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dmanthree 05-13-21 10:55 AM

Pedestrians are Strange
OK, I've been riding along some nice roads with bike lanes clearly marked on the side. Very nice. Until a pedestrian or runner appears coming at me in the middle of the bike lane, forcing me out into the traffic lane. Normally, I'd understand, but on this road there's an 8' wide sidewalk about 4' to their left. It's not crowded, there are no obstructions, but they seem to like walking and running in the bike lanes. I think what I'll get is a set of wheels like that bad guy in Ben Hur had with the rotating knives. Yeah. That's the ticket. Maybe they'll take the hint.

Flip Flop Rider 05-13-21 11:08 AM

aggravating when people walk on the pavement when a sidewalk is available

OPC 05-13-21 11:12 AM

It's an age-old complaint and one I've voiced as well. Runners prefer the asphalt because it has fewer obstacles and hazards like root-broken sidewalks or curb drop-offs. In the COVID-era it's also a tempting way to gain social distance. Their behavior doesn't always make sense to me as a cyclist, but I've never stopped to ask. .

In my area, most peds will step back up on the sidewalk when they see us coming, but not all will. More than once we've had to take the lane in front of overtaking traffic. We just try to co-exist by going around.

10 Wheels 05-13-21 11:12 AM

Side walks here are messed up. Most use the streets.

zandoval 05-13-21 11:13 AM

Looks like you handled it well...

Some times it's real hard to avoid road rage. One day that guy is going to crowd the wrong rider.

fredlord 05-13-21 11:32 AM

Some drivers might feel the same way when they have to manouevre around some cyclists using the road when a bike path is available. The runners may/may not have good reasons for doing what they're doing, just like the cyclists. It can often be very hard to see things from the viewpoint of others, but in my opinion it is a skill that all of us urgently need to work on, me especially. :)

caloso 05-13-21 11:52 AM

Former and still occasional runner here: Asphalt is more forgiving than concrete. Makes a big difference on the joints. Sidewalks tend to be less even--driveway cutouts and tree root heaves, for example. If a runner is coming towards you, it means that they're running against traffic, which is correct. What I'll do is check over my shoulder, move into the lane, and carry on.

Troul 05-13-21 11:59 AM

it happens.
What is perturbing is that, a driver will scold a cyclist for riding in the roadway, but when was the last time a pedestrian on foot was ever scolded for being in the roadway, by a driver?

CAT7RDR 05-13-21 12:24 PM

You could always play a game of "Chicken" with the runners but I would not recommend it.
Usually there is enough space in a bike lane to peacefully co-exist.

SurferRosa 05-13-21 12:29 PM

Originally Posted by dmanthree (Post 22057820)
... runner appears coming at me in the middle of the bike lane, forcing me out into the traffic lane.

This happens a lot riding south along E Green Lake Way in Seattle. I don't really care. The runner usually hops out of the bike lane back onto the grass as I approach, but I still usually take the road lane and give him room to continue his course if he chooses.

dmanthree 05-13-21 01:48 PM

Originally Posted by OPC (Post 22057848)
It's an age-old complaint and one I've voiced as well. Runners prefer the asphalt because it has fewer obstacles and hazards like root-broken sidewalks or curb drop-offs. In the COVID-era it's also a tempting way to gain social distance. Their behavior doesn't always make sense to me as a cyclist, but I've never stopped to ask. .

In my area, most peds will step back up on the sidewalk when they see us coming, but not all will. More than once we've had to take the lane in front of overtaking traffic. We just try to co-exist by going around.

If the sidewalk were in bad shape, or had low hanging branches, or anything I wouldn't mind. But it's pristine and wide.

dmanthree 05-13-21 01:50 PM

Originally Posted by zandoval (Post 22057852)
Looks like you handled it well...

Some times it's real hard to avoid road rage. One day that guy is going to crowd the wrong rider.

I won't confront them because there's no point to it. But if any of them ever puts me in harm's way...look out.

work4bike 05-13-21 02:18 PM

I don't ride on MUPs mostly because of the other users and their idiotic, unsafe behavior. However, every once in a while I have to deal with a clueless pedestrian. The other day I see a guy start to walk out into the street and then he backs up...

