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Troul 05-29-23 03:47 PM

Originally Posted by rsbob (Post 22905660)
But you are still doing it. Amazing even if cucumbersome. Vegetable humor.

Your humor was fruitful in obtaining a laugh.

mackgoo 05-29-23 04:22 PM

In Laguna Beach. My quick daily run 15 miles up Newport Coast.

diphthong 05-29-23 09:17 PM

12-spot in the uggy, may gray.

rsbob 05-30-23 12:06 AM

Originally Posted by mackgoo (Post 22906087)
In Laguna Beach. My quick daily run 15 miles up Newport Coast.

Lived in Laguna Beach when going to UCI. It was hell on the weekends on PCH but I always drove/rode the backroads

rsbob 05-30-23 12:27 AM

Had something interesting happen today. Was riding in a very rural area with just a few houses surrounded by forest. Heard a dog bark, which is not unusual, but then heard the unmistakable clatter of claws moving quickly over pavement. I got out of the saddle and did my best impersonation of a sprint and got up to 28MPH still with the claws behind me. Looked back and no dog. Looked forward again and there was a dog 30 feet in front of me, now running through the grass. I stopped not knowing what it would do. It immediately ran toward me and I put the bike between me and the dog. Its tail was wagging which can mean one of two things - happy or agitated. After a 30 second stand-off it came closer still wagging and wanted a head scratch. So we had a good minute of pats and scratches and I took off again with the dog pacing me 1/4 mile down the road, running for the fun of it. It probably weighted 35 lbs, brown with long legs and definitely was built for speed and loved to run. Luckily it ran to someone’s house and I could continue on unaccompanied. Total miles 26, total smiles - too many.

Troul 05-30-23 05:06 PM

Originally Posted by rsbob (Post 22906462)
Had something interesting happen today. Was riding in a very rural area with just a few houses surrounded by forest. Heard a dog bark, which is not unusual, but then heard the unmistakable clatter of claws moving quickly over pavement. I got out of the saddle and did my best impersonation of a sprint and got up to 28MPH still with the claws behind me. Looked back and no dog. Looked forward again and there was a dog 30 feet in front of me, now running through the grass. I stopped not knowing what it would do. It immediately ran toward me and I put the bike between me and the dog. Its tail was wagging which can mean one of two things - happy or agitated. After a 30 second stand-off it came closer still wagging and wanted a head scratch. So we had a good minute of pats and scratches and I took off again with the dog pacing me 1/4 mile down the road, running for the fun of it. It probably weighted 35 lbs, brown with long legs and definitely was built for speed and loved to run. Luckily it ran to someone’s house and I could continue on unaccompanied. Total miles 26, total smiles - too many.

it's ruff not knowing what the critter is thinking. glad it was a good boy moment.

rsbob 05-31-23 08:21 PM

42 miles, 2000’ climbing at 17 MPH average. Saw this weird spring display while peddling my @$$ around:

Troul 06-01-23 05:53 AM

Originally Posted by rsbob (Post 22908727)
42 miles, 2000’ climbing at 17 MPH average. Saw this weird spring display while peddling my @$$ around:

Ya suppose to grow the veggies, not become the veggies.

Sierra_rider 06-01-23 10:22 PM

Light week last week...not really any noteworthy rides other than a short XC MTB race. Back to my home roads and elevation gain now.

Did this one today...not very long, but contained a "HC" category climb. Even the flattish part of the ride was lumpy.

Sierra_rider 06-02-23 09:43 PM

A bit more climbing today, both are 1 hour+ long climbs. Unfortunately, my GI issues returned on this ride. I'm starting to think a visit to the Doc might be in order, this issue seems to be one that I can't "train" myself out's not a consistent issue either. Some weeks I feel great and can do 6 hour rides up in the mountains without issue, other times I feel crappy within a couple hours.

rsbob 06-02-23 09:56 PM

Didn’t feel like it today but went out anyway and was later glad I did. 28 miles with 2100’ climbing in 4 miles.

Troul 06-03-23 12:10 PM

135 miles. Tomorrow is likely to be a recovery day.

jaxgtr 06-03-23 12:55 PM

got in 80 today.... the first 25 miles was into a hard head wind, which sucked.

The Chemist 06-03-23 04:57 PM

83km. Set a record for my fastest ever 40k at 1:12:57, so that felt pretty good.

Troul 06-04-23 01:28 PM

59 recovery miles. Was windy, unlike the forecast stated right before heading out...

rsbob 06-04-23 10:19 PM

After Troul’s recovery ride, I went on a real ride of 50 miles. According to Strava, I only had 50 achievements, so only 1 per mile.

My 51st accomplishment was downing a coffee and a roll at a Kirkland bakery after the bike shop across the street did a quick repair on the new stem I installed this AM which had a .5 mm gap to the top spacer and made the bar dance and rattle when going over rough patches. They solved it in less than a minute which made the remaining 15 miles wonderful.

Troul 06-05-23 07:03 AM

rsbob you were on a kirky roll!

zaroba 06-05-23 02:06 PM

About 4 miles according to google maps on my almost finished being fixed up road bike.
Not much compared to the rest of you, but probably the most I've ridden in over 15 years.

kahn 06-05-23 02:56 PM

Cle Elum - Thorp and return
Last Thurs' epic (epic for me) 45 mile ride in Eastern Washington. Cle Elum to Thorp and back in an elongated loop. It warmed to mid 80's (27C) to low 90's.
Eastbound on the north side of I-90 and mainly the south side on the return with a few crossovers
Thorp Fruit and Antique Mall
A screen grab from Google of the Mall.
I presume the vehicle also suffered damage
Rolling terrain
Along the way with the Yakima River
Thorp Cemetery and Mt Stuart in the background with wind farm

diphthong 06-06-23 01:42 AM


SpeedyBlueBiker 06-06-23 08:56 AM

Originally Posted by kahn (Post 22913509)
Last Thurs' epic (epic for me) 45 mile ride in Eastern Washington. Cle Elum to Thorp and back in an elongated loop. It warmed to mid 80's (27C) to low 90's.
Eastbound on the north side of I-90 and mainly the south side on the return with a few crossovers

Was it windy out there?

kahn 06-06-23 10:18 AM

Originally Posted by SpeedyBlueBiker (Post 22914405)
Was it windy out there?

Actually, the friend I went with had done the ride before and she was complaining about the wind on some past rides. Especially on the return when you really don't want to be fighting winds. NONE. We lucked out. It was warm. I will admit that I complained about the I-90 noise when we crossed over at Thorp. I found it pretty terrible. I think we concluded that when the traffic is coming toward you, the ears, facing forward, really funnel the noise into the ears. When the return crossed over I-90 and the traffic was coming from the rear it was quite a bit better.

I have bltched about 520's noise many times. Usually on rides over to Medina. Again, riding eastbound across the bridge the assault is coming at you. The week before this ride we did the BGT over to Juanita Way and Kirkland and then back via 520 and with the traffic approaching from the rear it was not all that terrible.

Oh, be warned, in two places there was warning signs "Annual Chip Seal" is approaching. So, there could be hellacious surface conditions soon. I think it was both on 10 on the north side and the "service" road on the south side of I-90.

Did Golden Gardens yesterday for a 16 mile loop. Now there it was windy! The surf was up.

rsbob 06-06-23 08:35 PM

Did a quick 30 with 1500’ climbing. Killer head wind on the way out and a nice push on the way back.

diphthong 06-06-23 08:38 PM

47-spot in the local mountains. low 70's with sunshine and plenty of wind.

Troul 06-07-23 12:14 PM

31 miles

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