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RobbieTunes 10-20-20 05:53 AM

Originally Posted by CV-6 (Post 21750221)
I would like to know how you got two tubulars in that bag. I can barely get one in and often do not close it.

I just bought 2 great bags that [MENTION=203117]jamesdak[/MENTION] recommended on the Vintage Carbon thread. Holds 2 tubs plus tools. Appears to be the angle of the dangle. I used it this weekend, plenty of room.

CV-6 10-21-20 02:45 PM

Originally Posted by 79pmooney (Post 21750238)
Do you make a neat fold of your tires? I'd think two neatly folded tires secured with a toestrap around both wouldn't be too hard to get in and zip up. (There was a thread not too long ago on neatly folded tires. I know DiabloScott posted a photo of his.)

Yes I can fold them neatly ala DiabloScott and two will not fit in the JandD bag. Other methods also. A variable in all this may be the tire itself.

Originally Posted by Classtime (Post 21750284)
I can squeeze two 25mm Gatorskins in my Jandd but then I need a place for sealant and a couple tools. So on a ride where I want two spares, I use my Acorn Medium which is a bottomless pit.

You are referring to tubulars? I have tried with 23mm Contis.

Originally Posted by woodcraft (Post 21750318)
Two of these would probably fit. Tufo Elite Jet- a great spare tire.

No. I think not.

Originally Posted by RobbieTunes (Post 21751195)
I just bought 2 great bags that [MENTION=203117]jamesdak[/MENTION] recommended on the Vintage Carbon thread. Holds 2 tubs plus tools. Appears to be the angle of the dangle. I used it this weekend, plenty of room.

You're killing me. You tease with good info and then don't share a link.

Classtime 10-21-20 04:10 PM

Originally Posted by CV-6 (Post 21753943)

You are referring to tubulars? I have tried with 23mm Contis.

No. I think not.

This is the totally tubular thread and there are two 22mm Sprinter Gatorskins in this Tufo Branded Jandd bag. My 25s are mounted.
Which Continental comes in a 23?
Gatorskins are pretty bulky. Competitions take up less room but then on a normal road ride I wouldn’t carry two tires anyway. But if I want two spares —think Eroica or BWR—I’ll use a bigger saddle bag.

RobbieTunes 10-21-20 04:53 PM

Originally Posted by CV-6 (Post 21753943)
You're killing me. You tease with good info and then don't share a link.

Nag, Nag, Nag. But yer right....

BTW, will be in Manchester this weekend. I think we're riding 51 on Saturday.

CV-6 10-21-20 06:40 PM

Originally Posted by Classtime (Post 21754072)
This is the totally tubular thread and there are two 22mm Sprinter Gatorskins in this Tufo Branded Jandd bag. My 25s are mounted.
Which Continental comes in a 23? Gatorskins are pretty bulky. Competitions take up less room but then on a normal road ride I wouldn’t carry two tires anyway. But if I want two spares —think Eroica or BWR—I’ll use a bigger saddle bag.

Old Sprinter 250s. And I stand corrected.

CV-6 10-21-20 06:41 PM

Originally Posted by RobbieTunes (Post 21754144)
Nag, Nag, Nag. But yer right....

BTW, will be in Manchester this weekend. I think we're riding 51 on Saturday.

Thank you sir.

squirtdad 10-22-20 02:22 PM

Originally Posted by RobbieTunes (Post 21754144)
Nag, Nag, Nag. But yer right....

BTW, will be in Manchester this weekend. I think we're riding 51 on Saturday.

nice but i don't have that much seat tube real estate :)

pastorbobnlnh 10-22-20 03:33 PM

Originally Posted by squirtdad (Post 21755482)
nice but i don't have that much seat tube real estate :)

Me too--- but I might try to copy it in leather and size it to fit my average seat post reveal. Great idea and the bottle holder could double as a space to carry additional items when extra fluids are not needed.

smontanaro 11-21-20 02:03 PM

What's this tubular glue/tape?
Shifting gears a bit, but still on the tubular tire topic... I purchased a pair of used Dugast cyclocross tubulars at the last Brazen Dropouts swap meet. One tire had some issues with the sewing of the casing (tearing). I got around to fixing that the other day and am now thinking about mounting them on some bike (most likely whatever they will fit). Unfortunately, they have a new-to-me glue reside of some sort. It kind of looks like snot from a bad cold and has the consistency of that adhesive used to affix gift cards at the checkout counter to the cardboard backing - very rubbery, doesn't stick to your fingers. What is it? Is it tubular tape residue or some other type of tubular (or other) glue? Should I attempt to remove all/most of it before gluing the tire to the rim with Vittoria Mastik One? Is it possible something Dugast applied to their tires (I suspect not)?

seedsbelize 11-21-20 06:07 PM

Challenge Elite tires are $29 again at ProBilkeKit. I get 10% off. I don't know if you do. Of course exclusions apply, and I didn't check.

