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bpcyclist 12-11-19 03:38 PM

Advice For Low-Testosterone Group Ride In Ptown
I ride pretty much exclusively alone. Occasionally, I will just randomly hook up with a stranger and ride for 2 or 5 or more miles, as happened this morning early on the Springwater. Some dude and I just decided to ride together into town from Gresham. It was cool.

I am looking to add a group ride of some sort, but I have zero interest in macho posturing and bull****. I just want to try riding with other people and maybe meet a person or two.

I am not exactly sure how fast I am. I get different numbers from RWGPS than I do from Ulysses (love Ulysses, btw). That said, it seems in general that I tend to average over all terrain (I do ride Mt. Scott and Council Crest and other hills) and with traffic lights and stop signs around 15 mph. I guess. Not totally sure how reliable all these numbers are. My top speed on flats with no lights or anything seems to be right around 31 mph. I would like to be able to ride with people of my general speed. Not a competitive person, except with myself.

So, anyhoo, are there any rides that meet this sort of request? I saw Portland Velo has some, but I didn't know--it looks kind of big. Any input is greatly appreciated! Oh, and I forgot, FWIW, I am 55 years old.

Seattle Forrest 12-11-19 11:25 PM

If you're averaging 15 mph on hilly urban rides, that's pretty good.

Can't really say much more because I also ride solo, occasionally with friends, but not in packs.

CliffordK 12-12-19 12:00 AM

There is an active Classic and Vintage group in Portland, with mainly 50+ riders. Do you have an older bike? Steel? @jyl, @gugie

Every spring/fall, there are 3 wicked hill climb rides in Portland, about 50 miles. FREE.
The routes are marked with lions. GPS available, and they can be ridden any time you wish.

I think there are a few "Century" rides up there. American Lung Association Reach the Beach?

STP (Seattle to Portland).

In the summer in Portland, there is Pedalpalooza for a month of cycling events.

bpcyclist 12-12-19 11:57 PM

Originally Posted by CliffordK (Post 21242367)
There is an active Classic and Vintage group in Portland, with mainly 50+ riders. Do you have an older bike? Steel? @jyl, @gugie

Every spring/fall, there are 3 wicked hill climb rides in Portland, about 50 miles. FREE.
The routes are marked with lions. GPS available, and they can be ridden any time you wish.

I think there are a few "Century" rides up there. American Lung Association Reach the Beach?

STP (Seattle to Portland).

In the summer in Portland, there is Pedalpalooza for a month of cycling events.

Thanks for all those tips--much appreciated. Yeah, I do not have a steel bike anymore. Did for a long time, but it was actually stolen a few years ago. I will look into these things you suggested--thanks.

CliffordK 12-13-19 01:00 AM

Originally Posted by bpcyclist (Post 21243622)
Thanks for all those tips--much appreciated. Yeah, I do not have a steel bike anymore. Did for a long time, but it was actually stolen a few years ago. I will look into these things you suggested--thanks.

@gugie likes the steel touring bikes. :thumb:
But there are a few roadies in the group too. @jyl has a really cool vintage Look Carbon Fiber bike.

I've ridden a variety of bikes up there from my old battered Colnago Super to my "new" Carbon Fiber Colnago C40 which has an air of vintage style.

Even a hybrid to touring conversion. :eek:

KraneXL 12-13-19 05:20 AM

Two or more fit guys and the race is on. No way around that. On the other hand, if you joined a group of beginners or clydesdales, it may well be just what the doctor ordered?

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