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MoAlpha 08-10-21 12:26 PM

Originally Posted by Trsnrtr (Post 22178876)
that leather is so soft. :love:

Yup. Much nicer feel than the aramid cloth and molded PU of the S-Works.

datlas 08-10-21 12:33 PM

Originally Posted by Trsnrtr (Post 22178866)
I thought Prevagen has been debunked by most medical experts and I'm pretty sure that they have to keep changing their ads because of running afoul of whoever regulates advertising. It's also damn expensive.

It has been debunked and there is no good evidence it helps memory.

However, they seem to somehow get away with continuing to lie to the gullible American public. Sad!

WhyFi 08-10-21 12:37 PM

Originally Posted by Trsnrtr (Post 22178843)
No pics, but these are LAKE CX238 model in all black so a pic wouldn't be worth much anyway.

After having (wide) 237s for the last year and a half, I'm Lake for life. Saw some nifty black camo 238s at the shop today, too, but I'll probably get a pair of the lace-up CX-1 before anything else. Well, at least in terms of a road shoe - I might buckle and pop for a pair of winter cycling boots this year.

Mojo31 08-10-21 12:39 PM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 22178877)
I bought mine for half price offa guy with weird feet, who used them once or twice and moved on to Bonts. Simply fantastic shoes.

I was really close, and the shop offered a discount since the pair in my size was a display set. But, the image of a frying pan hitting me in the head kept surfacing.

At the end of the day, it's probably better that I passed on them since they were white and I'm not that good of a cyclist.

MoAlpha 08-10-21 12:45 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22178900)
I was really close, and the shop offered a discount since the pair in my size was a display set. But, the image of a frying pan hitting me in the head kept surfacing.

At the end of the day, it's probably better that I passed on them since they were white and I'm not that good of a cyclist.

Mine are black. Maybe I should paint them.

Mojo31 08-10-21 12:57 PM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 22178908)
Mine are black. Maybe I should paint them.

More stealthy for you to wear black. If I wore white, I'd probably be labeled as a poser.

Mojo31 08-10-21 01:05 PM

Luka just got $207MM over 5 years with the Mavericks. That's just incomprehensible.

WhyFi 08-10-21 01:15 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22178935)
Luka just got $207MM over 5 years with the Mavericks. That's just incomprehensible.

Messi's earnings makes all the rest look like chump change. :twitchy:

phrantic09 08-10-21 01:31 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22178873)
Tried on a pair of the S-Works 7s once, and was really tempted to pull the trigger. Just couldn't do it at $400.

Really nice shoe though.

I'm in 8 year old Diadoras. For some unexplainable reason, I can't seem to bring myself to pull the trigger on new shoes and I can't tell you why, these shoes completely suck and have stretched well beyond the point of fitting.

I did just buy some terra speed 35s for a gravel event I'm doing Sunday though, I'll probably bin the GKs, went out to wash the bike and noticed that the "dirt" on the seat tube was a liberal slather of latex/mud mix. I'm over these tires.

Mojo31 08-10-21 02:05 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22178948)
Messi's earnings makes all the rest look like chump change. :twitchy:

Then throw onto that sponsorship money.

WhyFi 08-10-21 02:16 PM

Originally Posted by phrantic09 (Post 22178970)
I'm in 8 year old Diadoras. For some unexplainable reason, I can't seem to bring myself to pull the trigger on new shoes and I can't tell you why, these shoes completely suck and have stretched well beyond the point of fitting.

My feet are tough to fit, so I hate the process of shopping for/trying on shoes and I really hate paying for something that ultimately might not work out. When Specialized changed their lasts, it left me hangin' in the wind; if Lake should do the same, I'd be pissed... but the liklihood of them doing that is pretty much nil, I think.

Originally Posted by phrantic09 (Post 22178970)
I did just buy some terra speed 35s for a gravel event I'm doing Sunday though, I'll probably bin the GKs, went out to wash the bike and noticed that the "dirt" on the seat tube was a liberal slather of latex/mud mix. I'm over these tires.

But they ride so nice.



big john 08-10-21 02:24 PM

Originally Posted by ksryder (Post 22178649)
Excuse me while I reply to this post from three days ago. Over the years I have observed some people who just simply seem to lack the ability to be alert. When I'm riding I'm more or less constantly on alert for other traffic, road hazards, what my fellow riders are doing etc. I don't know if that just comes naturally to me or if it's a residual effect of my time in the military.