Wildwood 11-21-20 06:45 PM

I rode the Spesh Turbo 24mm turbos today. They are just beginning to wear thru the outer rubber in a couple of spots on the rear. But today's ride was on generally smooth pavement, and at 105/115psi they absolutely disappear beneath my almost 190 pounds.

Punlic Service Announcement - checking Spesh for a sale price to replace, I found their tubular cyclocross seem to be on sale. Timely?

xiaoman1 11-27-20 08:43 PM

Anyone have a 700c to match the 650c I picked up? I need to make a pair...I now am looking for a (700c) in decent condition.... got one you want to part with.
Yeah, it's orange....Any help much appreciated!
Best, Ben

DiabloScott 11-28-20 09:29 PM

Originally Posted by xiaoman1 (Post 21808961)
I picked up a 650c and wheel and am now trying to find a match for this tubular.....Does anyone have one (700c) in decent condition that they want to part with.
Yeah, it's orange....Any help much appreciated!
Best, Ben

Boy, I had one of those as a spare for the longest time... no promises but I'll have a look in my reserve drawers.

Edit - oops, it was a Michelin.

xiaoman1 11-29-20 08:57 AM

Originally Posted by DiabloScott (Post 21810108)
Boy, I had one of those as a spare for the longest time... no promises but I'll have a look in my reserve drawers.

Edit - oops, it was a Michelin.

Many thanks for looking, I will keep my fingers crossed!!!!
Nice looking M BTW.
Best, Ben

woodcraft 11-29-20 12:08 PM

Originally Posted by xiaoman1 (Post 21810427)
Many thanks for looking, I will keep my fingers crossed!!!!
Nice looking M BTW.
Best, Ben

Unfortunately right color, but wrong size...

xiaoman1 11-30-20 05:08 PM

Originally Posted by woodcraft (Post 21810618)
Unfortunately right color, but wrong size...

What size do you have....I am looking for a 700c.
Thanks, Ben

Classtime 11-30-20 06:36 PM

Originally Posted by xiaoman1 (Post 21812526)
What size do you have....I am looking for a 700c.
Thanks, Ben

OK. I get it now. You found a front 650c tire and wheel and your LOOKING FOR a 700c tire for the rear that matches in every way but diameter.

xiaoman1 11-30-20 06:47 PM

Originally Posted by Classtime (Post 21812657)
OK. I get it now. You found a front 650c tire and wheel and your LOOKING FOR a 700c tire for the rear that matches in every way but diameter.

Yes, correct.
Thanks, Ben

woodcraft 12-02-20 05:47 PM

Originally Posted by xiaoman1 (Post 21812676)
Yes, correct.
Thanks, Ben

Sorry to get your hopes up- I thought you were looking for 650c, and was commenting on DiabloScott's post.

There's the Tufo Elite Jet shown above- somewhat similar size & color...

xiaoman1 12-03-20 03:14 PM

Originally Posted by woodcraft (Post 21815667)
Sorry to get your hopes up- I thought you were looking for 650c, and was commenting on DiabloScott's post.

There's the Tufo Elite Jet shown above- somewhat similar size & color...

Many thanks, Ben

reconnaissance 12-04-20 10:27 AM

Originally Posted by smontanaro (Post 21800189)
Shifting gears a bit, but still on the tubular tire topic... I purchased a pair of used Dugast cyclocross tubulars at the last Brazen Dropouts swap meet. One tire had some issues with the sewing of the casing (tearing). I got around to fixing that the other day and am now thinking about mounting them on some bike (most likely whatever they will fit). Unfortunately, they have a new-to-me glue reside of some sort. It kind of looks like snot from a bad cold and has the consistency of that adhesive used to affix gift cards at the checkout counter to the cardboard backing - very rubbery, doesn't stick to your fingers. What is it? Is it tubular tape residue or some other type of tubular (or other) glue? Should I attempt to remove all/most of it before gluing the tire to the rim with Vittoria Mastik One? Is it possible something Dugast applied to their tires (I suspect not)?

