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Scooty Puff Jr 05-20-17 07:33 PM

Originally Posted by deex (Post 19598542)
108 miles from Key Largo to Key West I'm around 5 and a half hours moving time.

Such a beautiful scenery. Had a tailwind so it was really fast. Also had 60 other people riding with me.

Damn ! That's awesome ! :thumb: I've always heard that's a "dirty ride" as far as flats and traffic ? I would like to hear more about your ride, sounds like you had a good time. :)

GlennR 05-20-17 07:36 PM

92 miles

Scooty Puff Jr 05-20-17 07:50 PM

Originally Posted by oldnslow2 (Post 19598566)
92 miles

Thats a ride ! :thumb:

deex 05-20-17 07:55 PM

Originally Posted by Scooty Puff Jr (Post 19598557)
Damn ! That's awesome ! :thumb: I've always heard that's a "dirty ride" as far as flats and traffic ? I would like to hear more about your ride, sounds like you had a good time. :)

It is a little dirty. You have to always be on the lookout for debris and cars. One of the girls riding got 4 flats. Going over the 7 mile bridge has to be the highlight of that ride. I hit 36mph on the way down with a 3 foot wall on my right and nothing but water on the way down.

Unfortunately on this ride one of the guys riding with us got his front wheel stuck on a small metal grate at a bridge and went over the bars. He got hurt pretty bad. Got knocked out and all. This could happen to anyone that rides at any time. Not the fault of the road.

However the views are unbeliable. Highly recommended if you ever wan to do a fun ride. Just try to do it when the weather gets colder as it was really hot today.

Maelochs 05-20-17 08:12 PM

That would be an awesome ride with a tailwind .... a killer with a crosswind. I have driven that route a couple times, but never checked it for bike lanes.

I'd guess this is the time to do it---after the snowbirds have left and before the summer revelers arrive.

Scooty Puff Jr 05-20-17 08:29 PM

Originally Posted by deex (Post 19598617)
It is a little dirty. You have to always be on the lookout for debris and cars. One of the girls riding got 4 flats. Going over the 7 mile bridge has to be the highlight of that ride. I hit 36mph on the way down with a 3 foot wall on my right and nothing but water on the way down.

Unfortunately on this ride one of the guys riding with us got his front wheel stuck on a small metal grate at a bridge and went over the bars. He got hurt pretty bad. Got knocked out and all. This could happen to anyone that rides at any time. Not the fault of the road.

However the views are unbeliable. Highly recommended if you ever wan to do a fun ride. Just try to do it when the weather gets colder as it was really hot today.

Sorry to hear about your friend, that doesn't sound good from your description, hope he is okay, yikes !

I have drove over the 7 Mile Bridge many times, and in a car on a nice day the views are just awesome, can't imagine how they would be on a bike.

I'm thinking of taking my bike and jumping on the ferry from Ft. Myers to Key West, but I can't see me riding US1. Like you said, "to many tourists". (it was more implied, you live in Florida, you know)

supton 05-21-17 06:55 PM

47 yesterday. 34 today but my left soleus was killing me (still is, and I'm hoping it goes away with a day of rest). Did about 68 over the week, so about 164 miles for seven days of riding. Quite happy with that!

jefnvk 05-21-17 07:40 PM

None today, too much driving back from the ride yesterday.

Yesterday, however, finally got my first metric century in! Dunno how many in total, I estimate somewhere around 66, I pulled the computer off right at 62.14 to preserve the happy moment for the rest of the evening (and I know the computer reads low compared to the GPS anyhow)!

one4smoke 05-26-17 06:38 PM


Trsnrtr 05-26-17 07:24 PM

51 miles in and out of rainstorms on a trike.

Stratocaster 05-27-17 08:34 AM

Did 55 miles on Wednesday. Oddly, I didn't take a nap afterwards and I wasn't even particularly tired. I guess my fitness is getting better. We did about 2,700 ft of climbing.

Trsnrtr 05-27-17 12:38 PM

Another 42 today.

BlazingPedals 05-27-17 03:20 PM

Great ride today with the group. I spent most of the time off the back, marshaling everyone, but quite a few miles done off the front too. There were several emergency stops; one guy lost his chain 3 times, plus a stop for a lost fender bolt (tandem recumbent) and a dropped frame pump. With about 4 miles to go, I noticed that 2 of the guys were missing. They'd done a sneak-breakaway. I rocketed off in pursuit doing 25-30 mph. Got stuck behind a couple of cars at 25 mph, but finally caught them with a half-mile to go. Overall, I averaged 18.4 for 58 miles, which also includes all the slow-go time I spent waiting up for the group. It was good to finish a ride like that and feel I had some legs left.

ste6168 05-27-17 03:57 PM

Man, looking through this thread... Seems crazy the distances yall ride!

one4smoke 05-27-17 04:30 PM

Originally Posted by ste6168 (Post 19614627)
Man, looking through this thread... Seems crazy the distances yall ride!

What do you think is a reasonable distance? What do you average?

ste6168 05-27-17 04:38 PM

Originally Posted by one4smoke (Post 19614701)
What do you think is a reasonable distance? What do you average?

