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Ayeobe 04-29-21 07:57 PM

Just did ...7 miles? 12~km, but thats the first bike ride i've done in over 10 years, so... not bad?

rsbob 04-29-21 09:14 PM

27th, 27 miles 2,400’ climbing
28th, 27 miles, 570’
29th, 32 miles, 1,400’

I find two hour non-stop rides ideal but take on 50s when I have extra time.

gios 04-30-21 12:59 AM

16 miles.

zabicdrozda 04-30-21 01:47 PM

26.5 km ... half of which into some unpleasant wind.

Troul 04-30-21 03:08 PM

71 Miles O.D. & three flats from all different types of debris.

ultrarider7 04-30-21 03:15 PM

144 miles in the past three days. Today's ride on my old Peugeot was 41 miles.

gios 04-30-21 03:45 PM

16.8 miles.

The Chemist 05-01-21 07:48 AM
63km on a beautiful sunny Labour Day here in Shanghai.

rsbob 05-01-21 10:03 AM

15 whopping miles to complete monthly mileage goal. Did get 3 PRs just for fun. One was by 1 second and another by 30. Oh well.

Troul 05-01-21 01:42 PM

80 Miles O.D. with brand new rubbers. Did not plan the distance achieved, kinda sorta about happened.

biker128pedal 05-01-21 06:13 PM

Weather was perfect. The winds slowed down. Road on the road 24.7 miles. Easy ride. Hope for some off road riding tomorrow.

gios 05-02-21 12:07 AM

17 miles. 80.1F / 26.7C at 7 this morning, which was nice.

Troul 05-02-21 01:38 PM

109 Miles O.D. If I were trying to break a weekly achievement of 100 miles, today covered it.

WobblyPop 05-02-21 01:47 PM

5.7km. short but sweet, just wanted to bomb down some grassy hills with the kids.

gios 05-02-21 02:12 PM

16.8 miles.

kahn 05-02-21 06:47 PM

Too far, ahem fer! 41.8 miles with a gain of about 1,900 feet. Seattle and vicinity. Across the WA-520 bridge, down to Renton around the south end of the Lake Washington and back to Greenlake. Longest ride in more than a year.

rekmeyata 05-02-21 07:36 PM

Well, here's the deal. A friend of mine got Covid back in April of 2020, he was a very avid cyclist, he had a mild case like a head cold, it went away after a week, a week after that he decided to ride his bike at a spin gym and knowing him he probably was going at a fast clip, he came home told his wife he had a great ride then 5 minutes later his wife heard a thump, goes to see what happen and he's on the floor dead. I also heard this has been happening with runners and cyclists. So, two Thursdays ago I got tested positive for Covid after experiencing a slight fever and body aches, that went away in about 2 days and then was left with mild congestion for a week. Today I decided to ride the bike for the first time since the Covid, since I knew what had happened to my friend I only rode it 10 miles at a leisurely pace, I felt nothing odd, but for the next month I'm going to ride at a leisurely pace just to be safe and slowly increase the distance, and then next month kick up a notch.

I don't know, but if any of you get Covid don't go nuts on the bike after you recover, and also don't ride the bike while you're recovering, it may not effect a person, but to another person it could kill them, and since we don't know which person it will kill and which it will not, play it safe.

one4smoke 05-03-21 08:10 PM

30 miles yesterday on a super nice day.

rsbob 05-03-21 09:22 PM

Originally Posted by rekmeyata (Post 22041727)
Well, here's the deal. A friend of mine got Covid back in April of 2020, he was a very avid cyclist, he had a mild case like a head cold, it went away after a week, a week after that he decided to ride his bike at a spin gym and knowing him he probably was going at a fast clip, he came home told his wife he had a great ride then 5 minutes later his wife heard a thump, goes to see what happen and he's on the floor dead. I also heard this has been happening with runners and cyclists. So, two Thursdays ago I got tested positive for Covid after experiencing a slight fever and body aches, that went away in about 2 days and then was left with mild congestion for a week. Today I decided to ride the bike for the first time since the Covid, since I knew what had happened to my friend I only rode it 10 miles at a leisurely pace, I felt nothing odd, but for the next month I'm going to ride at a leisurely pace just to be safe and slowly increase the distance, and then next month kick up a notch.

I don't know, but if any of you get Covid don't go nuts on the bike after you recover, and also don't ride the bike while you're recovering, it may not effect a person, but to another person it could kill them, and since we don't know which person it will kill and which it will not, play it safe.

The problem for some people with a mild case of COVID is that symptoms may not progress for weeks or months, if they do at all. The heart muscle can be attacked as well as the lungs in addition to micro blood clots which may irreversibly effect the brain. COVID is something you dont want to mess around with and I’m not even talking about the poor long haulers.

rsbob 05-03-21 09:29 PM

Sunday did 43 miles with 2000’ climbing.

one4smoke 05-04-21 06:50 AM

:50:Almost forgot my 30 Friday and 42 Saturday. Gettin' old.

rekmeyata 05-04-21 05:32 PM

Originally Posted by rsbob (Post 22043525)
The problem for some people with a mild case of COVID is that symptoms may not progress for weeks or months, if they do at all. The heart muscle can be attacked as well as the lungs in addition to micro blood clots which may irreversibly effect the brain. COVID is something you dont want to mess around with and I’m not even talking about the poor long haulers.

Unfortunately there isn't anything I can do about it, I'm not going to stop riding my bike because of Covid, so I can think of doing is take it easier than normal and see what happens. I'm 68 years old, as much as I would prefer to live longer I'm also at peace enough not to worry about dying, it's just another more fantastic adventure than this one has been, don't get me wrong, I wouldn't do anything foolish to cut my life short, but I'm not going to be scared about riding my bike either. I've never ran my life in fear and I'm not about to start now.

rsbob 05-04-21 09:45 PM

Originally Posted by rekmeyata (Post 22044901)
Unfortunately there isn't anything I can do about it, I'm not going to stop riding my bike because of Covid, so I can think of doing is take it easier than normal and see what happens. I'm 68 years old, as much as I would prefer to live longer I'm also at peace enough not to worry about dying, it's just another more fantastic adventure than this one has been, don't get me wrong, I wouldn't do anything foolish to cut my life short, but I'm not going to be scared about riding my bike either. I've never ran my life in fear and I'm not about to start now.

Sorry, but I did not intend to infer you stop riding in the least. Keep slowly ramping it up and hopefully you will continue to be fine.

My intent was to help inform those holding out on getting vaccinated that there could be worse life long consequences of not getting the vaccine, especially for the ‘long-haulers”. Think I would shoot myself if I found myself there but that is just me.

Zero miles today but shoveled 3 yards of mulch onto the new garden with another three to go.

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