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bampilot06 02-03-22 07:52 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22397996)
I can't see spending that kind of scratch on a jacket.

I agree but now that I have one, if it ever needs to be replaced I will have to cough up the money.

phrantic09 02-03-22 07:55 PM

Originally Posted by bampilot06 (Post 22397998)
You don’t spend your money on a 380 dollar jacket. You get someone else to spend their money on a 380 jacket.


phrantic09 02-03-22 07:55 PM

Originally Posted by ls01 (Post 22397837)
check the hanger alignment

it seems fine, if it’s bent on a new bike I’ll be pissed

genejockey 02-03-22 07:57 PM

And just like that, it's gone.

DougRNS 02-03-22 07:59 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22397978)
Au contraire. It's a map+. You're just irked that I'm sharing data freely with the people, threatening your clients-only business model.

I thought the overwhelming majority were born in a hospital. :foo:

MoAlpha 02-03-22 08:00 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22397980)
I was jst about to leave work, having completed a bunch of scRNAseq analysis, and I noticed a little distortion in my vision, just below my focal point and a bit to the left. "Is this another ocular migraine?" I asked myself. Spent the nex 5 minutes trying to see it, with little success. Just about the time I decided it wasn't, I realized that it is, indeed, an ocular migraine. So I guess I'mma stay here at work for a while. especially since it's decided to expand right into my focal point.

Should be gon ie in 20 minute or so. The first one freaked me right the f*** out, but everything I read on them says they're nothing to worry about. Just seems like a bad idea, driving at night while having one.

That’s a classic migraine aura. Ocular migraine is a retinal thing, rare and potentially ugly.

gnome 02-03-22 08:19 PM

Originally Posted by phrantic09 (Post 22397992)
Meh- I’m reluctant to spend 380 on a jacket

I could buy a bike for that much. particularly if I convert US$ to our lower value currency.

Velo Vol 02-03-22 08:26 PM

Originally Posted by bampilot06 (Post 22397983)
well, tomorrow is going to suck for multiple reasons.

What are the top five?

Trsnrtr 02-03-22 08:28 PM

Originally Posted by DougRNS (Post 22398007)
I thought the overwhelming majority were born in a hospital. :foo:

I wasn’t.

WhyFi 02-03-22 08:28 PM

For the whisky drinkers: I picked this up last week after seeing it at the LLS and reading favorable stuffs about it online. The favorable stuffs is right - not too shabby for ~$35 bucks. Supposedly made with cocktails in mind, but I find it more than acceptable neat, too.

DougRNS 02-03-22 08:31 PM

Originally Posted by Trsnrtr (Post 22398035)
I wasn’t.

congratulations, you are part of the underwhelming minority. :bday:

WhyFi 02-03-22 08:33 PM

Originally Posted by phrantic09 (Post 22397992)
Meh- I’m reluctant to spend 380 on a jacket

Stuff in that really high-end space seems to be priced with an eventual 50% Off sale in mind, or so it seems to me. If not, well, I find it hard to imagine that there isn't something out there that'll do at least 98% as well for half as much.

WhyFi 02-03-22 08:39 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22398005)
And just like that, it's gone.

Keyser Soze Migrane?

abshipp 02-03-22 08:59 PM

Originally Posted by phrantic09 (Post 22397525)
Think I figured out the chain skip-

1 - there was about 15mm between top of pulley and bottom of cog on the biggest cog, fixed that

2- high limit was a little inside the smallest cog

1: As in bringing the pulley closer to the cog?

2: Ignore this if you know this already, but Shimano wants the guide pulley slightly outboard of the centerline of the smallest cog. Giving it a little more room to overshift makes everything a lot happier.

Originally Posted by phrantic09 (Post 22398004)
it seems fine, if it’s bent on a new bike I’ll be pissed

Long cage derailleurs will exacerbate misalignment, for sure.

They are also are never happy backpedaling when in the largest few cogs, at least with 1x MTB systems.

seedsbelize2 02-03-22 09:01 PM

Originally Posted by seedsbelize2 (Post 22397296)
Steady, big wind this morning. The electricity is sufferring.

And then it quit altogether. As darkness came on, I searched my laptop for downloaded books. "A Farewell to Arms" was downloaded a day or two ago. Another classic, or so I am told.