That looks to me like latex sidewall coating. This was sold in a bottle with a brush and was used to revitalize & protect sidewall fibers.

woodcraft 12-04-20 08:32 PM

Originally Posted by smontanaro (Post 21800189)
Shifting gears a bit, but still on the tubular tire topic... I purchased a pair of used Dugast cyclocross tubulars at the last Brazen Dropouts swap meet. One tire had some issues with the sewing of the casing (tearing). I got around to fixing that the other day and am now thinking about mounting them on some bike (most likely whatever they will fit). Unfortunately, they have a new-to-me glue reside of some sort. It kind of looks like snot from a bad cold and has the consistency of that adhesive used to affix gift cards at the checkout counter to the cardboard backing - very rubbery, doesn't stick to your fingers. What is it? Is it tubular tape residue or some other type of tubular (or other) glue? Should I attempt to remove all/most of it before gluing the tire to the rim with Vittoria Mastik One? Is it possible something Dugast applied to their tires (I suspect not)?

Yes, tubular tape residue. Folks pretty much only have good things to say about it. so your situation must not be a problem.:rolleyes:

smontanaro 12-04-20 09:13 PM

Originally Posted by woodcraft (Post 21818912)
Yes, tubular tape residue. Folks pretty much only have good things to say about it. so your situation must not be a problem.:rolleyes:

Thanks. Maybe its superior adhesion explains all the places on both tires where the base tape was separated from the casing. Perhaps even the torn stitches? :foo:

SwimmerMike 12-14-20 11:53 AM

I just became the proud owner of some Scheeren hoops built on some nice high flange Campy hubs. I was looking for tubular recommendations for these wheels. My other wheels are a lot narrower so I didn't know if they caused any limitations. From a first look, I think 25's and possibly 28's would fit the bike.

wesley77803 12-29-20 10:24 PM

Okay, I managed to read the entire thread (all the way back to 2005) and did not see any reference to Park Tool's set of instructions on mounting tubulars:

They recommend 1 coat on the tire which they do before the rim. Followed by three (and possibly more) coats on the rim, 24 hours of drying time after the first and second coats. The tire goes on after the third coat is partially dry (60 seconds to a few minutes) and then dries for 24 hours after the tire is installed.

Classtime 12-30-20 06:52 AM

One coat is enough on some tires but others have a base tape that will suck up that first coat and beg for more.

smontanaro 12-30-20 08:32 AM

I think the wide variation in people's approach to gluing tubular tires suggests that there is no one right answer, and that it will be context-dependent (different tires, rooms, used v new, width, etc). On most of my setups (all for the road) I've successfully used one coat on rim and tire, but on my latest setup (wider cx tires, but still on road rims), I wound up with two on each after a mishap on my first ride.

larinjo 01-05-21 10:34 AM

Originally Posted by luker (Post 1830374)
i usta really like the Tubular Bells album...(am I showing my age?)

You don't anymore?

woodcraft 01-24-21 11:10 PM

There hasn't been much input here lately, so here's my latest tire mount.
You may notice:
- concave, dirty brake tracks
- glue strings
- glue on sidewall
- dirty 10 speed cassette
- almost vintage wheel

These file tread tires work pretty well for all around (CX bike)- OK on the street, fine on dirt short of mud, and I seem to have a supply of used ones, so when one gave it up, there was another to take it's place.

Moderate scraping of rim edges with a carving gouge to remove dirty & oxidized glue & remove a few lumps, rub with scotch pad, coat tire & rim with Mastik from a can with brush that lives inside the can, let dry.

Subsequent day coat rim, let dry a few minutes, mount tire, inflate to 45psi, press tire into floor all around, done.

gaucho777 01-25-21 02:54 AM

I have some Dugast Pipistrello cross tubs with a similar thread--albeit with different shaped and lower profile nubs on the edge. I agree that it's a good multi-surface tread. I find Vittoria road tubs wear out a little quicker than other tires--a tradeoff for a nice, grippy feel. I wonder how those will fair with some road use.

Btw, I've found Brasso (metal polish) to be a good glue remover. Safe on chrome & aluminum. It can leave a bit of a film which should be cleaned of rims afterward. (I think I may have mentioned this once before, but it would have been many pages ago.)

I like the creative use of the hose rack for those tires. :thumb:

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