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seedsbelize 07-24-21 08:04 AM

I performed my furst dollar bill tire boot this morning. It needs to hold for a few blocks across town, or I walk again. I will hang at my daughter's home awaiting the Amazon delivery.

LesterOfPuppets 07-24-21 08:09 AM

The lawns are too soggy to mow this morning, this is supposed to be a Portland Problem, not a Phoenix problem!!!

Upside: they have greened up quite nicely with the near constant rain the last couple days :bday:

LesterOfPuppets 07-24-21 08:11 AM

Originally Posted by seedsbelize (Post 22155642)
I performed my furst dollar bill tire boot this morning. It needs to hold for a few blocks across town, or I walk again. I will hang at my daughter's home awaiting the Amazon delivery.

Still waiting on your garden hoses Gatorskins?

Velo Vol 07-24-21 08:21 AM

Originally Posted by lesterofpuppets (Post 22155639)
i've been putting it off 'til i was required to interact with people for work. And even though i don't have to yet, i have a feeling that time is right around the corner...

​​​​​​maybe in a couple weeks i'll go see a baseball game. I'll have to bring the binoculars and sit in the worst seats so there's no one within a safe radius though, it being a mostly indoor stadium. Or i guess i could buy a block of 9 good seats to keep a distance, if i hit the lottery :)


LesterOfPuppets 07-24-21 08:36 AM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22155664)

Are you telling me you wouldn't buy 9 Diamondbacks tickets for yourself behind home plate if you hit Powerball? C'mon, live a little, D-Backs tickets are probably about the same price as Tennessee Smokies tix unless the Dodgers are in town! :)

I guess if you can get a front row seat, you only need 6 seats to keep a nice buffer!

genejockey 07-24-21 09:25 AM

Originally Posted by big john (Post 22155257)
And while they're still in the neutral zone they switch to air rifle.

If the race is live it will finish at 1 or 2 a.m. our time.

I bet the Romulans were pissed.

genejockey 07-24-21 09:28 AM

Originally Posted by Trsnrtr (Post 22155498)
I'm not looking forward to today's group ride. Besides being the oldest and fattest, we are supposed to be around 100° "real feel" by the end of our ride when I will be even older.

Maybe you'll reach 100 'Real Feel' for both temperature and age.

LesterOfPuppets 07-24-21 09:30 AM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22155745)
Maybe you'll reach 100 'Real Feel' for both temperature and age.

I feel 100 y.o. at least a couple days a month :50:

genejockey 07-24-21 09:38 AM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 22155747)
I feel 100 y.o. at least a couple days a month :50:

I used to wake up on days after long rides feeling like I'd been taken apart by a brilliant surgeon and put back together by a shade tree mechanic. Since I lost the 30# and have been riding so much, I've found that the days when I feel like that are fewer and farther between. It's been a slow process, almost too slow to notice, but real.

BillyD 07-24-21 10:08 AM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 22155651)
The lawns are too soggy to mow this morning, this is supposed to be a Portland Problem, not a Phoenix problem!!!

Upside: they have greened up quite nicely with the near constant rain the last couple days :bday:

I find this so hard to picture because almost all my visits have been bone dry. :lol:

There was the one exception at my nephew's graduation ceremony. We sat through a downpour for almost the whole ceremony yet by the time we got down on the field to congratulate the graduates our clothing was bone dry. It was the strangest thing I had ever seen, it was almost as if the rain really wasn't wet.

BillyD 07-24-21 10:10 AM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 22155680)

Love that commercial. :lol:

BillyD 07-24-21 10:15 AM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22155755)
I used to wake up on days after long rides feeling like I'd been taken apart by a brilliant surgeon and put back together by a shade tree mechanic. Since I lost the 30# and have been riding so much, I've found that the days when I feel like that are fewer and farther between. It's been a slow process, almost too slow to notice, but real.

Don't worry, that feeling will be back. Just wait several years.

genejockey 07-24-21 10:17 AM

I've been feeling bad recently about driving the 8 miles back and forth to Canada Road to ride on weekday afternoons - ever since the Heat Event in the PNW. So I've been Zwifting instead, even though it's summer and good riding weather. I don't really feel safe riding from home in the late afternoon - or more to the point, I would not feel safe riding home in the late afternoon, since that's when commuters are coming home. I'm thinking maybe until I go back to 'work at work' I will try taking an early afternoon break, once I'm all done with potential Zoom meetings with folks on the East Coast.

