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noglider 03-11-10 01:00 PM

Matt, 65er's point is that you disassemble each component and polish each piece, and that's unusual.

What do you do to get frames so shiny?

And are acidic cleaners, such as Simple Green, bad on things like anodized aluminum? (Not that you'd have anodized aluminum on an English three-speed!)

mkeller234 03-11-10 01:07 PM

Originally Posted by noglider (Post 10511950)
Matt, 65er's point is that you disassemble each component and polish each piece, and that's unusual.

What do you do to get frames so shiny?

And are acidic cleaners, such as Simple Green, bad on things like anodized aluminum? (Not that you'd have anodized aluminum on an English three-speed!)

For the frames I just wash them with car soap, then polish them with mequires scratch and wax with Liquid Glass. I put a test aluminum part in undiluted simple green and let it sit for about a day and that really buggered up the finish. I am sure it's fine if you use it then wash it off quickly. I just used dish soap and aluminum polish.

noglider 03-11-10 01:11 PM

OK, so would it be a good idea to put some diluted dish soap in a spray bottle and start using that rather than diluted Simple Green?

I'm going to switch from oxalic acid to lemon juice. I'm not cautious enough, and I'm going to kill myself with oxalic. I was making myself cough, and I wasn't using gloves. Also, my workshop is not ventilated.

Andrew F 03-11-10 01:45 PM

and I'm going to kill myself with oxalic. I was making myself cough, and I wasn't using gloves. Also, my workshop is not ventilated.

I don't think ventilating with Central NJ air would change anything but the lemon juice is a good idea....than add a bit vodka and you'll be set.:)

noglider 03-11-10 02:10 PM

Yeah, we don't have earthquakes or landslides or severe weather, but we have our pollution!

wahoonc 03-11-10 02:20 PM

Originally Posted by unterhausen (Post 10511739)
I've been working on one bike for over 30 years

I don't have any that have been hanging around quite that long, but I do have a helluva back log. I have at least two that are still malingering after 3-4 years.:o

Sometimes it takes a while to amass the necessary parts, other times other projects just take priority. I do the polish parts thing on some of the bikes I have, the alloy brakes are from my 1971 Twenty the steel ones from the 1964 AMF Hercules.


buck mulligan 03-11-10 02:38 PM

Originally Posted by noglider (Post 10511950)
Matt, 65er's point is that you disassemble each component and polish each piece, and that's unusual.

Speaking as someone whose bike is currently a bare frame leaning against a big Tupperware bin full of tiny parts in Ziplock bags, I certainly wish someone would have told me earlier that there was some other option!

AL NZ 03-12-10 01:00 AM

Originally Posted by waverley610 (Post 10510681)
Hello. I'd like to share a couple of images of my latest acquisition; very new to the vintage bike scene but had so much fun recalling a 1930's BSA last year that I just had to do it all again this time with a 1936 Rudge Whitworth that has a '39 AW hub.

Great Rudge!
Lucky you. North Downs - whereabouts? I am in Abinger Common

mkeller234 03-12-10 01:17 AM

Originally Posted by noglider (Post 10512010)
OI'm going to switch from oxalic acid to lemon juice. I'm not cautious enough, and I'm going to kill myself with oxalic. I was making myself cough, and I wasn't using gloves. Also, my workshop is not ventilated.

I am 100% with you on that. I am too carefree with oxalic acid and I noticed how crummy I felt afterwards. This may sound odd, but it was comparable to the feeling of not eating for an entire day. Sort of nauseous with an soreness in your gut. It was enough to get me looking for other options and vinegar seemed friendly enough. Lemon juice and vinegar work just as well actually. I cannot tell a big difference between those two and oxalic acid in use.

waverley610 03-12-10 03:33 AM

Originally Posted by AL NZ (Post 10515012)
Great Rudge!
Lucky you. North Downs - whereabouts? I am in Abinger Common


I'm the other side of Dorking in Tadworth. Trouble with living on the downs everywhere is either up or down a bloomin' big hill! Think I was reading you were repatriating soon?

clubman 03-12-10 02:20 PM

A new C&V fan
My daughter Adelaide spotted this 73 Triumph Sports sitting in the shed and asked my to fix it up as a B-day gift. She turned 11 this week. I couldn't be prouder. This is her first test drive around the neighbours circular drive...otherwise she'd have her helmet on. She loves it and wants to ditch the Diamondback mtn bike. Yeah baby.

What a beautiful March day...feels like spring

Attachment 141259

gna 03-12-10 02:37 PM

Originally Posted by clubman (Post 10517630)
My daughter Adelaide spotted this 73 Triumph Sports sitting in the shed and asked my to fix it up as a B-day gift. She turned 11 this week. I couldn't be prouder. This is her first test drive around the neighbours circular drive...otherwise she'd have her helmet on. She loves it and wants to ditch the Diamondback mtn bike. Yeah baby.

What a beautiful March day...feels like spring

Attachment 141259

Well done.

I have a 19" lady's Triumph, also a pretty blue, that I was going to give to my mother, but she doesn't want it. My daughter is four; wonder if I can hang onto it for 7 more years.

noglider 03-12-10 02:38 PM

A girl after my own heart! She looks great on the bike, and she looks tall, too.