I just got my first bike in like 15 (or so) years last week, I got a beach cruiser for riding around town... So, I am in a complete different ballgame than most, but so far we've done a few mile treks. The most being yesterday, we rode about 8 miles overall

one4smoke 05-27-17 04:42 PM

Originally Posted by ste6168 (Post 19614716)
I just got my first bike in like 15 (or so) years last week, I got a beach cruiser for riding around town... So, I am in a complete different ballgame than most, but so far we've done a few mile treks. The most being yesterday, we rode about 8 miles overall

8 miles is great! You'll add on distance as you ride more and more.

linberl 05-27-17 06:14 PM

1 Attachment(s)
22 miles, my new favorite ride since they opened the Bay Bridge trail out to Treasure Island.

Maelochs 05-27-17 06:45 PM

Originally Posted by ste6168 (Post 19614627)
Man, looking through this thread... Seems crazy the distances yall ride!

I know what you mean. I hate to post in the "How far" threads because compared to what most here do ... all my rides are "not far."

I generally average "as far as I wanted to go" at "the speed that felt good to me at the time."

But hey ... The name of the thread isn't "Did you meet the group average?" If I did 11 miles and enjoyed .... that's how far. If I went 300 yards, decided I would rather watch TV and came home ... that's right too.

For me a good ride is one where I enjoy the entire ride and don't feel so bad afterwards that I regret it ... and still feel okay the next day too.

On some days, the right distance to achieve all that is zero.

Today it was 26.7 .... I try to do one long (for me) ride once a week or so. Weather was perfect, bike worked well .... I turned for home at the right time. I think I hit that sweet spot where I am beat but not hurt.

What really made the difference was that I headed out on a different route, one I had been avoiding because the hills (well, they are hills for a Flatahoman .... out here I can lay down a newspaper and stand on top of it---it's an "elevation") had been kicking my butt.

I didn't finish the route--I was too tired and had to bail. But ...

Not only did I make it up a couple of inclines that really used to hurt .... I got to see some scenery at a different time of day and a different time of year. Couple of decent trees, couple of ponds, one stray dog .... nothing that would attract tourists. Still it is good to see stuff with a fresh eye.

When I wheeled into my neighborhood to cool down, I saw the "Happy Cyclists."

They are my benchmark. They are older than me, even ... they cruise the neighborhood at maybe three or five mile per hour, and I bet they have never ridden two miles in a day, or a mile without stopping. And they are probably the happiest cyclists I know.

When I roll in all sweaty and puffing because I just managed 15 mph on a downhill ... they remind me that vanity is vanity, and fun is fun, and if I need to choose .... fun seems like the more fun option.

GeneO 05-27-17 06:57 PM

Started feeling a little beat so only 33.5 mi. Wanted to hit 40.

supton 05-28-17 06:05 AM

Only got a couple of rides in during the week, due to rain (couple of 17's). Pushed myself to 54 miles yesterday. Back started killing me around mile 30, need to play with fit some more; soleus's sore today. 54 miles, 16.4mph moving average, and MMR said 3,900 ft of climbing. Getting there...

Have to get at least 12 in today to meet my summer goal of 100 miles per week.

Was hoping to do a century this summer but so far I've yet to figure out bike fit. Might have to settle for metric centuries instead (spitting distance of that).

edawg55 05-29-17 06:14 PM

24 miles, 15.9mph, max 30.2, 70 degrees. I wanted to go 30 miles but it was really nice so everyone was out on the path with the holiday. If I go 30+ miles I feel like crap after and need a few days to recoup (some health issues in the past). Only 2nd year cycling for me. I have a lot to learn and need to get the right drink and snacks so I don't run out of gas. hehe

one4smoke 06-01-17 09:34 PM

55.9 miles yesterday, and 20.5 today.

one4smoke 06-02-17 04:55 PM

Only 8 today ...but I rode!

edawg55 06-04-17 05:53 AM

30 miles 16.4 avg speed. I was surprised I didn't feel good to start but didn't get tired until the end.

one4smoke 06-04-17 12:20 PM

Originally Posted by edawg55 (Post 19630191)
30 miles 16.4 avg speed. I was surprised I didn't feel good to start but didn't get tired until the end.

It's funny how that works. When I feel like I won't be worth a darn, I'll have energy to burn. Then again, when I think I should be great (good sleep, ate good food, nice weather, etc...) I may struggle to keep my normal pace. And then again, sometimes you get what you expect.

A couple of weeks ago, I rode in a 45 mile event here in town, on NO sleep at all. Thought I would be in trouble, but I could've gone many more miles.

You just never know.

supton 06-04-17 07:03 PM

Funny how the energy to ride comes and goes. One day you have it, the next not. Or start fast to end slow, or vice versa.

Did 35 yesterday, but only got like a 15mph average--was a bit surprised, but 15 miles was dirt with wind, and I spent lots of time in 30x21 on hills (turned around when 30x23 wasn't cutting it--steep and gravelly). That got my my 100 mile goal for the week but since next couple of days will be rainy I did a meager 20 today; had plans to do some stuff before dinner and didn't want to be too worn out.

Summer06 06-05-17 01:37 AM

cool people!

Slightspeed 06-06-17 09:53 PM

1 Attachment(s)
47 today, 15.25 avg speed. Ventura,CA to Summerland, just south of Santa Barbara. Cool, foggy morning drizzle, great ride.

jefnvk 06-06-17 10:04 PM

Just my normal 16 miles after work, but a good ride nonetheless!

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