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Velo Vol 01-13-22 06:38 PM

wut (thread)

Eric F 01-13-22 06:40 PM

Originally Posted by LarrySellerz (Post 22373068)
you want to purge the unvaccinated plague rats, because you think we are the reason we are still in this "pandemic." Any restrictions, loss of freedoms, lockdowns, etc are blamed on us. If only we all got vaccinated, we could just get back to normal! But no, the plague rats are holding society hostage with their arrogance and stupidity.

Honestly man I don't blame you for your views. The powers that be did a very good job of convincing people that this is the case. I hope you know that if you ever wake up and realize it's the government holding you hostage, not the unvaccinated, that we will accept you with open arms.

Oh, the irony!! LMAO.

big john 01-13-22 06:40 PM

Originally Posted by bampilot06 (Post 22373051)
My mom won a car back in 1997. She didn’t even know she was entered in a contest. She almost didn’t take it. The idea of paying taxes on it wasn’t something she wanted to pay for. Especially since we had 2 1990 volvo station wagons that ran sometimes.

A guy I worked with won a car, a Buick Century. The people who raffled the car told him they didn't sell enough tickets to pay for the car and offered him $5K in cash. He wanted the car and after some back and forth they agreed to get him a car but found a stripped down model like 400 miles away and they made him go pick it up.

genejockey 01-13-22 06:44 PM

Originally Posted by LarrySellerz (Post 22373068)
you want to purge the unvaccinated plague rats, because you think we are the reason we are still in this "pandemic." Any restrictions, loss of freedoms, lockdowns, etc are blamed on us. If only we all got vaccinated, we could just get back to normal! But no, the plague rats are holding society hostage with their arrogance and stupidity.

Honestly man I don't blame you for your views. The powers that be did a very good job of convincing people that this is the case. I hope you know that if you ever wake up and realize it's the government holding you hostage, not the unvaccinated, that we will accept you with open arms.

Oh, jesus, dude. smh.

I will never cease to be amazed by the number of people who buy into the silliest horsecrap and are just certain they're the ones who know The Real Story.

datlas 01-13-22 06:45 PM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 22372973)
Nor have I. Once the proprietor of a now defunct but wonderful woolen outdoor clothing company signed onto a sailing web site I frequented and offered to send base layer tops to anyone who was willing to write a review. I still have mine and it’s great!

So he moved on to :innocent:

Velo Vol 01-13-22 06:45 PM

Oh boy.

I blame rjones28.

LarrySellerz 01-13-22 06:47 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22373081)
Oh, jesus, dude. smh.

I will never cease to be amazed by the number of people who buy into the silliest horsecrap and are just certain they're the ones who know The Real Story.

im leftist and think it's crazy how many people on "my side" of the isle went from calling trump a fascist to "show me your papers." In less than a year. It would be funny if it wasn't so serious

genejockey 01-13-22 06:50 PM

I don't enter contests because even though I'm completely aware on a rational basis that the odds are astronomically against winning, my emotions always have me fantasizing what I'll do with my winnings. It's healthier for me to just not play.

As an aside, I used to watch "Let's Make A Deal" when I was a wee lad, and I always wondered what the people who won the hippopotamus would do with it. I did not realize that, no, they had NOT won a hippopotamus, but had in fact won nothing. I kinda wanted the hippopotamus.

big john 01-13-22 06:52 PM

Originally Posted by LarrySellerz (Post 22373068)
you want to purge the unvaccinated plague rats, because you think we are the reason we are still in this "pandemic." Any restrictions, loss of freedoms, lockdowns, etc are blamed on us. If only we all got vaccinated, we could just get back to normal! But no, the plague rats are holding society hostage with their arrogance and stupidity.

Honestly man I don't blame you for your views. The powers that be did a very good job of convincing people that this is the case. I hope you know that if you ever wake up and realize it's the government holding you hostage, not the unvaccinated, that we will accept you with open arms.

