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bampilot06 09-11-21 03:09 PM

Originally Posted by phrantic09 (Post 22222906)
I have to fly to Nashville Sunday-Wednesday this week for work. Not really thrilled about it given the infection rates right now. Also not happy because I have to stay at a Hilton (instead of Marriott) and have to fly Southwest instead of a real airline.

Could be worse, you could be sitting in the back of a 145…

also, could be spirit….

big john 09-11-21 03:15 PM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 22225497)
Was right behind an ugly crash today. We were going about 35 mph with a trash truck blocking the opposite lane. A driver behind the truck pulled pulled out across the double yellow, people hit the brakes, and one rider went down hard. Looked like a fractured clavicle and very painful. Felt terrible and glad I wasn’t involved. The driver and trash men both treated us to a stream of invective as they drove off.


MoAlpha 09-11-21 03:19 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22225778)
That is painful. Feel for him.

What's this about you cruising along at 35 mph? All this talk about old and slow. Can't BS this BS'er.

There were about 12 of us old crumbs and we were winding up for a big customary sprint.

sbxx1985 09-11-21 03:24 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22225786)
Electronic shifting wouldn't move the needle for my wife, either... but she's certainly interested in the idea of riding with the assistance of a motor.

I proposed it to my wife so I could get it later.

WhyFi 09-11-21 03:24 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22225783)
Ugh. Makes me dislike the drivers even more.

Speaking of disliking drivers... :notamused:

Velo Vol 09-11-21 03:24 PM

Velo Vol sister (percussion) and nephew (French horn) making their praise orchestra debut in Dumbdumb Land.

WhyFi 09-11-21 03:27 PM

Originally Posted by sbxx1985 (Post 22225800)
I proposed it to my wife so I could get it later.

My wife likes the idea of getting out with me and the kids, and a motor would certainly help extend the feasible range a bit.

I kind of like the idea of a utilitarian ebike for myself, for running to pick up groceries or beer or whatever, but other things are higher on the list.

Velo Vol 09-11-21 03:27 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22225801)
Speaking of disliking drivers... :notamused:

Welcome to my world.

datlas 09-11-21 03:38 PM

I may have to post this in “bicycle mechanics” but will start local. I have a Williams 38 crabon wheel that is 10s but would like to convert to 11s if possible. Williams wheels is defunct. Any idea how to find a compatible freehub body? See pics below:

big john 09-11-21 03:43 PM

100 degrees today so some of us drove to the coast and rode on PCH. 50 miles and it wasn't too hot there and we stopped at a place on the way back and I split an order of chili fries with a friend.

WhyFi 09-11-21 03:50 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22225819)
I may have to post this in “bicycle mechanics” but will start local. I have a Williams 38 crabon wheel that is 10s but would like to convert to 11s if possible. Williams wheels is defunct. Any idea how to find a compatible freehub body? See pics below:

And you're sure that it's not 11-sp compatible?

Trsnrtr 09-11-21 03:50 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22225539)
T It was a gorgeous fall-like day.

Yes, one of the best.

WhyFi 09-11-21 03:53 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22225819)
I may have to post this in “bicycle mechanics” but will start local. I have a Williams 38 crabon wheel that is 10s but would like to convert to 11s if possible. Williams wheels is defunct. Any idea how to find a compatible freehub body? See pics below:

Also, see discussion here:

and product here:

datlas 09-11-21 03:56 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22225829)
And you're sure that it's not 11-sp compatible?

I don’t think so because the 10s cassette fits perfectly with just the small (0.8mm?) spacer on the bottom. I believe I need 1.8mm for 11s.

I hope I am wrong but suspect it’s 8/9/10 and not 11.

ps where did you find that???

datlas 09-11-21 04:04 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22225833)

The irwincycling product looks right. Will investigate. Thanks!

WhyFi 09-11-21 04:04 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22225835)
ps where did you find that???

The discussion linked in my other post contains a link for a wayback machine cached page -

Mojo31 09-11-21 04:07 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22225786)
Electronic shifting wouldn't move the needle for my wife, either... but she's certainly interested in the idea of riding with the assistance of a motor.

I'm good there. Mine doesn't see the benefit of ebikes, and believes it takes away from the fitness aspect of riding.

She does see the benefit for those who otherwise cannot get out and ride.

Mojo31 09-11-21 04:09 PM

Originally Posted by sbxx1985 (Post 22225800)
I proposed it to my wife so I could get it later.

Sometimes the discussions just take a while to complete. I'm shooting for my birthday next year.

WhyFi 09-11-21 04:10 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22225849)
I'm good there. Mine doesn't see the benefit of ebikes, and believes it takes away from the fitness aspect of riding.

Drop her more often and she'll see the benefit. :innocent:

indyfabz 09-11-21 04:13 PM

Cat sitter sent me this. He’s contemplating the universe. “Wuy r wii heer?”

Velo Vol 09-11-21 04:21 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22225849)
Mine doesn't see the benefit of ebikes, and believes it takes away from the fitness aspect of riding.

She does see the benefit for those who otherwise cannot get out and ride.


Mojo31 09-11-21 04:26 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22225852)
Drop her more often and she'll see the benefit. :innocent:

My rides with her are no drop. I still have a libido that needs satisfying from time to time.

MoAlpha 09-11-21 04:30 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22225849)
I'm good there. Mine doesn't see the benefit of ebikes, and believes it takes away from the fitness aspect of riding.

She does see the benefit for those who otherwise cannot get out and ride.

No interest from LSS either. She does look at Nordic Tugs with a certain interest, though.

WhyFi 09-11-21 04:32 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22225869)
My rides with her are no drop. I still have a libido that needs satisfying from time to time.

Come on, now - you just have to avoid dropping her the week before your bday and your anniversary. :innocent:


WhyFi 09-11-21 04:34 PM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 22225871)
She does look at Nordic Tugs with a certain interest, though.


But look at you, you lucky dog!

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