Anecdotal, I know, but I can think of at least three people off the top of my head who have had multiple crashes and when I ride with them it sure seems like they are somewhat blind to obvious dangers. I'm drawing a bit of a fine line here between being reckless and clueless. Anyway, most of those people have quit riding over the years and as much as I hate to say it, that's probably for the best.

I remember one guy in particular -- we were riding side by side in a double paceline and he started drifting over towards me. I didn't say anything because I assumed he would see me before he put me in the ditch but he just kept drifting until I had to yell at him before it was too late. He felt terrible. In hindsight, and putting together some questionable behavior on other rides with this guy in the past, I came to the conclusion that he doesn't have any peripheral vision. It would explain most of his crashes.

The crash this guy had Saturday couldn't be explained but his behavior later might have been a vision problem, he almost ran into a car which was entering the road we were on and the car had the right of way. Friend was riding on the center line and if the driver hadn't slammed on the brakes they would have collided.

There was another guy who rode with us for several years. Nice guy, strong on the bike, but had some terrible crashes. After the first one his wife wanted him to quit riding. He did for a while be eventually started doing long, fast rides again and had a second crash, not as bad as the first but a lot of us wanted him to quit then.
Both of these crashes were from descending too fast on very curvy roads and I was there for both, almost hit him on the second one but got lucky.
I wasn't there for the third one and I'm glad I wasn't. It was bad enough that there was no doubt he wouldn't be back.

Trsnrtr 08-10-21 02:38 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22178927)
More stealthy for you to wear black. If I wore white, I'd probably be labeled as a poser.

My Specialized shoes are white and I have been ridiculed from time to time. However, the real problem with them is keeping them clean. My model doesn't have a toe cap and they are filthy in front just from hitting the pedals during clipping in.

Trsnrtr 08-10-21 03:50 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22178889)
It has been debunked and there is no good evidence it helps memory.

However, they seem to somehow get away with continuing to lie to the gullible American public. Sad!

Whew! I thought you guys were serious!

LAJ 08-10-21 04:00 PM

I picked up a set of Giro lace ups. I love the EC90 sole, and I've always wanted to return to shoelaces. I love my Giro Trans HV shoes with the same sole, but they're straps. I've already gone through one buckle, and and I was ascared another buckle may let loose at any time. So far, I like the Empire HV's.

big john 08-10-21 04:49 PM

Originally Posted by Trsnrtr (Post 22179072)
My Specialized shoes are white and I have been ridiculed from time to time. However, the real problem with them is keeping them clean. My model doesn't have a toe cap and they are filthy in front just from hitting the pedals during clipping in.

The last pair of motorcycle boots I bought were white. I don't know who thought dirt bike boots should be white but I got them on sale and they are great. They just sit in the garage now. Kinda like these, but old.

DougRNS 08-10-21 05:01 PM

PSA when mowing lawns:

MoAlpha 08-10-21 05:02 PM

Originally Posted by Trsnrtr (Post 22179072)
My Specialized shoes are white and I have been ridiculed from time to time. However, the real problem with them is keeping them clean. My model doesn't have a toe cap and they are filthy in front just from hitting the pedals during clipping in.

Just don’t wear them after Labor Day.

WhyFi 08-10-21 05:04 PM

Hey MoAlpha ! You coming down to Billyburg for some Addiction paceline action on the MUP? ;)

DougRNS 08-10-21 05:05 PM

Originally Posted by Trsnrtr (Post 22178843)
I always carry a tool for the first 100 miles or so. I got them close as far as centering for the knees but i think they are just a little too far forward, both by looking down and also pressure on the balls of my feet.

No pics, but these are LAKE CX238 model in all black so a pic wouldn't be worth much anyway.

Might be worth a thousand words.

DougRNS 08-10-21 05:10 PM

pick up some free afternoon baseball(already in progress)

Eric F 08-10-21 05:13 PM

Originally Posted by DougRNS (Post 22179253)


LesterOfPuppets 08-10-21 05:48 PM

Originally Posted by DougRNS (Post 22179264)
pick up some free afternoon baseball(already in progress)

The little lady has watched the whole thing, while I just started viewing in the 4th. It's so relaxing seeing a game in a mostly empty stadium after those 50k attendance Dodgers' games. They showed a little clip from a Eugene vs Tri Cities game earlier, and the crowd there seemed more rowdy than this one :)

LesterOfPuppets 08-10-21 06:00 PM

Originally Posted by DougRNS (Post 22179253)

I had to replace an irrigation valve this afternoon and was sweating bullets.

MoAlpha 08-10-21 06:02 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22179257)
Hey MoAlpha ! You coming down to Billyburg for some Addiction paceline action on the MUP? ;)


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