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roughrider504 07-28-07 02:19 PM

The post your trailer thread.
Post them if you got em'!

I'll start with mine. Based on . Finally something to use those steel 27's on. The box is 132gal which is enough for whatever I would need to carry, yet I could mount another one up front if I needed to.

East Hill 07-28-07 02:45 PM

My Pac-mule trailer, along with my hardtail 1985ish Fuji Thrill:

East Hill

donnamb 07-28-07 02:52 PM

Originally Posted by roughrider504 (Post 4952732)
I'll start with mine. Based on . Finally something to use those steel 27's on. The box is 132gal which is enough for whatever I would need to carry, yet I could mount another one up front if I needed to.

Can you get a close up on the hitch?

Tom Stormcrowe 07-28-07 02:59 PM

Using a Kid Trailer as a Touring trailer on the Upper Peninsula of Michigan!:D 65 pounds of gear and fully self supported. This included 105 miles of fire roads in sandy conditions and a skinny tire bike.;)

Allen 07-28-07 03:05 PM

A Burley Flatbed

I-Like-To-Bike 07-28-07 05:09 PM

Trailer w/plastic box purchased in Germany 6, 7, or 9 years ago for 40 DM or Euro, I don't remember which. Bicycle is a 5 speed Kynast of undetermined age, (probably mid 90's); cost nothing as I found it on Sperrmüll (Trash Day for getting rid of household accumulations.)

bragi 07-28-07 06:38 PM

I don't have a trailer, but I think I need one, and I have a couple of questions:

1. Is it hard for motorists to see that there's a trailer behind your bike? (I'm concerned about someone turning, running into my trailer because they don't know it's there, and dragging me backwards down the street...)

2. I need a trailer that you can break down (I live in a condo), that's sturdy enough to haul an 8hp outboard motor, and that's not too expensive. I'm not handy, so I probably won't make my own trailer unless I have to. Any suggestions?

donnamb 07-28-07 06:52 PM

Originally Posted by bragi (Post 4953968)
1. Is it hard for motorists to see that there's a trailer behind your bike? (I'm concerned about someone turning, running into my trailer because they don't know it's there, and dragging me backwards down the street...)

I've never had that problem, but you could use one of those tall, orange flags if you were concerned.

2. I need a trailer that you can break down (I live in a condo), that's sturdy enough to haul an 8hp outboard motor, and that's not too expensive. I'm not handy, so I probably won't make my own trailer unless I have to. Any suggestions?
How heavy is the motor? I have the Burley Flatbed that AllenG has in his photo. It's very versatile, but has a 100 lbs weight limit. I understand if you mod it with a board on the bottom, it can carry more weight. It's $200, but I'm willing to be there are some shops in Seattle that would do layaway if it's too much at once. It only weighs 13 lbs, and will fit in small spaces on its side - even if you don't want to remove the wheels.

I must say that having the trailer has been very liberating for me. :)

bragi 07-28-07 07:11 PM

Originally Posted by donnamb (Post 4954034)
I've never had that problem, but you could use one of those tall, orange flags if you were concerned.

How heavy is the motor? I have the Burley Flatbed that AllenG has in his photo. It's very versatile, but has a 100 lbs weight limit. I understand if you mod it with a board on the bottom, it can carry more weight. It's $200, but I'm willing to be there are some shops in Seattle that would do layaway if it's too much at once. It only weighs 13 lbs, and will fit in small spaces on its side - even if you don't want to remove the wheels.

I must say that having the trailer has been very liberating for me. :)

Thanks! I'll look into the Burley flatbed, $200 doesn't seem totally absurd, and if the wheels come off, so much the better. (I think the outboard is almost exactly 100 lbs...)

Nycycle 07-28-07 09:10 PM

Originally Posted by bragi (Post 4953968)
I don't have a trailer, but I think I need one, and I have a couple of questions:

1. Is it hard for motorists to see that there's a trailer behind your bike? (I'm concerned about someone turning, running into my trailer because they don't know it's there, and dragging me backwards down the street...)

2. I need a trailer that you can break down (I live in a condo), that's sturdy enough to haul an 8hp outboard motor, and that's not too expensive. I'm not handy, so I probably won't make my own trailer unless I have to. Any suggestions?

How heavy is that outboard?

My Nashbar Caro hanging takes little room,
Has a tall orange flag and dual flashing tail lamps, and wheel reflectors.
40 lbs is too much to control, but 30 is ok. I like this trailer, do not recommend pulling it clipless.

dirtylaundry 07-28-07 09:14 PM

Originally Posted by roughrider504 (Post 4952732)
Post them if you got em'!

I'll start with mine. Based on . Finally something to use those steel 27's on. The box is 132gal which is enough for whatever I would need to carry, yet I could mount another one up front if I needed to.

Freaking Sweet! I dig the bullhorns on that bike. I have never seen or thought of bike trailers much before, but man.... I needa get me one of those.
What kind of things do you carry around in those?

Autokat 07-28-07 09:43 PM

my latest build it's scrap metal pipe and the drawbar is from a whipper snipper the box is 150 litre

Autokat 07-29-07 02:27 AM

The wheels are off my two daughters old Bratz bikes ( they finally died so I stripped them for spares ) they rims were rusty so I painted them flat black , I don't know how many spokes they have and the tyres I got 2 pairs off ebay for $2.25 one set of kenda freestyle tyres went onto my sons bike and the other set which were a little to cracked for a bike are on the trailer . All up the trailer owes me $30.25 au the container was $20 and paint was $8.00 ( which I still have heaps of for next time :lol: ) and the tyres for $2.25 .

