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SylvainG 06-23-18 06:06 PM

107 km in 3h59m14s (so less than 4 hours :) ) I chose a path that was 99% MUP or bike path, no roads so didn't have to deal with cars. First metric century for me.

jfoobar 06-23-18 07:31 PM

Just a few miles test riding my new bike, which I picked up this morning. Tomorrow is planned for 42.

Doctor Morbius 06-23-18 08:34 PM

Just 10 miles today. Almost enough to burn off the Big Mac I had yesterday. :p

OldTryGuy 06-23-18 09:10 PM

Still a warm 82F at 3AM when I started segment 1 for 53 miles. Segment 2 added an additional 68 miles as temps went to mid 90'sF. 121 total miles for last ride before next week's surgery.

Rollfast 06-24-18 11:31 PM

My family came over yesterday for a picnic so no ride then but after I installed a Delta Rocket Ray on Rosa I went downtown and had a meal and then up the hill to the store for something for my cat Socks. I think she enjoyed that. I need to get a taillight on it but I did use the headlight, 3V = GOOD.

FrontFive 06-25-18 04:47 AM

Just a little, flat 30 miles today

Troul 06-25-18 05:38 PM

10.1 @ 18mph

good4u 06-25-18 10:10 PM

12.1 miles this evening in very nice weather. MUP was packed so it was mostly slow-going.

MukaBuka 06-26-18 07:09 AM

When I see your daily results, I feel a bit ashamed.
20 miles, along forest paths.
I'm totally relaxed

one4smoke 06-26-18 06:43 PM


one4smoke 06-27-18 05:52 PM

43.50 good ones!

DrIsotope 06-27-18 06:04 PM

20 miles of squishy, slippery, sandy nonsense. It was glorious. And in case there's anyone out there unawares, the Gravelking SK is an absolutely outstanding tire. Capable of everything except the baby-powderiest of sand. It's barely sand. It's more like drywall dust with fist-sized rocks in it.

Troul 06-28-18 08:16 PM

29 miles in 85F 60%H. Worst of it was the sudden detours due to on the spot road rip ups.

Jon T 06-29-18 01:55 PM

Zero miles today but did a 25 miler last night after work.

one4smoke 06-29-18 09:01 PM

Only 12.30 today.

Troul 06-29-18 11:38 PM

might be 100F towards the end of the ride tomorrow...

02Giant 06-30-18 10:11 AM

Got out as the sun came up this morning for 30 miles. It was a rails to trails route that had a massive amount of trees down from a storm on Thursday. I turned back 14 miles in, after 2 miles of packing the bike up and over, under and around all of the trees. :(

one4smoke 06-30-18 03:17 PM

30.30 in the scorching a** heat!

mackgoo 06-30-18 04:23 PM

23 and change.

Nightcap 06-30-18 04:42 PM

Thirty miles on the Cape Cod Rail Trail. Took a break for a frozen custard (soft-serve to you non-New Englanders) at about mile 22. Heaven!

I rode Rocinante, the Specialized Roll. The Unindicted Co-Conspirator rode her Pedego. Furthest bike trip of her life, but the e-assist made all the difference. Not bad for a couple of retirees.

one4smoke 06-30-18 05:28 PM

Originally Posted by Nightcap (Post 20421600)
Thirty miles on the Cape Cod Rail Trail. Took a break for a frozen custard (soft-serve to you non-New Englanders) at about mile 22. Heaven!

I rode Rocinante, the Specialized Roll. The Unindicted Co-Conspirator rode her Pedego. Furthest bike trip of her life, but the e-assist made all the difference. Not bad for a couple of retirees.


rollagain 06-30-18 06:39 PM

Four miles, done at ~1:30am when it had cooled down enough to be non-lethal. Nice having the roads all to myself for the most part. This may become a regular occurrence with me.

dennis336 06-30-18 08:15 PM

52 hilly miles in NW Connecticut. Beautiful rural roads - including some well-maintained gravel. Pretty hilly ride with one hill I'd call a killer hill by my standards. Through beautiful rural roads, charming small towns ... couple of great pastry stops. Glorious ride although was getting hot by the end.

one4smoke 06-30-18 09:33 PM

Originally Posted by rollagain (Post 20421748)
Four miles, done at ~1:30am when it had cooled down enough to be non-lethal. Nice having the roads all to myself for the most part. This may become a regular occurrence with me.

Night time is sooooooooo awesome this time of year. ;)

Troul 06-30-18 09:42 PM

37.7 miles; was 104 with 70% humidity. 14mph winds in the face for the most part, which I did NOT mind.

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