I've been staying out of this, and I've been sympathetic to your threads and even supportive. But this post is really reaching and you sound like a conspiracy theorist.

genejockey 01-13-22 06:53 PM

"Serious" is 800,000 people dead, and hospitals full of people who 'made a medical choice'.

genejockey 01-13-22 06:57 PM

The 7410 crankset has arrived for "Interim Rebuild 2 - Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Go Back Into The Garage". Good think it's supposed to be sunny this weekend, or Interim Build 1 might never have a chance to be ridden!

WhyFi 01-13-22 07:00 PM

Originally Posted by LarrySellerz (Post 22373068)
...we will accept you with open arms.

Are your arms more than 6' long?

WhyFi 01-13-22 07:01 PM

Originally Posted by LarrySellerz (Post 22373068)
...we will accept you with open arms.

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22373098)
Are your arms more than 6' long?

And are you going to put on a shirt? :twitchy:

rjones28 01-13-22 07:05 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22372693)
They're numbered, not named.

Velo Vol 01-13-22 07:07 PM

Originally Posted by rjones28 (Post 22373103)

None of the above districts is called "Midwest."

WhyFi 01-13-22 07:07 PM

Originally Posted by rjones28 (Post 22373103)

I ride by the Mpls one pretty regularly - it's just off the river in downtown. I still get a little taken aback when I see guards with assault rifles.

bampilot06 01-13-22 07:10 PM

Gene hit the nail on the head. If I start thinking about the lottery and all the things I would do if I won, but then I never win.

There was an article the other day that was titled How to win the lottery. It included a 7 time winner.

First sentence makes it sound like this guy won the mega millions 7 times. However, that was not the case.

He won scratchers 7 times but he is the expert on how to win the mega millions.

His advice…..Drum Roll

Buy a lot of tickets.

I stopped reading after that first wonderful tidbit of information.

bampilot06 01-13-22 07:13 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22373107)
I ride by the Mpls one pretty regularly - it's just off the river in downtown. I still get a little taken aback when I see guards with assault rifles.

You havnt been to airport recently.

I always find it interesting you will see the cops with rifles all together at the airport. Usually in one small pack of 3 and 4 and they just stick together. You would think spread out evenly theough out the airport would be more beneficial.

But what do I know?

MoAlpha 01-13-22 07:16 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22373082)
So he moved on to :innocent:

That reference went over my shiny little head.

Velo Vol 01-13-22 07:18 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22373107)
I ride by the Mpls one pretty regularly - it's just off the river in downtown. I still get a little taken aback when I see guards with assault rifles.

That's almost as cool as riding by the Brown Squirrel. Do they have tours?

LesterOfPuppets 01-13-22 07:19 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22373075)

datlas 01-13-22 07:28 PM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 22373119)
That reference went over my shiny little head.

Many years ago, there were allegations (and they were credible) that BD would offer discounts to a few select BF members in exchange for posting favorable reviews. It was very controversial at the time, but it’s now ancient BF history.

rjones28 01-13-22 07:28 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22373083)
Oh boy.

I blame rjones28.

Leave me out of it.

LesterOfPuppets 01-13-22 07:29 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22373097)
The 7410 crankset has arrived for "Interim Rebuild 2 - Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Go Back Into The Garage". Good think it's supposed to be sunny this weekend, or Interim Build 1 might never have a chance to be ridden!

I'd just go ahead and get that DA on there while it's still chilly in the morning, then go ride after it's warmed up a bit.

I've finally ordered some important bits for the bike behind the beer, supposed to get here tomorrow! :bday:

Estimated deliveryFriday, January 14 by 9:00 P.M.

bampilot06 01-13-22 07:30 PM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 22373133)
I've finally ordered some important bits for the bike behind the beer, supposed to get here tomorrow! :bday:

Estimated deliveryFriday, January 14 by 9:00 P.M.

whatd you order?

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