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Doctor Morbius 03-09-20 12:26 AM

25 miles on the 8th. Since March 1st I have 125 total. I'm shooting for 100 miles per week for 30 weeks to match the mileage I rode last season.

one4smoke 04-06-20 08:01 AM

About 57 total yesterday. Trying to do my part by not riding where there is a lot of people (greenways and parks) but getting some exercise nonetheless.

NoWhammies 04-06-20 08:23 AM

53k. Nice and easy recovery ride with Mrs. NoWhammies. Good to get out.

Gardener D 04-06-20 08:35 AM

Only rode about 3 miles today but did about 10 to 12 yesterday.

Just starting out really on my old bike I bought about 40 years ago its a vintage Raleigh Sun gt10 and i am enjoying my time!


Notso_fastLane 04-06-20 02:13 PM

58 miles yesterday. That felt good. Almost all of it on the local trail system. There were a few random people out on bikes, and families walking, but it was pretty empty overall.

That's the longest ride I've done in the velo since I got in June. Trying to get my time down to under 3 hours (for 60 miles) this year.

cookingjnj 04-06-20 05:29 PM

27.24 miles today.

diphthong 04-06-20 06:14 PM

35 local and windy miles in between storm waves here in san diego. the temps are more applicable to a wintertime storm so we should see some snow at the
higher (4,500 ft >) elevations in the local mtns. hope to ride those selfsame mtns on friday when the storm is supposedly gonzo.

Digger Goreman 04-06-20 06:24 PM

19 miles: North Decatur to Stone Mountain and back :D

NoWhammies 04-06-20 10:35 PM

77km. Pretty happy about that considering the daylight hours aren't exactly where I'd like them. Soon though. Soon.

one4smoke 04-07-20 12:16 PM

Only 20 yesterday around in the hood.

diphthong 04-07-20 10:33 PM

same here. a twenty-spot around the hood in between and during drizzle/rain. decent storm here in socal mon-fri so just hoping to eke out
double digit rain miles daily until sat and sun when i'll be looking for more substantial mileage to get the weekly total to something respectable.

KENOX88 04-08-20 08:16 AM

0 miles, kilometers today. A nail cut thu my tire a few days ago and I hate dealing with tire sealant. But I have to fix it today

Cyclehog93 04-08-20 10:35 AM

Good 20 miles!
Felt good to get out in some warm weather for a ride

Digger Goreman 04-08-20 11:22 AM

Just under 10 with the wife. Brief and pleasant.... :ride:

NoWhammies 04-08-20 09:31 PM

60k easy ride/recovery ride with the Mrs.
Awesome day/night/weather.

diphthong 04-08-20 10:02 PM

a 10-miler in the late morning and a 14-miler in the mid-afternoon. able to avoid the rain/storm and take advantage of weather "windows" both times.

bpcyclist 04-09-20 09:59 AM

101 delightful miles--first short sleeved ride of the year...

diphthong 04-09-20 08:22 PM

25-miler early afternoon.

NoWhammies 04-09-20 10:36 PM

68k. Lots of hill climbing.

Chubby715 04-10-20 03:16 PM

At 8 am I did my 18 mile loop with 1500 feet of climbing

Digger Goreman 04-10-20 03:20 PM

Maybe 5 miles to recycle :)

Slightspeed 04-13-20 05:33 PM

18.8 solo miles up thru Granada Hills and Porter Ranch. Lots of riders and walkers out, but plenty of social distance. Cool cloudy, enjoyed the ride.

Cyclist30923 04-13-20 08:23 PM

20 nice miles along the Eureka waterfront. And..what a gorgeous warm day on the Redwood Coast of California!

NoWhammies 04-14-20 09:42 PM

Just an easy 60k after work.
At approximately the 30k mark I realized my front chain ring wasn't shifting anymore. Oh oh. Di2 battery must be close to death!
I made it home without the battery discharging completely, so some shifting was still possible. First time that's happened to me. Good learning experience.

diphthong 04-14-20 09:48 PM

45 uneventful miles around metro san diego. nicest/warmest/clearest day we've had in weeks but still pretty breezy.

one4smoke 04-20-20 07:31 PM

63.5 on a windy day. Gotta get back in form.

ecsuser 04-20-20 08:55 PM

14 miles around a lake where it seems you are always riding into the wind

Miles2go 04-20-20 11:04 PM

85.6 miles today and led 6 others on this ride I organized, social distancing naturally.

diphthong 04-21-20 09:21 PM

2 rides in two separate areas of the county totalling 54 miles.

NoWhammies 04-21-20 11:06 PM

66k tonight. Manage to squeeze it in before the rain came. Which came approx. an hour later.

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