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Troul 04-14-21 01:28 AM

Originally Posted by rsbob (Post 22013830)
49.72 miles 1700’ climbing. Ran over a 1.5’ snake.

short of a century, yet a full monte.

Troul 04-14-21 04:45 AM

33 miles O.D.

diphthong 04-14-21 11:36 AM

Originally Posted by UCantTouchThis (Post 22014528)
I see the steep part at the top is 8.8% for a mile section. But dragging my cursor over the elevation graph, I do see some 9.5-11 % grades. Yeah, that's gotta sting! :D

always more fun when it’s above 8,000 feet.

diphthong 04-14-21 11:37 AM

last little tucson vaca ride...32-spot.

ZIPP2001 04-14-21 07:13 PM

The fight continues
Off for a nice easy 31 mile ride after work today trying to work the back out.

one4smoke 04-14-21 08:03 PM

22 easy miles with a couple of old riding buddies. :50:

Nick 93 04-14-21 08:10 PM

Did a 34 mile ride today before the rain set in. Slowly working my way up to a 50 mile ride but the next few days will be recovery with all the rain. Come to think of it I really need an indoor bike trainer.

NoWhammies 04-15-21 07:58 AM

72k. Should have been a nice and easy recovery ride but my competitive streak got the better of me and I there was no recovery.

gios 04-15-21 09:51 AM

20 miles. One stop:

NoWhammies 04-16-21 08:08 AM

87k. Most of which felt like it was in to a headwind.

Troul 04-17-21 04:09 PM

77 miles O.D two days in a row using the, new to me, speedplays zeros.

GlennR 04-17-21 06:20 PM

37 miles @ 15.8mph with a 14mph wind that switched on the way home. This was on the CX bike which is heavier and has full fenders, so not very "aero".

More important to me is calories and heart rate. Speed is secondary.

gios 04-18-21 03:43 AM

20 miles yesterday. A rare afternoon ride - around 70.0F / 21.1C.

Troul 04-18-21 03:26 PM

77.7 Miles O.D. What are the odds!

gios 04-18-21 06:13 PM

20 mile afternoon ride. 75.9F 24.4C.

ultrarider7 04-18-21 07:02 PM

70 miles

Nick 93 04-18-21 08:23 PM

Completed just over 19 miles today. Decided to work on my speed a little and I'm very happy with the improvement from two months ago. Tomorrow will be a longer ride.

NoWhammies 04-18-21 09:26 PM

122k. Enjoying some early spring sun.

rsbob 04-18-21 11:16 PM

22 with Mrs RSbob then another 20 with me, myself and I

diphthong 04-21-21 01:32 AM


NeedARealBike 04-21-21 04:17 AM

1 miles :3

To pick up 420 snacks

ultrarider7 04-21-21 05:32 AM

43 on a cold and blustery day.

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