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one4smoke 07-29-17 07:34 PM

Originally Posted by HappyBiker18 (Post 19754358)
10 miles. Am a noob.

Originally Posted by Karmajack (Post 19754364)
16. I'm new. Was my first real experience biking on a MUP. I'm hooked. See you around.

:thumb:^ Doesn't matter how far you ride ...just that you ride. ;)

crockettlarry 07-30-17 07:48 PM

21 yesterday, split in 10 and 11 mile rides.

one4smoke 07-30-17 08:52 PM

20.5 today.

sirkaos 07-30-17 10:06 PM

Rode 65 miles yesterday with about 5000 ft of climbing. Today was much tougher, I was painting 3 closets after drywall repair.

Dreaded1 07-31-17 09:44 AM

31 yesterday. Went out with a friend who has gotten much faster than me in recent years. I told him that I didn't think I was in the mood to hammer, so I wanted to keep a moderate pace around 16-18. We ended up hammering pushing 21-22 at some points. I think I was working out the frustrations from my issues. If that is the case, I can expect a lot more high speed rides in the the coming weeks.

atitagain 07-31-17 02:55 PM

18.33 miles vicinity of Tallassee alabama . Glorious weather . Life is good .

Doctor Morbius 07-31-17 03:15 PM

Did my first 30 miler of 2017 today at an average speed of 15.7 MPH on my Roam-2. Today I'm a proud old fart! :thumb:

atitagain 08-01-17 03:43 PM

22 miles today vicinity Camphill AL

OldTryGuy 08-01-17 04:51 PM

105 miles today for week's 1st ride

Daniel4 08-01-17 05:32 PM

About 38km round trip to checkout the Bloor Street bike lanes.

But the app was wonky. Somehow it decided I had 30 minutes of inactivity so out of a 3.5hr ride, it only recorded the first 19 seconds.

one4smoke 08-01-17 07:19 PM

Originally Posted by OldTryGuy (Post 19761123)
105 miles today for week's 1st ride

Showoff! :thumb:

one4smoke 08-03-17 04:49 AM

40.1 yesterday

The Full Monty 08-05-17 08:10 AM

20.74 this morning. Surpassed my 19.1 mile ride as my farthest yet. Obviously nothing compared to the amazing rides posted in here, but it was incredible for me. It was so cool watching the sun rise as I rode which is exactly what I planned. The most exciting thing for me though was that despite my 19 mile ride being completely flat, I was totally exhausted after it. This ride had a steady incline and was easily the most climbing I've ever done, yet my legs weren't sore and neither was my butt lol! My legs just feel alive! So I'm riding a wave of happiness this morning. :love:

one4smoke 08-05-17 09:30 AM

Originally Posted by The Full Monty (Post 19769789)
20.74 this morning. Surpassed my 19.1 mile ride as my farthest yet. Obviously nothing compared to the amazing rides posted in here, but it was incredible for me. It was so cool watching the sun rise as I rode which is exactly what I planned. The most exciting thing for me though was that despite my 19 mile ride being completely flat, I was totally exhausted after it. This ride had a steady incline and was easily the most climbing I've ever done, yet my legs weren't sore and neither was my butt lol! My legs just feel alive! So I'm riding a wave of happiness this morning. :love:

Bravo! :thumb:

There's nuthin like a ride like that! A "wave" is always enjoyable. ;)

crockettlarry 08-06-17 06:38 PM

Almost 13

xodondum 08-06-17 07:56 PM

47 miles

jumpncrash 08-10-17 10:21 PM


alexaschwanden 08-10-17 10:57 PM

36 miles on my mountain bike before work at the bike shop.

Sangetsu 08-11-17 01:36 AM

32km today. I rode from my home to Tokyo's old execution grounds in Minami Senju and back. 250,000 people were executed during the Edo period at this place, and it was also the city's largest "eta mura". All that is left is a large stone jizo (a statue which looks like Buddha). It is called the "kubukiri jizo", or "head-cutting" jizo, and looked over the spot were the condemned were beheaded.

This place was also a place were swords were tested, a sword would be placed in a special fixture, and tested to see how many bodies it could cut through.

The main street near the station is called "kotsu-dori", which used to mean "bone street". The kanji was changed to disguise the name, though it is still pronounced the same way. Since those executed were of little account, they weren't buried very deep, and with so many bodies buried, bones would always be exposed by rainfall, or dug up by dogs.

Because of the history of the place, and the eta village having been located nearby, it one of the cheaper places to live around Tokyo. Hotel rooms are cheap, and the area has a large immigrant population.

I rode around through the back streets, there are few shops and stores compared to the other business districts around Tokyo. The main part of the old village was renovated some years ago, and a new shopping street was created. But few people venture into the area to shop, and most of the stores are closed. This neighborhood also has the biggest population of homeless people in Tokyo. I rode by numerous men sleeping on the sidewalks, or chatting together while smoking and drinking beer.

This isn't the area which most people are interested in seeing when they come to Tokyo, but it is interesting to see what the bad part of town looks like. In the past it was called "Sanya", but that name was associated with the eta mura. The "eta" (now called buraku, or dowa) were ethnic Japanese, but were considered only one-seventh human. They did the dirtiest work, such as slaughtering animals, tanning leather, and handling the bodies of dead animals and executed criminals. "Sanya" has been removed from all maps, signs, and literature about the city. Leaving Sanya behind, I rode though the Yoshiwara.

The Yoshiwara was the Edo period red light district, and it still is today. There are numerous buildings with interesting names on the signs in front. In front of almost every one is a sharp-dressed man in a dark suit who will try to get you to come in.