Trsnrtr 02-03-22 09:03 PM

Originally Posted by DougRNS (Post 22398038)
congratulations, you are part of the underwhelming minority. :bday:

I wasn’t born at home, either.

seedsbelize2 02-03-22 09:09 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22397463)
Thank you for the helpful tip to locate Philadelphia.
Velo Vol ancestors lived in Luzerne County for over 100 years, until my grandfather left there, as a ute.

My ancestors settled in what was to become Chester County, when they got off the boat in 1734 or thereabouts.

Velo Vol 02-03-22 09:14 PM

Originally Posted by Trsnrtr (Post 22398062)
I wasn’t born at home, either.

Delivery in a taxi on the way to the hospital?

seedsbelize2 02-03-22 09:14 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22397519)
When I was a ute our class took a field trip to the bread factory.

e went to the potato chip factory. New Era. We also went to an Amish cheese factory, where they produce wheels of cheese that looked enormous as a child. Maybe four feet across is my adult guess.

DougRNS 02-03-22 09:18 PM

Originally Posted by Trsnrtr (Post 22398062)
I wasn’t born at home, either.

were you born in the back seat of a greyhound bus?

big john 02-03-22 09:21 PM

Originally Posted by bampilot06 (Post 22397985)
I’ve never heard of this, and hope I never experience this.


genejockey 02-03-22 09:26 PM

Originally Posted by gnome (Post 22398027)
I could buy a bike for that much. particularly if I convert US$ to our lower value currency.

I have bought at least 3 of my bikes for that much.

genejockey 02-03-22 09:27 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22398042)
Keyser Soze Migrane?

It was walking a little straighter before it left....

Velo Vol 02-03-22 09:28 PM

Originally Posted by seedsbelize2 (Post 22398071)
e went to the potato chip factory. New Era. We also went to an Amish cheese factory, where they produce wheels of cheese that looked enormous as a child. Maybe four feet across is my adult guess.

The bread factory smelled really good. Sadly white bread is not healthful.

LesterOfPuppets 02-03-22 09:29 PM

Rail pic of the day. Man, I miss hanging out on this platform and trainspotting.

UP 4393, BN 2824, and I couldn't figure out what the unit behind the UP loco was. First hit was Soo 6007, and I was surprised I didn't get another shot of it. Then I figured out that it was CEFX 6007 by the time I'd taken this pic and the big ol' Soo Line logo had been wiped from the sides already.

genejockey 02-03-22 09:35 PM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 22398010)
That’s a classic migraine aura. Ocular migraine is a retinal thing, rare and potentially ugly.

I had never heard of the latter, so I looked it up. Per Mayo, the term "Ocular Migraine" is used for both aura and Retinal Migraine. This is DEFINITELY the former, though - the first time I got one, I thought there was something on or in one of my eyes, so I closed one at a time to see which one. It was in both. "MY GOD!!! IT'S IN MY BRAIN!!!!!", I thought. "I must be having a STROKE!!!!"

So I went over to a coworker to start up a conversation, thinking if I were speaking gibberish, she'd let me know. Silly, I know. And I wasn't - no more than usual, anyhow.

So I googled 'visual distortion' and the third result described it perfectly, right down to the whole 'lasting about 20 minutes' part. Never accompanied by a headache, either, and I know because as a ute I used to get migraines.

genejockey 02-03-22 09:36 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22398087)
The bread factory smelled really good. Sadly white bread is not healthful.

You have to eat other stuff, but it you do, it's not UNhealthful.

Velo Vol 02-03-22 09:41 PM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 22398088)
Rail pic of the day. Man, I miss hanging out on this platform and trainspotting.

I see no platform.

I do my trainspotting out in the wild, as nature intended.

big john 02-03-22 09:53 PM

Originally Posted by phrantic09 (Post 22397992)
Meh- I’m reluctant to spend 380 on a jacket

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22397996)
I can't see spending that kind of scratch on a jacket.

I never wear a jacket on the bike unless I go into the mountains in winter. Mrs. John found a cheap ski jacket at a thrift store. I've used it but if I'm climbing I need to take it off and it's too big to put in a back pocket so I have to bring the large Camelbak. On the mtb I'm wearing the Camelbak anyway so I can bring extra clothes.

Instead I take layers that I can roll up and carry for the climbs. I descended @ 22 degrees with baselayer, jersey, vest and hooded windbreaker (another thrift store find) and I was fine.

Velo Vol 02-03-22 10:42 PM

datlas what do you say to patients, maybe special ones with issues, who ask about taking extra vitamin D or even getting tested for it?

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