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SoSmellyAir 07-03-22 10:39 AM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22562386)
Apropos of datlas's cleaning out of his Dad's storage space - when Mrs. GJ got back from SoCal the other day, she brought with her a baggie of various jewelry, which she'd offered to help her friend's family determine the value of. The baggie contained 6 watches, of which 2 were solid 14kt gold, and the other 4 were just trash. Three rings - again, 2 14kt, and one just trash. Some cufflinks with no hallmarks, but I think one pair might have been solid gold, one solid silver, and the other 2 pair just trash.

This is what happens - folks have some valuable pieces among a lot of crap. They knew what was good and what was crap, but then they got old and dotty and/or died, and to the kids it's all just "Mom and Dad's stuff", and often they'll practically give it away, either with a garage/estate sale, or to someone who will offer a single price for the lot. Talking with other watch collectors, you'd find some folks who'd say they were building the collection to leave it to their kids. But you know, kids don't care about or understand their parents' collections of anything. It ends up being stuff to get rid off after they die. I suppose I should not complain, since this is how I got a lot of my watches for so cheap - Dad or Granddad wore them for years but then maybe they stopped working and they couldn't be bothered to get them fixed, and they could get a new watch that kept better time for less than the cost of fixing the old one, so it goes in a drawer, and decades later - well see the first paragraph.

Sadly, this might be how my family views my small but growing collection of bikes (and bike components).

seedsbelize2 07-03-22 10:43 AM

And now, yard work commences. No power tools involved.

genejockey 07-03-22 10:51 AM

Originally Posted by SoSmellyAir (Post 22562455)
Sadly, this might be how my family views my small but growing collection of bikes (and bike components).

Yeah, we'd probably be wisest to sell off when we can no longer ride all of them, but before we forget what they are!

genejockey 07-03-22 10:53 AM

Originally Posted by seedsbelize2 (Post 22562460)
And now, yard work commences. No power tools involved.

So, like acoustic music, or traditional archery.

indyfabz 07-03-22 10:56 AM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22562468)
So, like acoustic music, or traditional archery.

I just finished scrubbing a tile floor on my hands and knees. The cat was of know help.

datlas 07-03-22 11:37 AM

Originally Posted by seedsbelize2 (Post 22562453)
Back before she died, my Mom gave my sister a gold ring, a present from Dad. Many years later sis takes it in to be resized, and it can't be done. Worthless crap.


It’s the thought that counts. Right?

datlas 07-03-22 11:39 AM

Originally Posted by SoSmellyAir (Post 22562455)
Sadly, this might be how my family views my small but growing collection of bikes (and bike components).

I told mrs datlas that if I unexpectedly pass, to offer all my bike schwag to my cycling friends who I expect will put it to good use.


DougRNS 07-03-22 12:08 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22562512)
I told mrs datlas that if I unexpectedly pass, to offer all my bike schwag to my cycling friends who I expect will put it to good use.


Have you reserved the Saturn for Velo Vol ?

indyfabz 07-03-22 12:09 PM

In the last 10 minutes I killed a tiger mosquito that was about to bite me and a spotted lantern fly nymph.

Mojo31 07-03-22 12:17 PM

Originally Posted by indyfabz (Post 22562534)
In the last 10 minutes I killed a tiger mosquito that was about to bite me and a spotted lantern fly nymph.

Dangerous environment.

BillyD 07-03-22 01:21 PM

Originally Posted by indyfabz (Post 22562434)
Mr. B, the 26 lb. Philly cat seen here, has died. By all accounts he had a good life after being adopted in 2019.

So sorry to hear.

indyfabz 07-03-22 01:27 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22562541)
Dangerous environment.

I’ve started seeing adult lantern flies from my office window. I’ll bet they will be all over the place in the next couple of weeks. That’s when the killing fun will start.

Trsnrtr 07-03-22 01:55 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22562512)
I told mrs datlas that if I unexpectedly pass, to offer all my bike schwag to my cycling friends who I expect will put it to good use.


Same. I told my wife to do exactly that and don’t worry about what stuff is worth.

seedsbelize2 07-03-22 02:01 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22562512)
I told mrs datlas that if I unexpectedly pass, to offer all my bike schwag to my cycling friends who I expect will put it to good use.


One of my bikes already has a co-owner. That's a good idea though. Have them already spoken for. I'm still trying to decide whether to attempt to sell them here, or cart them north. I only have three extra frame sets that are worth anything. My piles of schwag might be worth more than the bikes.

Mojo31 07-03-22 02:26 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22562512)
I told mrs datlas that if I unexpectedly pass, to offer all my bike schwag to my cycling friends who I expect will put it to good use.


I prepared a notebook on what to do if I croak. I have a few things of substantial value that if not sold right she could lose meaningful money, so for that I told her who to get to help her. I also gave her detailed instructions on how to collect the practice receivables, and how to take over the real estate company. I don’t want her to worry about small stuff, but don’t want her giving away stuff that could be converted to meaningful cash.

indyfabz 07-03-22 02:41 PM

ESPN is, right now, airing a ******** tournament.


