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VegasJen 09-12-23 04:01 PM

Do you have any weird riding habits?
I'm a little OCD about certain things. Nothing that would actually benefit me, just weird stuff. One of those things is I don't like to cross my path. By that I mean I don't like going back over a path I've already crossed. Think of the vintage Tron cycle game. I do this with both cycling and when I run. I intentionally plan my routes so that I never cross back over where I've already been. The only exception to this quirky rule I have is when I do some sort of interval. There's a place here that's arrow straight and mostly flat for three solid miles. I will often do sprints on this section where I'll ride loops, one direction sprinting, back the other direction in recovery, then sprint, recover, and so on. But that's the only exception.

No idea why it bothers me to do this but I avoid crossing my path like the plague.

Broctoon 09-12-23 07:54 PM

Originally Posted by VegasJen (Post 23013618)
I'm a little OCD about certain things. Nothing that would actually benefit me, just weird stuff. One of those things is I don't like to cross my path. By that I mean I don't like going back over a path I've already crossed. Think of the vintage Tron cycle game. I do this with both cycling and when I run. I intentionally plan my routes so that I never cross back over where I've already been. The only exception to this quirky rule I have is when I do some sort of interval. There's a place here that's arrow straight and mostly flat for three solid miles. I will often do sprints on this section where I'll ride loops, one direction sprinting, back the other direction in recovery, then sprint, recover, and so on. But that's the only exception.

No idea why it bothers me to do this but I avoid crossing my path like the plague.

I’m kind of the same way with crossing, but more than this, I dislike out and back routes. When biking, running, hiking or walking, I always look for ways to make a loop route. If this is really not practical, I will do an out and back.

And I try to stop my workout on a nice round number, or an interesting one, for distance and/or time. If I can stop at 10.00 miles, for example, or at 1:23:45 time, I always do, even if I have to go a little beyond my destination or stop the timer a little before the end.

CAT7RDR 09-12-23 08:02 PM

Just one. All my rides the past few years have started and ended at home.
Thinking of breaking this habit soon but I hate wasting riding time by driving to a starting spot.

downtube42 09-12-23 09:51 PM

Maybe more tendency than habit - to drift left in the lane. Not a good behavior. If there's traffic I can keep right without effort, but on a quiet country road it takes constant attention to keep the bike right.

Last year I went to the UK for a ride, and was curious to see if my tendency to drift left would be the same. The answer: left. I hugged the left edge of the road.


Velo Mule 09-12-23 10:50 PM

I am no longer using toe clips on most of my bikes. They are vintage bikes. But I still will ride in tight circles (space permitting) rather than stopping at an intersection waiting for traffic to clear.

Fredo76 09-13-23 12:59 AM

Somehow, long ago in Tucson, i developed the habit of riding with my left eye closed. This was in the Cretaceous period, before sunglasses were invented. I have to remind myself not to, now that I have photochromatic lenses. Otherwise it's apt to start stinging from sweat. Yeah, weird, I know.

streetsurfer 09-13-23 01:19 AM

If this counts, I usually make a rolling mount onto the bike when starting out.

I'll put left foot on the pedal at about 10:00, push off with right foot and the left's downstroke, then throw my right leg over the saddle.

Troul 09-13-23 04:54 AM

I'm not ocd with crossing paths, it's mainly due to having the ole cycling devices not recognizing that I'm heading back using the opposite side of the road.
I think tech had gotten better.

My weird thing is likely, not having interests in riding with anyone. Have I? Sure. Did I like it, nope.

Iride01 09-13-23 07:25 AM

I won't cross at a intersection or trail crossing if a car stops for me when they have the right-of-way. I wait for them to continue on. Some get really mad.

Barry2 09-13-23 07:45 AM

My unusual habit.
when riding solo, I check behind me before I snot rocket!


1989Pre 09-13-23 08:21 AM

On road rides, if I see some clean, shallow sand washed into a pile at the end of an entering road, I like to ride through it to "make my mark". I like it when I see that other cyclists have done it, too. The tire marks in the sand is kind of like communicating to eachother. I know that sand is technically supposed to be avoided, and on group rides, fellow riders even point it out, but every once in a while, I am "feeling my oats" and just plough through it, and if I slide a little.., that just helps keep my bike handling skills up-to-par.

pdlamb 09-13-23 08:54 AM

I'm not terribly OCD about it, but I like to do loops as well.

