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Mojo31 04-01-22 03:49 PM

Originally Posted by ls01 (Post 22458675)
I thought the same. How ' bout Mikes hard lemonaid?

I heard it’s good mixed with Coke.

genejockey 04-01-22 03:50 PM

Originally Posted by BillyD (Post 22458673)
My favorite cocktail is my wife's recipe for margarita. That bad boy is a crowd pleaser. Equal parts of decent quality tequila, contreau, fresh-squeezed lime juice and simple syrup. Shake with crushed ice.

I love a good shaken Margarita or Daquiri, though recently I've been going for Golden Gloves, which is essentially the bastard child of a Daquiri and a Margarita.

ls01 04-01-22 03:52 PM

Originally Posted by BillyD (Post 22458662)
Sounds like the motor vehicles are gradually winning the competition for the roads. Who wants to volunteer to inform A&S?


It won't last. # justapassingfad

ls01 04-01-22 03:53 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22458678)
I heard it’s good mixed with Coke.

Like I said. You drink your way, I'll drink mine.

ls01 04-01-22 03:55 PM

Originally Posted by ls01 (Post 22458675)
I thought the same. How ' bout Mikes hard lemonaid?

Mix with Some Tea, make a hard Arnold Palmer...... if thats what your into...

genejockey 04-01-22 03:58 PM

Originally Posted by ls01 (Post 22458688)
Mix with Some Tea, make a hard Arnold Palmer...... if thats what your into...

That's a hard no.

WhyFi 04-01-22 03:59 PM

Originally Posted by ls01 (Post 22458688)
Mix with Some Tea, make a hard Arnold Palmer...... if thats what your into...

In Brooklyn, one of our neighbors introduced us to Firefly, a sweet tea infused vodka. My wife loved that mixed with lemonade, which I dubbed a Harnold Palmer.

ls01 04-01-22 04:00 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22458581)
I've also been thinking about traffic. Suburban sprawl blows. It used to be, even five years ago, on one of my old favourite routes, that once you got beyond the last stop light in Hardin Valley, you were out in the "country." Maybe get passed by a few vehicles/mile, maybe not even that.

But now they are building, or have built, hundreds of houses out west. Empty fields are turning into subdivisions. And with that comes more and more blow-by buzzings with SUVs and monster trucks. Where's the enjoyment in that?

I'm thinking about retiring from road cycling and moving to a safer recreation, like seedsbelize did. It used to be that when people talked about off-road cycling, they meant mountain biking. There's a pretty good place to ride one 10 or so miles away. Now I guess gravel bikes are popular. Not sure where I'd ride that. On the MUP? Either way, I need to get off the roads.

Same spot in the Hardin Valley.


2022 :(

Your thoughts mirror my own on the sprawl thing. There's hardly any farm land left around me. I used to ride to the farm land now I have to drive to it. When I moved into my parents house the rode was gravel. We were the 5th house on it. It's 9/10ths of a mile Long. Hasn't been a lot available for 15 years. Our Saturday ride used to, LA tour de corn. But it's all subdivisions now.

( man the quote function is a bit wonkyer than normal today)

ls01 04-01-22 04:03 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22458694)
In Brooklyn, one of our neighbors introduced us to Firefly, a sweet tea infused vodka. My wife loved that mixed with lemonade, which I dubbed a Harnold Palmer.

I'd have to be hammered to order that.:innocent:. Nttawwt. Arnold and Jack are pretty friken good. Especially warmed when you have cold.

genejockey 04-01-22 04:10 PM

Originally Posted by ls01 (Post 22458696)
Your thoughts mirror my own on the sprawl thing. There's hardly any farm land left around me. I used to ride to the farm land now I have to drive to it. When I moved into my parents house the rode was gravel. We were the 5th house on it. It's 9/10ths of a mile Longshore hasn't bee

I hate to say this, especially as a suburban dweller myself, but the desire of everybody to live in a single family home with a yard in someplace with hints of the bucolic is A Bad Thing. Combine this with rigid zoning requirements that prevent the building of denser housing and you're doomed to mile after mile of Not City/Not Country, and it requires you going farther and farther to get to someplace that even seems remotely wild.

OR you end up with someplace like the Peninsula, where you can still get to semi-wild places within a single day's ride, but then housing gets so expensive that people like me can't afford to retire here.

Mojo31 04-01-22 04:28 PM

Several years ago, I was working on a commercial lease deal with a value of about $158 million. We were having a hard time getting the other lawyer to a close, so the client drug me out to West Texas to sit down with the other side and work till we had signatures. As the end of the day came, we got it signed on two conditions - we had to buy the landowners mom a purple Jeep, and we had to got out to celebrate with the landowner and her friend. The required celebratory drink was Fireball.