....I'm thinking, good he saw me...but as I'm speeding along and much closer now, he again starts to step out into the street...I don't have a bell, so all I can do is YELL super loud, which I don't like to do, I rather maneuver well out of the way, but it was too quick for me to just swerve blindly into the road... Luckily my yelling shook him out of his stupor and he jumped back out of the road.


Iride01 05-13-21 02:46 PM

I've tried various things for people in my lane of travel whether pedestrian or other cyclist. I think the most effective I've done is just stop right where I am and let them move around me. So far it's been non-confrontational.

Of course you need to be aware of what's behind you or other traffic from elsewhere. I only do that when it's otherwise completely clear.

Works while I'm walking too for those that don't realize MUP guidelines here are "keep right, pass on left." Or for those that think their group has exclusive rights to the entire width of the trail.

Sy Reene 05-13-21 03:03 PM

Originally Posted by UCantTouchThis (Post 22057991)
The idea is that when a runner runs against traffic, they do so but with the idea that if a vehicle is coming, they can easily step up onto the curb to avoid contact. But many don't. I don't mind but when I know there is traffic behind me, I have been known to wave my arm like, GTFO the way! :D They do.

The irony though is that if runners ran the same direction as traffic, they wouldn't ever have to step on the curbs, as it's possible for a bike to slow down to the runners pace and ride behind them until safe to go around. But, coming at you, it's not like you can pedal and go backwards to avoid potential 3-way congestion (car, bike, runner) at the same time.

dedhed 05-13-21 03:43 PM

dmanthree 05-13-21 03:47 PM

Originally Posted by CAT7RDR (Post 22057959)
You could always play a game of "Chicken" with the runners but I would not recommend it.
Usually there is enough space in a bike lane to peacefully co-exist.

Some of these imbeciles make no attempt to shade over to share the lane. Those are the ones I'd like to use the "Ben Hur Slicer" on.

Troul 05-13-21 04:29 PM

Originally Posted by UCantTouchThis (Post 22058218)
IMO, it's like telling dog walkers that it is safer to let their leashes extend 15 across the MUP so that they don't trip. :injured:

DO NOT suggest that ever! LOL

Ironfish653 05-13-21 06:32 PM

Originally Posted by UCantTouchThis (Post 22058218)
Yeah, can't figure it out myself why anyone would suggest runners do this. But they do as I have found out after many searches trying to figure it out myself.

Maybe you could ask a runner, instead of projecting what you do or don’t know on them?

Running on the asphalt is far preferable to concrete sidewalks; it’s smoother, fewer cracks, bumps, transitions, etc. It’s also, as has been mentioned, easier on the joints.

You face traffic, because on foot, you’re typically maxed out at 6-8mph, for normal humans (8-10 minute/mile). Overtaking speeds of vehicles are much higher, so you get far more warning if you can see them coming (by the time you hear a car coming, they’re already on you) and doing ‘head-checks’ is a lot more disruptive when running, than riding.

Things work better when everyone gives each other room to make everything work smoothly.
Trying to play Chicken or force perceived right-of-way doesn’t make you the ‘Big Man’ it makes you a jerk.
Glad I don’t run where some of you guys ride; I’d have a lot more broken knuckles.

dmanthree 05-13-21 07:15 PM

Originally Posted by Ironfish653 (Post 22058491)
Maybe you could ask a runner, instead of projecting what you do or don’t know on them?

Running on the asphalt is far preferable to concrete sidewalks; it’s smoother, fewer cracks, bumps, transitions, etc. It’s also, as has been mentioned, easier on the joints.

You face traffic, because on foot, you’re typically maxed out at 6-8mph, for normal humans (8-10 minute/mile). Overtaking speeds of vehicles are much higher, so you get far more warning if you can see them coming (by the time you hear a car coming, they’re already on you) and doing ‘head-checks’ is a lot more disruptive when running, than riding.

Things work better when everyone gives each other room to make everything work smoothly.
Trying to play Chicken or force perceived right-of-way doesn’t make you the ‘Big Man’ it makes you a jerk.
Glad I don’t run where some of you guys ride; I’d have a lot more broken knuckles.

Like I said, the sidewalk in this case is wide, smooth, and really nice. No excuse for the runners to be in the BIKE LANE.

Flip Flop Rider 05-13-21 07:34 PM

running on asphalt I get, not walking

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