From the Yoshiwara, I headed past Asakusa, dodging tourists, buses, and rickshaws, which are part of the traffic in the area. I headed past Asakusabashi station (the location of a smaller eta mura in the past), then into Nihonbashi. From there I rode through Ginza, and then through Shimbashi. I passed the US embassy as I rode into Akasaka. Not feeling like tackling the climb on Roppongi street, I headed toward Aoyama street, and took the more gradual hill up past the Canadian embassy.

It was a good ride, but I spent as much time stopped at red lights as I did riding.

Sunday's ride will be to Ikebukuro, which is not so interesting, but they have a good bike shop there that I want to visit.

one4smoke 08-11-17 04:02 PM

Originally Posted by Doctor Morbius (Post 19758358)
Did my first 30 miler of 2017 today at an average speed of 15.7 MPH on my Roam-2. Today I'm a proud old fart! :thumb:

Ironic, but I ride mostly my Roam 2, and most of my rides, I'd say 70% of them are 30 milers. Also, my average speed is always around 15 to 16 MPH. On a real good day, I can hit 17 MPH for 20 miles, and maybe, just maybe ...30.

I am good for 60 to 70 mile rides occasionally, but anything over that is stretching my rubber band a little too tight. Although I have done over 100 miles twice.

Just curious your age, as I'm 55.

one4smoke 08-11-17 04:04 PM

35.9 Wednesday

Donsell 08-12-17 03:27 PM

It was a beautiful morning to ride in Nebraska today. Much cooler than most August days! I rode 50 miles.

Maelochs 08-12-17 06:18 PM

Originally Posted by Sangetsu (Post 19784028)
32km today. I rode from my home to Tokyo's old execution grounds in Minami Senju and back. 250,000 people were executed during the Edo period at this place.

Well, aren’t you a cheery fellow! :D

Seriously, thanks for the history lesson/travelogue.

What a ride you had: the untouchables, the executed, the road of pimps, the graveyard of the unwanted .... and Skid Row.

Here in Flatahoma “history:” tends to be, “Yeah, that used to be the Drive-In, then they closed that down, then it was the Dairy-Freeze, then that closed down .... now it is a scrubby lot full of windblown trash.” Nothing is 200 years old, let alone 500 years old or much older.

You should write more about your rides.

Originally Posted by Doctor Morbius (Post 19758358)
Did my first 30 miler of 2017 today at an average speed of 15.7 MPH on my Roam-2. Today I'm a proud old fart! :thumb:

Good for you.

Last Sunday I planned to do a metric century, and found out that I was only good for 44.5 miles. My average rides are 15-25 miles .... but like you, I am proud.

I don’t care how many people do a metric century to warm up for their imperial double-century. I am proud of myself every time I get out the door on my bike. I know the real and profound sense of accomplishment involved in finishing a 30-mile ride---and nearly 16 mph? Outstanding!

I still recall my first 30-miles-in-two-hours ride since I got back on the bike. I remember being about three miles from home and thinking “Right There I went far enough ... but I have to get home so I won’t quit yet.” I remember the thrill of seeing “15.0 mph” on the average speed display.

Today I went out in a very light drizzle which turned into a very heavy rain after about six minutes. Luckily it is August, so I didn’t have to go back for special clothing—I wouldn’t have come back out.

About a third of the way in, Ii passed a guy on a motorcycle (going the other way, of course) and he waved---which is a little odd, because the “biker” types tend not to. The feeling I got was he was saying, “Yeah, only people who Really want to ride are out here today.”

That was exactly my feeling. I had only gotten one ride all week, a ten-miler, and I needed it. I got out of work early—finished early, didn’t just leave early—and didn’t waste any time—I left the office promptly, geared up, and headed out. Normally I have to wait until evening because of the heat (I can’t do the heat any more—working indoors I am no longer acclimatized) and too often I get home and run down and need a nap and miss the chance.

This day, I was determined—a little drizzle wasn’t stopping me. And when it turned into a downpour, I found the biggest problem I had was the aero drag from my mile-wide grin. I really enjoyed it.

I might not have made it 30 miles—but boy, howdy did I have fun.

Doctor Morbius 08-12-17 06:23 PM

Originally Posted by one4smoke (Post 19785714)
Ironic, but I ride mostly my Roam 2, and most of my rides, I'd say 70% of them are 30 milers. Also, my average speed is always around 15 to 16 MPH. On a real good day, I can hit 17 MPH for 20 miles, and maybe, just maybe ...30.

I am good for 60 to 70 mile rides occasionally, but anything over that is stretching my rubber band a little too tight. Although I have done over 100 miles twice.

Just curious your age, as I'm 55.

57. IMO, 17 MPH for 20 - 30 miles on a Roam is pretty damn decent. :thumb:

Sangetsu 08-12-17 06:45 PM

Today was a whopping 15km. My daughter is out of school until September, and my wife is busy with her job, so I have little time to ride.

I discovered a nice loop which runs around my neighborhood, it is 2.5km long, half of it is flat, then there is a gradual descent, followed by a steep but short climb. I start at Midtown, ride toward Yoyogi Gyoen (a large park), then pass through Aoayama cemetery, then the Tokyo National Art Center, and climb back up to Midtown.

The good thing about this loop is that there are no stops. It's very difficult to ride any distance in central Tokyo without stopping every 100 or 200 meters for a traffic light. I'll probably end up doing laps on this loop until my daughter returns to school, and I have time to do longer rides.

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