It was a long flight home that night with our guts rotting.

LesterOfPuppets 04-01-22 04:48 PM

Paotd, irl edition:

WhyFi 04-01-22 04:59 PM

Originally Posted by ls01 (Post 22458701)
I'd have to be hammered to order that.:innocent:. Nttawwt.

My wife liked it because it tasted pretty much like a regular Arnold Palmer - it's actually not bad.

WhyFi 04-01-22 05:01 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22458730)
The required celebratory drink was Fireball.

There's a map out there of the most popular liquor by state. It's embarrassing how many states are represented by Fireball.

Mojo31 04-01-22 05:10 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22458755)
There's a map out there of the most popular liquor by state. It's embarrassing how many states are represented by Fireball.

Fortunately ours is not one of them. Unfortunately for you, yours is.

genejockey 04-01-22 05:15 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22458762)
Fortunately ours is not one of them. Unfortunately for you, yours is.

You could go from the Gulf of Mexico to the Canadian border without ever leaving a state where Fireball is one of the if not THE most popular liquor.

WhyFi 04-01-22 05:18 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22458762)
Fortunately ours is not one of them. Unfortunately for you, yours is.

In MN, you get outside of the loop and all bets are off.

I bet Fireball is popular for snowmobile bar hopping. :rolleyes:

LAJ 04-01-22 05:27 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22458755)
There's a map out there of the most popular liquor by state. It's embarrassing how many states are represented by Fireball.

Bacardi is just as bad. Heavens...

Mojo31 04-01-22 05:28 PM

Originally Posted by LAJ (Post 22458777)
Bacardi is just as bad. Heavens...


Goes with Coke tho.

LAJ 04-01-22 05:29 PM

I'm surprised Patron is so popular.

Mojo31 04-01-22 05:31 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22458774)
In MN, you get outside of the loop and all bets are off.

I bet Fireball is popular for snowmobile bar hopping. :rolleyes:

The one time I really had to jump my daughter’s arse was when I used her car to make a Sam’s run for her high school graduation party, and a bottle of Fireball rolled out from under the seat.

I thought we had taught her better.

Mojo31 04-01-22 05:43 PM

Originally Posted by LAJ (Post 22458780)
I'm surprised Patron is so popular.

We really like Avion.

Bah Humbug 04-01-22 05:52 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22458666)
You didn't miss out. The other popular thing in my underage days was the... I guess I'll call them the novelty liqueurs. Sugary stuff, like Goldschlager and this other crap with crystals forming at the bottom of the bottle, were popular ones. Jager, too, but only if you wanted to act manly. Basically anything that covered up or distracted from the alcohol. Ugh. So bad.

I used to use Goldschlaeger as a warmup. Then Bacardi 151 (and pour one out for the loss of that). Then after that Belvy as needed. That sequence worked.

We never did beer.

Bah Humbug 04-01-22 05:56 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22458711)
I hate to say this, especially as a suburban dweller myself, but the desire of everybody to live in a single family home with a yard in someplace with hints of the bucolic is A Bad Thing. Combine this with rigid zoning requirements that prevent the building of denser housing and you're doomed to mile after mile of Not City/Not Country, and it requires you going farther and farther to get to someplace that even seems remotely wild.

OR you end up with someplace like the Peninsula, where you can still get to semi-wild places within a single day's ride, but then housing gets so expensive that people like me can't afford to retire here.

And I understand that too... but I would go insane in the kind of housing people want me in. The way the world has gone only makes me want more separation; I still want a moat and a curtain wall.

Bah Humbug 04-01-22 06:02 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22458762)
Fortunately ours is not one of them. Unfortunately for you, yours is.

For my states it's Bacardi, Patron, Hennessy, and Jack Daniel's. Not bad. No Fireball, at least.

Bah Humbug 04-01-22 06:05 PM

Fort Collins has taken another step forward. AG is negotiating details with a prospective new employer; if they come to an agreement we'll be moving later this year or early next.

You know, if the world doesn't end.

LAJ 04-01-22 06:28 PM

Originally Posted by Bah Humbug (Post 22458818)
Fort Collins has taken another step forward. AG is negotiating details with a prospective new employer; if they come to an agreement we'll be moving later this year or early next.

You know, if the world doesn't end.

Not happening. I'm not done yet.

datlas 04-01-22 06:29 PM

Originally Posted by indyfabz (Post 22458626)
Remember Zima?

What iz it?

LAJ 04-01-22 06:33 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22458828)
What iz it?

Some **** Soors put out.

seedsbelize2 04-01-22 06:59 PM

Originally Posted by BillyD (Post 22458630)
Same with all whiskies, IMO.

I rarely make a cocktail, I'm a straight guy.

Not even bi-curious?

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