I guess you can’t say maize opening.

WhyFi 07-03-22 03:12 PM

Time to vent - apologies.

I mean, I know that my BIL is aggressively lazy, but muther ****. :mad:

The AC stopped working effectively overnight and my MIL asked him to check it out first thing in the morning. Before leaving for the day, I changed out the air filter, which still had my handwriting on it from when I changed it out... in Aug 2021.

We (wife and I and the kids) just got back from a day of being out and about on vacation to find the lazy **** laying on the couch, per usual. "Well, the fan's not spinning outside. I haven't checked the fuse out there, yet."

Why. The ****. Not? It's July in VA, you moron.

It took me 30 seconds to confirm that there is no ******g fuse and then another 60 seconds for my wife to call the heating/cooling company to find out that, hey - it's now after 5:00 and effectively the 4th, maybe we'll get back to you on Tuesday.

Lazy ******g ****.

genejockey 07-03-22 03:45 PM

Today was a glorious day on the bike. I took the Litespeed, because I haven't ridden it in over a week and I was jonesing. Omigod! No wonder I was jonesing for it! After all the fiddling with position, now it just FITS. And with the GP5000s and adjusting the hub bearing preload with excruciating care, it really wants to just GO! It wasn't so great weatherwise - drizzly mist for the first 12 or so miles, cloudy almost the whole ride, howling headwind on the northbound trip. But the bike was comfy either in the drops or on top of the hoods with forearms parallel to the ground. This even though the bar is lower than the other bikes, but about 1/2 cm closer. So I just got low and cranked into the headwind.

At one point, a guy about my age (based on the gray hair under the helmet)rolled up beside me at a stop sign at the top of a straight downhill. We ended up playing leapfrog the next 4 miles. I didn't set out to race him. I was really just riding pretty much exactly how I normally would. He never looked over at me, that I saw, and never said a word. I think I might have said "Hey." when he firsl pulled alongside. Eventually he went straight and I went left, but because I was in front I didn't see him not turn, or I'd have wished him a nice ride.

indyfabz 07-03-22 04:53 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22562665)
Time to vent - apologies.

I mean, I know that my BIL is aggressively lazy, but muther ****. :mad:

The AC stopped working effectively overnight and my MIL asked him to check it out first thing in the morning. Before leaving for the day, I changed out the air filter, which still had my handwriting on it from when I changed it out... in Aug 2021.

We (wife and I and the kids) just got back from a day of being out and about on vacation to find the lazy **** laying on the couch, per usual. "Well, the fan's not spinning outside. I haven't checked the fuse out there, yet."

Why. The ****. Not? It's July in VA, you moron.

It took me 30 seconds to confirm that there is no ******g fuse and then another 60 seconds for my wife to call the heating/cooling company to find out that, hey - it's now after 5:00 and effectively the 4th, maybe we'll get back to you on Tuesday.

Lazy ******g ****.

I’m confused. Did someone steal the fuse? It sounds like it was working until last night.

And damn! He hasn’t changed the filter in nearly a year? If I go 90 days in summer or winter the thing is dark gray.

SoSmellyAir 07-03-22 05:01 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22562512)
I told mrs datlas that if I unexpectedly pass, to offer all my bike schwag to my cycling friends who I expect will put it to good use.


That is a good suggestion; I should make some local cycling friends.

Most of the members I chat with in the Southern California subforum already have nicer bikes than what I have.

Mojo31 07-03-22 05:02 PM

Originally Posted by indyfabz (Post 22562732)
I’m confused. Did someone steal the fuse? It sounds like it was working until last night.

And damn! He hasn’t changed the filter in nearly a year? If I go 90 days in summer or winter the thing is dark gray.

We change ours at 6 months, but they are the 4” thick type.

WhyFi 07-03-22 05:02 PM

Originally Posted by indyfabz (Post 22562732)
I’m confused. Did someone steal the fuse? It sounds like it was working until last night.

And damn! He hasn’t changed the filter in nearly a year? If I go 90 days in summer or winter the thing is dark gray.

No, no - there was no fuse in the circuit in the first place. He just assumed that there was and didn't check and didn't call anyone, either.

When I changed that filter in August, it had been more than a year and a half since it had been changed. The intake was audibly groaning from the load, but he never noticed. :rolleyes:

Mojo31 07-03-22 05:05 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22562739)
No, no - there was no fuse in the circuit in the first place. He just assumed that there was and didn't check and didn't call anyone, either.

When I changed that filter in August, it had been more than a year and a half since it had been changed. The intake was audibly groaning from the load, but he never noticed. :rolleyes:

Low on Freon?

LesterOfPuppets 07-03-22 05:22 PM

Non Porsche ass of the day


LesterOfPuppets 07-03-22 05:24 PM

Happy 4th of July, everyone!


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