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thehammerdog 06-07-22 12:41 PM

fearing the slow good bye to rim brake bikes
fearing that it maybe time to sell my beloved steeds old with rim breaks to begin the Next phase in cycling.
Read that many will not build rim break bicycles. I love my bikes...feeling sadder older broker...

Reflector Guy 06-07-22 12:52 PM

Why? You don't actually have to replace your old bikes just because the cool kids have all moved on to discs.

rumrunn6 06-07-22 12:56 PM

Originally Posted by thehammerdog (Post 22533865)
feeling sadder older broker...

this thread aside, me too

WhyFi 06-07-22 12:57 PM

Are you thinking that you won't be able to get appropriate pads, cables and rims in the future? I have absolutely no interest in rim brake bikes, but I wouldn't be concerned about keeping one running for the rest of my days, if I had one. This seems unnecessarily dramatic.

cyclezen 06-07-22 01:02 PM

do you really think the 'New Stuff' is any faster?
brakes are about 'slower' - best never to use brakes unless really necessary... LOL!
If I still lived in Sussex Cty, I;d own ONE disc bike (prolly gravel...) to ride on those really rainy days... Wet roads from a recent shower don;t count...
You have a current CF or Ti rim brake road bike from the mid to later 2010s with great wheels, you have the fastest machine out there.
Ride it hard, treasure it. :beer:
Guts, not bling, gets you down the road...
Ride On

Rolla 06-07-22 01:21 PM

There's no reason why all (or any) of your bikes have to have disc brakes. I have four bikes with discs, three with rim brakes, and I never even think about them; I just grab the bike that's suited for that day's route and go. My actual riding experience has never once been compromised by the kind of brakes I'm using.

To be fair, I vastly prefer disc brakes on my mountain bike, but that's just one bike and one discipline. My cantilever CX bikes and my V-brake cruiser aren't going anywhere.

rumrunn6 06-07-22 01:36 PM

yeah good braking is def. more important on the MTBs. not sure how much I even use my brakes on the other bikes

Ogsarg 06-07-22 01:45 PM

I can understand people not seeing the advantage of discs but fearing them? That I don't get. What is it that you fear?

I guess I can see some trepidation in having to use something that is new to you. I was concerned when I got my first motorcycle with fuel injection and electronic ignition that I wouldn't be able to maintain it myself but after getting a few new tools and reading a bit, I found that it was just as easy to maintain and a whole lot more reliable.

In any case, there are millions of bikes on the roads with rim brakes and I suspect parts will be available for many years to come. If you're really concerned, pick up an extra set and store them; maybe even a newish frameset from someone that has upgraded to discs.

njkayaker 06-07-22 01:55 PM

Originally Posted by thehammerdog (Post 22533865)
fearing that it maybe time to sell my beloved steeds old with rim breaks to begin the Next phase in cycling.
Read that many will not build rim break bicycles. I love my bikes...feeling sadder older broker...

If you care that much, you should use the correct spelling.

seypat 06-07-22 02:06 PM

Originally Posted by thehammerdog (Post 22533865)
fearing that it maybe time to sell my beloved steeds old with rim breaks to begin the Next phase in cycling.
Read that many will not build rim break bicycles. I love my bikes...feeling sadder older broker...

Hopefully, you had some joy and fun as you rode them on sunny days.

GamblerGORD53 06-07-22 02:08 PM

Rim SCRATCH brakes. FIFY
Raleigh was still selling rim pull rod pretend brakes till after 1980. LOL. Whata stupid FARCE.
SA 90 mm Drum brakes beat anything.

thehammerdog 06-07-22 02:23 PM

Originally Posted by njkayaker (Post 22533954)
If you care that much, you should use the correct spelling.

thats ur phone auto corrects..
enjoy the tightness that is your mind.
seems yummy

njkayaker 06-07-22 02:39 PM

Originally Posted by thehammerdog (Post 22533994)
thats ur phone auto corrects..
enjoy the tightness that is your mind.

seems yummy

It looks like you'd drive off a cliff if your phone told you to do so.

aplcr0331 06-07-22 02:48 PM

Even after years and years with thousands of threads about "brakes" it's still disappoints me that cyclists are so vain and only concerned about image. I had hope that some of the older cyclists actually just loved to ride bikes and be out in nature. Nope...they want a bike that presents an image. They want to be known as "rim brake cyclist" or whatever other older technologies they're fetishizing. It's like frame materials and such...not really about the bike and enjoying the rush of moving yourself with a machine outside. It's about how it looks...all aesthetics.