Sixty Fiver 03-12-10 02:47 PM

Originally Posted by clubman (Post 10517630)
My daughter Adelaide spotted this 73 Triumph Sports sitting in the shed and asked my to fix it up as a B-day gift. She turned 11 this week. I couldn't be prouder. This is her first test drive around the neighbours circular drive...otherwise she'd have her helmet on. She loves it and wants to ditch the Diamondback mtn bike. Yeah baby.

What a beautiful March day...feels like spring

Attachment 141259

Have you started shopping for a big bat yet ?

I'd stay away from vintage in this case and look for a good alloy one.

My oldest is daughter is 12...

southpawboston 03-12-10 02:48 PM

here's my "possibly 1951" raleigh DL1. it's an amalgam of various vintage DL1 parts, but when i got it both hubs were date-stamped 1951.

the fenders, chaincase, rack and taillight are consistent with that era, but the frame seems to be a little newer, possibly 60s. there is no detectable serial number. plus, the DARE grips, front brake brackets and pedals date to the 70s. my guess is that the original frame got damaged at some point and the bike got rebuilt with a newer donor frame.

clubman 03-12-10 02:55 PM

Originally Posted by noglider (Post 10517718)
A girl after my own heart! She looks great on the bike, and she looks tall, too.

She is tall for her age at 5' 4". It's a 19" frame with an unusual pair of very flat North Road rise, at all. I wanted to take them for a club bike build but she said she liked them so that's that. I'll get them when she grows more.

Have you started shopping for a big bat yet ?

I'd stay away from vintage in this case and look for a good alloy one.

My oldest is daughter is 12...
Sixty-Fiver I'm scared...very scared. Keep me advised on how to deal with it all.

AL NZ 03-12-10 03:01 PM

and grow a fearsome "Lemmy from Motorhead" beard

noglider 03-12-10 03:05 PM

Originally Posted by clubman (Post 10517797)
She is tall for her age at 5' 4". It's a 19" frame with an unusual pair of very flat North Road rise, at all. I wanted to take them for a club bike build but she said she liked them so that's that. I'll get them when she grows more.

Sixty-Fiver I'm scared...very scared. Keep me advised on how to deal with it all.

There are online groups of fathers of daughters. I have two daughters (and no sons). They're now 21 and 18. It was scary, but we made it through OK. The older one is now on birth control and hasn't gotten into any trouble except financial. She shouldn't have had a credit card at age 18. The younger one is gay, which makes life safer, relatively.

My only boys are a cat and a dog. We also have a girl cat and a girl dog, though.

Sixty Fiver 03-12-10 03:15 PM

Originally Posted by clubman (Post 10517797)
She is tall for her age at 5' 4". It's a 19" frame with an unusual pair of very flat North Road rise, at all. I wanted to take them for a club bike build but she said she liked them so that's that. I'll get them when she grows more.

Sixty-Fiver I'm scared...very scared. Keep me advised on how to deal with it all.

I told my daughters that before they started dating I'd be buying a shotgun, chainsaw, and a shovel and that the boys should understand what these were for.

They thought I was hilarious but I wasn't kidding... I also told them they didn't have to worry about this until they were 30.


buck mulligan 03-12-10 03:22 PM

Originally Posted by Sixty Fiver (Post 10517885)
I told my daughters that before they started dating I'd be buying a shotgun, chainsaw, and a shovel and that the boys should understand what these were for.

They thought I was hilarious but I wasn't kidding... I also told them they didn't have to worry about this until they were 30.

I'm glad I only have a son. I'm even more glad that he's only 8. Unfortunately, the problem with 8-year old boys is that they think a 21-speed fake mountain bike monstrosity is the pinnacle of bicycle engineering (or would be, if only it came equipped with a blaster and a place to carry a light saber).

Sixty Fiver 03-12-10 03:23 PM

I want a light sabre...

buck mulligan 03-12-10 03:30 PM

Originally Posted by Sixty Fiver (Post 10517921)
I want a light sabre...

We have extras.

noglider 03-13-10 10:15 AM

Originally Posted by buck mulligan (Post 10517914)
I'm glad I only have a son. I'm even more glad that he's only 8. Unfortunately, the problem with 8-year old boys is that they think a 21-speed fake mountain bike monstrosity is the pinnacle of bicycle engineering (or would be, if only it came equipped with a blaster and a place to carry a light saber).

This attitude from parents of sons troubles me. If your son impregnates a girl accidentally, it should be his problem as much as hers. If he doesn't think it is, you should make it so. If you're so hands-off, this is why parents of girls fear boys.

I'm not speaking to you but the prevailing attitude.

mickey85 03-13-10 10:29 AM

So, anyway...

I'm having trouble finding decals to go with my girlfriend's Raleigh Sports. I've tried to get ahold of JRrestore, but haven't heard back yet, nor have I heard from cyclart, whom I also emailed. Any other ideas? IT's a '73, and I can find decals from the older (30's-50's) Sports, as well as from other models, but cannot find a late 60's to mid 70's sports decal set.

ETA: As an aside, I find it interesting that the father of a son got ripped on because of supporting prevailing stereotypes, yet all of the fathers of daughters on here are talking about not letting their daughters date, scaring the crap out of their boyfriends and safeguarding their purity like the cure for cancer is in there.

mickey85 03-13-10 10:30 AM

double post...weird.

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