First world problems, I know.

Anyway, last night instead of tossing the Schwinn in the Dodge and going for a ride IRL, I decided to toss the Ritchey on the Snap and ride in the garage. There was a Circuit Race on the Champs-Elysees, so I signed up for that. Started with 17 riders, but 4 of us went off the front early and stayed there. Every time I tried to take a pull one of the other three would go ahead of me, so I figured, 'Fine! I'll just wheelsuck and we'll see what happens in the final sprint!" And sure enough, I pipped the leader at the line by 0.12 seconds and won the race! So I'm still kicking ass in the D's, and haven't yet been 'coned' for being too powerful for my category. "Yeah, that's me. King of the Dips***s."

Bah Humbug 07-24-21 10:32 AM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 22155381)
Any tale of Zwift mishaps is hilarious.

Not Zwift, but I once bent my RD hanger on a slow, steep climb in Rouvy. No more high torque/ low cadence work on the trainer, just low and high aerobic.

Bah Humbug 07-24-21 10:34 AM

Next week will be a recovery week. Is anyone going to take the top step of the podium?

LesterOfPuppets 07-24-21 10:55 AM

Originally Posted by Bah Humbug (Post 22155821)
Next week will be a recovery week. Is anyone going to take the top step of the podium?

I might have a go, since we'll be struggling to break into the triple digits all week!

Trsnrtr 07-24-21 11:25 AM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22155551)
Downstate of you today. 100 here is not fun at all. Different than down yonder.

We lucked out. It was only 98° “real feel” at the end of our ride. :D

Trsnrtr 07-24-21 11:32 AM

Originally Posted by big john (Post 22155608)
Welcome to my world.;)

I felt great today, no problem. However, we had a guy who has had open heart surgery kept dropping 20 miles from home. I hated to pull him in since I felt so good but the humidity was killing him and I couldn’t have lived with myself if he keeled over in the middle of the corn fields.


seedsbelize 07-24-21 11:34 AM

The boot held, and the rear gatorskin is mounted. 25mm is the widest I could get. It replaces a 27mm. It'll do. It gets me back on the road. I don't suppose there's any reason to hang onto this new tire with a blown sidewall. Never in my cycling career did I have a sidewall blowout til I fell for the gp4sll scam. A sidewall blowout within 100 miles. And now the same parameters for this sidewall blowout. Perhaps I can make a pair of the leftovers

seedsbelize 07-24-21 11:37 AM

We have finally moved into the upper 80s. I'm comfortable and everyone else is suffering. I slept outside last night. I haven't been camping in a raccoon's age.

Velo Vol 07-24-21 11:39 AM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 22155680)
Are you telling me you wouldn't buy 9 Diamondbacks tickets for yourself behind home plate if you hit Powerball? C'mon, live a little, D-Backs tickets are probably about the same price as Tennessee Smokies tix unless the Dodgers are in town! :)

The entire post.

Not sure why you are waiting to vaccinate.

Or why you think you can isolate in the middle of a metro area for months and months.

And why it is baseball, of all things, that may finally persuade you to re-join society.

Facepalms all around

Velo Vol 07-24-21 11:40 AM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 22155747)
I feel 100 y.o. at least a couple days a month :50:

What time of month?

Originally Posted by seedsbelize (Post 22155893)
It gets me back on the road.

Where are you going?

Bah Humbug 07-24-21 11:46 AM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22155898)
The entire post.

Not sure why you are waiting to vaccinate.

Or why you think you can isolate in the middle of a metro area for months and months.

And why it is baseball, of all things, that may finally persuade you to re-join society.

Facepalms all around

I am probably the most isolated of this group and I still wanted my shot ASAFP. And I don't even mind isolating; it's hardly a change for me.

seedsbelize 07-24-21 11:49 AM

I see I got Race 28s to go into my 25s. Hopefully I won't need them.
And now, heat of the day and all, It's time to ride.

indyfabz 07-24-21 11:49 AM

The offending matter. Sharp piece of metal. First flat in maybe 3 years.

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