You could keep your rim brake bike, I'm stuck with mine. Once I can afford another bike I'll get one with disc brakes and ride the same places I do now and enjoy it just as much.

So much image consciousness. Weird.

thehammerdog 06-07-22 02:51 PM

Originally Posted by njkayaker (Post 22534011)
It looks like you'd drive off a cliff if your phone told you to do so.

poor old buddy...why the to short. we talking about cycling..not english class do not let rigid thinking small minded myopic mindset prevent taking in life
life is good

njkayaker 06-07-22 03:01 PM

Originally Posted by thehammerdog (Post 22534023)
poor old buddy...why the to short. we talking about cycling..not english class do not let rigid thinking small minded myopic mindset prevent taking in life

You were talking about brakes (not breaks). There really is no reason you can't take the minor care to use the right word. Doing that is easier than blaming the phone (or me).

Anyway, you think that's "nastiness", your life must be quite easy.

thehammerdog 06-07-22 03:18 PM

Originally Posted by njkayaker (Post 22534034)
You were talking about brakes (not breaks). There really is no reason you can't take the minor care to use the right word. Doing that is easier than blaming the phone (or me).

Anyway, you think that's "nastiness", your life must be quite easy.

Hey jimmy...thats the point.
It is. try to breath relax....count 1,2,3,4...all good.

njkayaker 06-07-22 03:29 PM

Originally Posted by thehammerdog (Post 22534047)
Hey jimmy...thats the point.
It is. try to breath relax....count 1,2,3,4...all good.

Take your own advice *.

You are the one who is all upset. You could have just ignored it.

It was funny: you were all concerned about a thing but cared nothing about using the wrong word for that thing.

(If you think the stuff you write is actually worth people's time to read, you should take more care in writing/editing it.)

* Telling other people to relax about something that you are upset about is funny too!

Rolla 06-07-22 03:46 PM

Originally Posted by aplcr0331 (Post 22534019)
It's like frame materials and such...not really about the bike and enjoying the rush of moving yourself with a machine outside. It's about how it looks...all aesthetics.

Cycling can be about both. Or neither. Or whatever anyone wants it to be about. Don't presume to know others' motivations or claim yours is the "right" one.

thehammerdog 06-07-22 03:53 PM

Originally Posted by njkayaker (Post 22534063)
Take your own advice *.

You are the one who is all upset. You could have just ignored it.

It was funny: you were all concerned about a thing but cared nothing about using the wrong word for that thing.

* Telling other people to relax about something that you are upset about is funny too! one here upset.. love to see the rigid minded offer up judgemental negative feedback unsolicited speaks to how u process info. sad.

Speedway2 06-07-22 03:58 PM

Get a Fixie.....

njkayaker 06-07-22 03:59 PM

Originally Posted by thehammerdog (Post 22534093) one here upset.. love to see the rigid minded offer up judgemental negative feedback unsolicited speaks to how u process info. sad.

Yeah, you are still upset.

Anyway, who solicited your OP? Sounds like more advice you are giving out that you should be taking yourself.

thehammerdog 06-07-22 04:05 PM

Originally Posted by njkayaker (Post 22534099)
Yeah, you are still upset.

Anyway, who solicited your OP? Sounds like more advice you are giving out that you should be taking yourself.

Bro...come on buddy....again try the square breathing...think need for neg. judgemental comments to strangers...all good.
lake relaxing..

njkayaker 06-07-22 04:14 PM

Originally Posted by thehammerdog (Post 22534110)

Originally Posted by thehammerdog (Post 22533994)
enjoy the tightness that is your mind

Originally Posted by thehammerdog (Post 22534023)
poor old buddy...why the to short. we talking about cycling..not english class do not let rigid thinking small minded myopic mindset prevent taking in life

Bro...come on buddy....again try the square breathing...think need for neg. judgemental comments to strangers...all good.


It was you who provided the negativity and judgement. I guess that's fine if it's you doing it.

Again, you need to take your own advice.

indyfabz 06-07-22 04:35 PM

I’m reading this while eating dinner in camp after the second day of my rim break tour from Brattleboro, VT, up to the Northeast Kingdom. Had a nice snack break spot today. Going to have me a campfire later and do some reading.

thehammerdog You can always ask the mods if they are willing to boot a disruptive poster from this thread.

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