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bubbafat 08-24-20 08:57 AM

9 miles at an easy pace. Did 12 yesterday (personal longest ride) - trying to extend my daily rides at a lower level of effort to get used to more time and miles.

UnderDawgAl 08-24-20 08:03 PM

14.25 miles. Longest ride since 2014.

Troul 08-25-20 08:48 AM

35 miles

ultrarider7 08-25-20 02:41 PM
Just shy of 73 miles.

diphthong 08-25-20 11:54 PM


Troul 08-26-20 05:22 AM

28 miles

diphthong 08-26-20 09:36 PM


vgmightyp 08-26-20 10:58 PM
21.79 miles

Troul 08-27-20 06:23 AM

28 miles

diphthong 08-27-20 06:50 PM

another 45-spot.

Troul 08-27-20 07:01 PM

Thunder with lighting & heavy rainfall bringing strong winds are being forecasted tomorrow thru Sunday....

ultrarider7 08-27-20 07:06 PM

50.9 miles today. 4,500 for 2020. Should meet my goal of 5k before the snow flies.

capt_velo 08-27-20 07:29 PM

7.47 miles. I got a pinch flat and had to take a Lyft home :troll:

Ev0lutionz 08-27-20 11:06 PM

I do 25ks a day on average. Feels good to get the exercise in !

vgmightyp 08-28-20 12:17 PM
12.25 miles

diphthong 08-29-20 01:21 AM


Troul 08-29-20 07:13 PM

misty 105

UnderDawgAl 08-29-20 07:21 PM

Yesterday, 13 miles with my young daughter. Today, 10 miles with her and my young son. It's exciting to have the kids (ages 9 & 10) ask YOU to "go on a long bike ride."

NoWhammies 08-29-20 08:29 PM

117k into what felt like headwind the entire ride. :mad:

diphthong 08-30-20 03:10 AM

22-spot to finish up a 1,000 mile month in 5 of the last 6 months. waay ahead of personal yearly goals.

subgrade 08-30-20 11:22 AM

My PB thus far: 210 km/130 mi

UnderDawgAl 08-30-20 01:58 PM

19 miles on the W&OD Trail. New longest ride since 2014 {...or was it 2013?}. Man, six years off of routine cardio exercise doesn't do a body any good.

Troul 08-30-20 04:11 PM

70 miles seeing a lot of unseeables

biker128pedal 08-30-20 06:39 PM

Nice mid eighties today. Road 46 miles. And no rain.

mellowyellow 08-30-20 07:12 PM

Zero kms. Still recovering from the day before yesterday's 32+..
I know 32 kms sounds like nuthin much.. BUT, for me a big deal. I've been riding only an e bIke for 4 years.. Had no idea that I was getting fitter with pedal assist, until the motor packed up, and I had no choice but to ride an ancient lightweight Peugeot.. Only 10-11kg..instead. Wonderful experience. My defunct ebike is around 30kg. I realized that at 78, I'm on better bike form, than I've ever been.. First time I didn't get off and push it, on steeper bits of hill. I've invested in a new wide saddle for this old/new bike.. the current saddle is like a brick. Got to try that 32 kms again....

Troul 09-01-20 07:48 AM

28 miles

gios 09-02-20 10:50 AM

Five laps, 27 miles.

diphthong 09-02-20 04:48 PM


Troul 09-03-20 05:22 PM

29 miles yesterday, 47 miles today.

coopman 09-03-20 06:26 PM

10.2 miles.

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