East Hill 07-29-07 03:40 AM

Originally Posted by bragi (Post 4953968)
I don't have a trailer, but I think I need one, and I have a couple of questions:

1. Is it hard for motorists to see that there's a trailer behind your bike? (I'm concerned about someone turning, running into my trailer because they don't know it's there, and dragging me backwards down the street...)

2. I need a trailer that you can break down (I live in a condo), that's sturdy enough to haul an 8hp outboard motor, and that's not too expensive. I'm not handy, so I probably won't make my own trailer unless I have to. Any suggestions?

Flag or big warning triangle on back!

My Pac-mule breaks down if necessary. He also makes haulers that can take deer out of the woods, so yes, they can handle a fair amount of weight. Just remember that if you are going down hills that the weight in the back can make you go really, really fast :eek: . He is a bit more expensive than the other trailers, but on the other hand, he's local (Pac-mule is a member here, and he's in Olympia).

East Hill

bragi 07-29-07 12:11 PM

Originally Posted by East Hill (Post 4955997)
Flag or big warning triangle on back!

My Pac-mule breaks down if necessary. He also makes haulers that can take deer out of the woods, so yes, they can handle a fair amount of weight. Just remember that if you are going down hills that the weight in the back can make you go really, really fast :eek: . He is a bit more expensive than the other trailers, but on the other hand, he's local (Pac-mule is a member here, and he's in Olympia).

East Hill

I'll check it out, thanks!

Cyclaholic 07-30-07 02:17 AM


Originally Posted by Autokat (Post 4955942)
The wheels are off my two daughters old Bratz bikes ( they finally died so I stripped them for spares ) they rims were rusty so I painted them flat black , I don't know how many spokes they have and the tyres I got 2 pairs off ebay for $2.25 one set of kenda freestyle tyres went onto my sons bike and the other set which were a little to cracked for a bike are on the trailer . All up the trailer owes me $30.25 au the container was $20 and paint was $8.00 ( which I still have heaps of for next time :lol: ) and the tyres for $2.25 .

The bikes right? not the daughters...




Autokat 07-30-07 03:20 AM

ha ha I never thought of that :lol:

Raiyn 07-30-07 03:05 PM

All pictures have links back to my my thread.

Grocery mode

Utility and general hauling

Bare deck

Originally Posted by East Hill (Post 4955997)
Flag or big warning triangle on back!

I use both :D

East Hill 07-30-07 11:50 PM

Originally Posted by Raiyn (Post 4965593)

I use both :D

Certainly doesn't hurt!

East Hill

Teme 08-05-07 09:29 AM

This is my bike and trailer. The trailer is usually used to take food from store to home or to move 2 kids from one place to another. I was whole Friday afternoon and Saturday at forest so this time I used trailer to get all stuff to there. So during those days I picked up about 13l blueberries. I love forests and what they can give for me.

(And yes. I know fenders are missing. I lost them at touring last summer.)

East Hill 08-05-07 10:19 AM

Originally Posted by Teme (Post 5004415)
So during those days I picked up about 13l blueberries. I love forests and what they can give for me.

Mushrooms as well? That's a lot of blueberries--do you dry them?

East Hill

Teme 08-05-07 11:32 AM

Unfortunately there wasn't mushrooms which I know. We store blueberries to freezer. That's simplier than drying them. Part of the berries were used to the cake which we happily ate today and offered it for relatives.

If I find mushrooms which I know, I usually collect them so that I can enjoy them with my son at evening. I don't store them because usually my parents gives us enough dried mushrooms. (And most of our family doesn't like mushrooms so I'd rather get as much berries as possible.) Distance to the place were the picture were taken was 12km. It was such place were nobody ends up with car. Never. Dead end. Nothing intresting around. Not even parking place. Using bike takes me to such places quite often.


JoeyBike 08-14-07 11:15 PM

My Bikes At Work trailer

Works great. Cool website too. You can calculate how fast you can expect to pull a certain weight over a chosen grade.

This trailer really allows me to be car free more easily. It will haul over 300lbs of stuff. Rubber tubs not included. I think I paid $400+ US a couple years ago and saved that in car note over a couple months. Very well made and nice design. Pulls like a charm. I would suggest a triple chain ring tho.

JoeyBike 08-14-07 11:45 PM

This is probably pretty obvious, but if you can get your hauling done in a trailer designed for towing kids around, and leave the sun/rain hood up, most motorists will give you extra space when they pass 'cause they think you got a kid in there even tho the trailer is full of beer and chips. Least that's what I hear - no kids and I spend all of my beer money on bikes.

alicestrong 08-16-07 05:56 PM

Here is my very cheap (albeit temporary...I'm saving for a Xtracycle) solution to the "how to get the dog and catfood that don't fit in the panniers home" problem. This is for the kind of person who would mount a milk crate on their bike and not be embarrassed...:)

The grocery cart was $10 at the Thrift Store and a bag of 40 zip ties was 99 cents. I do this every two months...about 2 miles round trip on quiet suburban streets. Total weight 45 pounds. After reading this thread I think that I'll put a flag on it for greater visability.

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