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Troul 05-29-21 06:24 PM

frosty 47 Miles O.D. It's May 29th not MARCH 29th!

rsbob 05-29-21 11:42 PM

Did a 50 miler today with 2,500’ climbing

Thanks Oogabooga!

Troul 05-30-21 02:07 AM

55 Miles O.D. [beat the sun coming up]

Skikick 05-31-21 04:36 AM

3 km!

Troul 05-31-21 05:19 PM

117 Miles O.D.

kahn 05-31-21 08:42 PM

23 and about 1,000. Lots of water views.

rsbob 05-31-21 10:53 PM

A leisurely 29 at 17 MPH 1500’ climbing. A perfect day.

diphthong 06-01-21 01:27 AM


bampilot06 06-01-21 05:28 AM

92 miles

one4smoke 06-01-21 05:51 PM

33 miles on a beautiful holiday Monday!

diphthong 06-01-21 09:16 PM

23-spot. there may or may not have been a tasting room involved.

kahn 06-02-21 07:35 AM

Originally Posted by ooga-booga (Post 22084475)
23-spot. there may or may not have been a tasting room involved.

How good was or wasn't the tasting room?

Troul 06-02-21 09:27 AM

30 Miles O.D.

808HIcycler 06-03-21 04:26 AM

13.5 for my first post-deployment ride. Five months without riding other than a stationary bike makes for a world of hurt.

bampilot06 06-03-21 05:21 AM

88, wanted 100 but ran out of time.

Flip Flop Rider 06-03-21 07:11 AM

0 miles

kahn 06-03-21 10:52 AM

Yesterday - 15.7 and about 700 or so feet.

bald1der 06-03-21 02:29 PM

21 miles today. leisurely 12.3 mph average on my Quick CX3

Troul 06-04-21 05:36 PM

34 Miles O.D.

rsbob 06-04-21 08:41 PM

24 with the wifey. Got a cut at the interface between the sidewall and the tire face and my tubeless spewed air and sealant for 5 seconds and self-sealed. Lost about 15 PSI was still enough left to finish the ride with no issues and 70 lbs left. With a tubed tire it would have been the old patch or new tube drill. Very cool.

Geo_Zegarra2016 06-04-21 11:29 PM

June 4, 2021. 17.01 miles :)

diphthong 06-05-21 12:26 AM

Originally Posted by kahn (Post 22084763)
How good was or wasn't the tasting room?

beers: a-. property: b+.

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