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AdventureManCO 01-13-24 10:56 PM

2024 'C&V related' New Years Resolutions check-in: How are you doing?
Well. I thought I'll check in with everyone. I was listening to the radio the other day (which I don't do often), and the radio host said that now is basically the time (2 weeks later) that most people ditch their resolutions.

I think my main goal was to ride more than I research/post on BF and Velobase and search for bikes and stuff. Well, its -7 degrees out and what with a 15-25mph winds making for a wind chill factor of -40 degrees, I thought it would be fun to go for a ride until the wife told me I'd probably slip and fall on the ice covered snow and if I was injured (likely) and couldn't move I'd probably die from freezing to death.

In other words, the New Years resolution is currently in a less-than-ideal state. And here I am on BF:D

The other resolution (Huffy relation) isn't going great either. Not a single convert! (yet) :lol:

Hopefully you all are having more success than me. We have to hold each other accountable. Hows it going?

merziac 01-14-24 12:44 AM

BAH HA HAHA, you must be joking, New Years resolutions, phfuttt! :roflmao2:

The only one I made was not to make any, SOP for this nonsense. ;)

Trying to ride more is always on the table and I did ride the last 2 days before today, but its a fools errand for which I'm way overqualified. :twitchy:

Today was some serious weather for us too.

georges1 01-14-24 12:49 AM

The two trek MTB projects are already done,so that is a nice one for starters:
Continiuing with the road bike projects and,the two other MTB projects and the three upgrade projects

RiddleOfSteel 01-14-24 03:52 AM

Rode yesterday (officially Thursday for non-night owls) in 35° weather and got a flat at the end of the ride. Off to a good start. Garage is even colder because we're at 16° now and there's not-snow-not-ice on the ground, so guess who's not fixing a flat nor getting out to totally not pick up another bike? Watching the Dakar Rally highlights (rest day today) and wishing I was over there, with warm sun and clear skies. Really wish there was a Baja 1000 trophy truck class--the Dakar needs some thunderous, snarling V8 sound echoing off the dunes. All classes are cool, all drivers and riders are epic, but I do like the Trucks class the most. 22,000 lbs of heavy metal--what a sight!

nlerner 01-14-24 08:04 AM

So far in 2024, I’ve ridden outside twice and inside 4 times. I’m heading out for a ride in a bit; currently 34F with a predicted high of 41F so not bad at all for the Boston area this time of year.

thinktubes 01-14-24 09:04 AM

I want to start riding earlier in the year. Last year, I didn’t get started until April. So far, January has had other ideas.

WaveyGravey 01-14-24 09:39 AM

My threshold temperature is 55 degrees. Any colder and the wind chill makes riding too uncomfortable.

mhespenheide 01-14-24 10:19 PM

I rode outside a four or five times before our recent cold snap. Maybe tomorrow; it's supposed to get up to 35. Looking at selling a bunch of parts at the Seattle Bike Swap coming up Feb 3rd. No social riding with other people yet, though!

davester 01-15-24 01:23 AM

I seem to recall that I resolved to have no resolutions this new year's. I'm right on track!

smontanaro 01-15-24 05:08 AM

Yeah, no great resolutions. I figured 15 miles per day average would put me in the 5500 miles ballpark for the year. Let's see... Strava says I'm at 79 miles for the year so far, so about 5 miles per day at the moment. Of course, it's currently -9 out with a wind chill near -30, so I don't feel too bad about falling behind. I'll catch up later. I am kind of jealous of people posting pix of their bikes in sunny climes this time of year though.

jdawginsc 01-15-24 06:23 AM

One word so Flu and an adjacent cold have knocked me for a loop. Hopefully will start gaining traction soon.

Chuck M 01-15-24 06:42 AM

I haven't had time to give resolutions much thought what with pondering which I would give up between cycling and sexual activity.

USAZorro 01-15-24 06:57 PM

Wrap up projects.

Just bar-taping to finish one up (I hate bar taping). Wheels and a saddle for #2 (but I want the saddle to be a sprung Brooks). Cabling a bar tape will take care of a third (to get passed along), and a bit more to get two Peugeots ready for new homes come spring. That will leave four, but three require stripping paint, and all require some amount of painting - and I work slowly and will be starting a garden and have another acre of ground to care for too, so we will see. If I can have it down to two outstanding projects come 2025, I'll feel good about it.

Mad Honk 01-15-24 07:52 PM

So far some sub-zero temps have me on the mag trainer for now. I have been pretty good about the attempts to clean the workshop, which was part of the covid challenge. But I have been on the bike on the trainer and finding some new found mobility of the knees. Not any resolutions but I feel like I am making progress. Smiles, MH

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