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LAJ 01-01-22 03:26 PM

LAJ 01-01-22 03:28 PM

11, and it feels like 17. (Real money. F) That's like a win!

Trsnrtr 01-01-22 03:49 PM

I need a ruling, here. Do diets start on 1/1 or 1/2 after the New Year Day debauchery is over? Or, do we just wait until Lent?

seedsbelize2 01-01-22 03:53 PM

Originally Posted by ls01 (Post 22358229)
wrap it in an old sheet or plastic visqueen before you put the bike in it.

Visqueen and the like is not easy to come by in these parts. Neither is Vaseline but I have a stash

seedsbelize2 01-01-22 03:56 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22358320)
Masking tape the stand. Much easier to remove the tape.

See post #29.

seedsbelize2 01-01-22 03:57 PM

Originally Posted by Trsnrtr (Post 22358342)
I need a ruling, here. Do diets start on 1/1 or 1/2 after the New Year Day debauchery is over? Or, do we just wait until Lent?

I vote for the 2nd.
A diet tip. There is an app called 'Noom'. I lost 14 lbs. with it the last three months of 2020. It's still off. A first.

Trsnrtr 01-01-22 04:02 PM

Went to get on the trainer and my wife beat me to it. :foo:

Mojo31 01-01-22 04:04 PM

Originally Posted by seedsbelize2 (Post 22358351)
See post #29.

You could also drape a trash bag over the stand. Just poke the clamp thru a hole in the bottom.

big john 01-01-22 04:06 PM

I had a fun NYD ride. Only about 10 of us at the start and we met up with a few others later. This is a ride which had 200 riders in years past. A few went into the mountains but the rest of us went to coffee then resumed riding. Speeds were casual but we were on a flat section I went to the front to hammer a bit, just to warm up. Realized I was with a bunch of racers and they all lined up behind me and when I ran out of gas the line just went around me. I should have just left well enough alone.

BF member Cleave was there, first time I've seen him in a few years. Skarin bought coffee and snacks for everyone. An 86 year old racer joined us for a few miles. Some of them knew him but I never met him before. Fun day!

big john 01-01-22 04:10 PM

Originally Posted by Trsnrtr (Post 22358358)
Went to get on the trainer and my wife beat me to it. :foo:

I thought you had two of them?

abshipp 01-01-22 04:20 PM

Happy New Year!

PSA: Don't shift the front and rear at the same time :rolleyes:

Eric F 01-01-22 04:38 PM

Originally Posted by abshipp (Post 22358383)
Happy New Year!

PSA: Don't shift the front and rear at the same time :rolleyes:

Hmmm...I shift both regularly, and haven't had this issue. Been doing it for years.

abshipp 01-01-22 04:53 PM

Originally Posted by Eric F (Post 22358395)
Hmmm...I shift both regularly, and haven't had this issue. Been doing it for years.

It was a bummer, especially since this bike shifted so well before today.

Also my rear hub is incredibly loose, like ~2mm of play. It wasn't like that at the start of the ride, so that should be fun to diagnose :rolleyes:

Mojo31 01-01-22 05:06 PM

The temp has dropped from 75 to 45 in the last two hours. Supposed to be in the 20s tonight. Brrr.

Mojo31 01-01-22 05:08 PM

Originally Posted by abshipp (Post 22358383)
Happy New Year!

PSA: Don't shift the front and rear at the same time :rolleyes:

How does that happen? We’re you pedaling backwards when shifting?

Trsnrtr 01-01-22 05:11 PM

Originally Posted by big john (Post 22358369)
I thought you had two of them?

We do but we feed FulGaz in to a flat screen and only one can do it at a time. Besides, I'm pretty sure that we would overheat the room if both of us rode at the same time. I rode after her today and the room felt warmer than normal.

Velo Vol 01-01-22 05:13 PM

Originally Posted by abshipp (Post 22358412)
It wasn't like that at the start of the ride, so that should be fun to diagnose :rolleyes:

Sell it.

Velo Vol 01-01-22 05:14 PM

Bare hands? wut

Mojo31 01-01-22 05:15 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22358430)
Sell it.

Who’d buy it in that broken state? He should just give it away.

LesterOfPuppets 01-01-22 05:27 PM

Broke my previous record for largest object introduced to the interior of a tyre carcass while JRA the other day, just peeled the tyre off today for replacement. (Quarter for scale)

gnome 01-01-22 05:28 PM

Originally Posted by Trsnrtr (Post 22358342)
I need a ruling, here. Do diets start on 1/1 or 1/2 after the New Year Day debauchery is over? Or, do we just wait until Lent?

wait until Lent.

big john 01-01-22 05:29 PM

Originally Posted by Trsnrtr (Post 22358427)
We do but we feed FulGaz in to a flat screen and only one can do it at a time. Besides, I'm pretty sure that we would overheat the room if both of us rode at the same time. I rode after her today and the room felt warmer than normal.


genejockey 01-01-22 05:32 PM

Originally Posted by Trsnrtr (Post 22358427)
We do but we feed FulGaz in to a flat screen and only one can do it at a time. Besides, I'm pretty sure that we would overheat the room if both of us rode at the same time. I rode after her today and the room felt warmer than normal.

I routinely warm the garage up about 5 degrees, and increase relative humidity around 10%, in an hour of Zwifting. I told Mrs. GJ I could rent myself out as a 180W heater/humidifier.

DougRNS 01-01-22 05:54 PM

Originally Posted by Trsnrtr (Post 22358427)
We do but we feed FulGaz in to a flat screen and only one can do it at a time. Besides, I'm pretty sure that we would overheat the room if both of us rode at the same time. I rode after her today and the room felt warmer than normal.

you snooze you lose.

MoAlpha 01-01-22 06:02 PM

Originally Posted by abshipp (Post 22358383)
Happy New Year!

PSA: Don't shift the front and rear at the same time :rolleyes:

Ouch! Chain suck?

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