Sometimes I play a game where I try to plan a ride so that I don't go over any railroad crossings (overpasses are fine), and don't go through any underpasses. Kinda tough right now, since one of the roads I use for that game has been dug up to replace a culvert for ~3 months.

terrymorse 09-13-23 09:42 AM

A new habit I just started recently: pointing and laughing at the new Tesla Cybertrucks.

Those things look ridiculous.

Reynolds 09-13-23 11:24 AM

I prefer to end my rides on an odd number of kms.

indyfabz 09-13-23 11:35 AM

Originally Posted by Troul (Post 23013955)

My weird thing is likely, not having interests in riding with anyone. Have I? Sure. Did I like it, nope.

I got $100 that says the feeling was more than mutual. :D

XxHaimBondxX 09-13-23 11:40 AM

Originally Posted by Barry2 (Post 23014060)
My unusual habit.
when riding solo, I check behind me before I snot rocket!


I'm hoping that's just out of habit of checking when you're riding with a group, otherwise, odd indeed.

indyfabz 09-13-23 11:43 AM

If I am touring in a rural or semi-rural area, there is no one in sight and i have to take a leak, I'll stop and go while still straddling the top tube. Very liberating.

In 2008, I did Velo Quebec's Le Grande Tour. It was not uncommon for men to stop, walk a several feet off the road and pee with their backs turned, even as other riders, including women, went riding by. I saw people do this even when they could have walked another 30' into the woods.

terrymorse 09-13-23 03:13 PM

Originally Posted by XxHaimBondxX (Post 23014351)
I'm hoping that's just out of habit of checking when you're riding with a group, otherwise, odd indeed.

I always check behind before blowing my nose. Too many riders roll up silently from behind.

Ghazmh 09-13-23 03:21 PM

I wave at all other cyclists.

Troul 09-13-23 03:28 PM

Originally Posted by indyfabz (Post 23014344)
I got $100 that says the feeling was more than mutual. :D

not taking that wager!

Troul 09-13-23 03:29 PM

Originally Posted by indyfabz (Post 23014354)
If I am touring in a rural or semi-rural area, there is no one in sight and i have to take a leak, I'll stop and go while still straddling the top tube. Very liberating.

In 2008, I did Velo Quebec's Le Grande Tour. It was not uncommon for men to stop, walk a several feet off the road and pee with their backs turned, even as other riders, including women, went riding by. I saw people do this even when they could have walked another 30' into the woods.

did anyone say, "awww thats cute" as they looked & squinted while riding past? :p

BkSaGo 09-13-23 03:34 PM

I have a pre-ride habit that veers into OCD territory.

I carry a small card holder / money clip with my DL, a credit card and a little cash. I always load it in a specific order otherwise I just feel off and that something is going to go wrong on the ride.

indyfabz 09-13-23 04:30 PM

Originally Posted by Troul (Post 23014631)
did anyone say, "awww thats cute" as they looked & squinted while riding past? :p

If you were trying to bust on me, you failed. I never said I engaged in that sort of thing. RCIF

LarrySellerz 09-13-23 10:04 PM

I ride with my toes pointing out, like the opposite of a snow plow

SoSmellyAir 09-14-23 01:06 AM

Originally Posted by Broctoon (Post 23013815)
I’m kind of the same way with crossing, but more than this, I dislike out and back routes. When biking, running, hiking or walking, I always look for ways to make a loop route. If this is really not practical, I will do an out and back.

I don't mind crossing over, but I do my best not to repeat any segments that I have ridden, even in the opposite direction. Thus, I strongly prefer loops over out and back routes. I think this preference stems from loops feeling like one has been to and seen more places. The slower I go, the stronger this preference. Thus, when I go hiking with my wife, I suggest that (1) we drive separately to the end point where she would leave her car; (2) I drive her in my car to the start point where I would leave my car; (3) we hike together to the end point; (4) I drive us back in her car to the start point to retrieve my car; and (5) we separately drive home. (Yes, this suggestion is really impractical.) She looks at me like I am crazy and asks why we don't just take one car to either the start point or the end point and hike out and back?

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