would not go further. I changed to continuous scrolling to finally find the last page/entries.

Would you SAE it was intentional for using such a measuring system?

Troul 07-03-22 06:43 PM

130 Miles.

SpeedyBlueBiker 07-04-22 10:35 AM

25 miles on Saturday with a group off of youtube. It was a very casual ride at 13-14mph. Stopped at a very busy "bike" intersection at the University of Washington. Lot's of "bike porn" as in $$bikes$$ riding by in the 20 minutes we were there.

ofajen 07-04-22 12:58 PM

17 miles today in midday heat and I would have rather done without the last three miles. But at least my handiwork this morning converting the old MTB to drop bars worked perfectly!


rsbob 07-04-22 05:14 PM

Zero, zilch, nada. Had wine last night which seems to be a performance inhibitor and needed to maintain the garden from non-natives and evil weeds.

delbiker1 07-04-22 05:19 PM

I put in 50 miles on my ti Airborne Zeppelin. A picture of my bike as I was heading out the door this morning. Then a shot from Bethany Beach. I thought about asking if I could ride in the Bethany Beach July 4th parade, but did not, I prefer to stay away from Bethany when it is like it is on the 4th, especially mid day for the parade, and, of course, at night for the fireworks. Honestly, it has not been as crowded and busy as it usually is for this weekend, despite having beautiful weather.

kahn 07-04-22 08:29 PM

Originally Posted by rsbob (Post 22563740)
Zero, zilch, nada. Had wine last night which seems to be a performance inhibitor and needed to maintain the garden from non-natives and evil weeds.

Again, that is quite the spread and landscaping - you've posted before. REALLY nice. Mine is almost all dandelions. And is that a water view I see and I don't mean the fountain!

Troul 07-04-22 08:37 PM

88 Miles with a 2nd roll for 14 miles to go watch some fireworks.

kahn 07-04-22 08:45 PM

23.3 and about 1,100 gain. As I left the house it was kind of overcast and then got hit with a few, very few sprinkles but persevered and it cleared nicely. None of the parks I visited were overcrowded which I expected on 4th of July. On the way home I passed through ZERO GROUND neighborhood for 4th of July fireworks. It is a residential neighborhood and street closed signs cordoned it off for blocks. Folks were walking carrying chairs and mats and blankets. I noted to a passing couple at 4:30PM that the fireworks don't start for SIX hours - 10:30pm. But, at least, it is clear. I still recall my first 4th of July fireworks in Seattle. It was chilly and pouring down rain.

I hope to sleep through the mayhem.
Eke, without the fountain, all is revealed.
I've never liked that breakwater.
Pixel Magic Eraser took care of it (g)
Just leaving dock for Alaska. It was still docked when I passed it earlier, blowing its horn.

rsbob 07-04-22 09:08 PM

Originally Posted by kahn (Post 22563914)
Again, that is quite the spread and landscaping - you've posted before. REALLY nice. Mine is almost all dandelions. And is that a water view I see and I don't mean the fountain!

Thanks!. we planted every single thing (except the fir trees). When we bought the place it was an acre of grass. We rototilled, pulled out 6 tons of small rock and brought in 60 yards of mulch. It was a multi-year project. Now it is looking pretty good. It is a constant work in progress.

no agua view. We do have a nice view of Tiger Mtn.

Troul 07-06-22 03:36 AM

brifted 35 miles.

Ubie 07-06-22 09:45 AM

Managed to sneak in 16mi on the rail trail before the first meetings of the day. Probably won't have a chance to ride again until Monday, boo!

shapiroeric 07-06-22 03:55 PM

0 today. I’m brand new to cycling and strictly a weekend warrior due to time constraints. 57 miles on Sunday and 60 on Monday, almost 7000 ft over the 2 days….

diphthong 07-06-22 06:46 PM

30-spot in the localish mountains. nice day.

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