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ADAM31 11-06-22 08:09 AM

Suggestion for dogs chasing you?
I live in Tennessee and we have a considerable number of dogs that like to chase cyclists in the area or maybe they just like to chase me. I have been bitten by one particular dog and luckily I was able to use my water bottle hitting him on the head in order for him to let go of my foot. Any suggestions or something you use to keep dogs away?

Bald Paul 11-06-22 08:13 AM

Lots of threads with lots of suggestions about this.

Paul Barnard 11-06-22 09:02 AM

Did you call law enforcement on the dog that bit you? If not, that is step number 1.

Tomm Willians 11-06-22 09:15 AM

A bit of a pain to carry but hornet/wasp spray will temporarily blind the dog, can fire a fair distance and should cure the behavior. As stated, a call to LE is truly the best first choice but my tolerance for this is about zero after a couple of inexcusable incidents.

Charles Lathe 11-06-22 09:45 AM

I talk to the dogs. I ask, “What are you doing? I am supposed to be here.” I tell them they are not supposed to be in the road or that they are going to be in a lot of trouble if they don’t go home. Most of them seem kind of confused by this and for me it works better than yelling at them. A few of them are just plain mean dogs. but most seem to respond to talk better than to yelling. We have a lot of loose dogs in North Carolina.

rollagain 11-06-22 10:59 AM

Originally Posted by Tomm Willians (Post 22702318)
A bit of a pain to carry but hornet/wasp spray will temporarily blind the dog, can fire a fair distance and should cure the behavior. As stated, a call to LE is truly the best first choice but my tolerance for this is about zero after a couple of inexcusable incidents.

And if you get caught using that on anything but insects, you're legally liable. Just read the label on it.

rollagain 11-06-22 11:02 AM

Originally Posted by Charles Lathe (Post 22702356)
I talk to the dogs. I ask, “What are you doing? I am supposed to be here.” I tell them they are not supposed to be in the road or that they are going to be in a lot of trouble if they don’t go home. Most of them seem kind of confused by this and for me it works better than yelling at them. A few of them are just plain mean dogs. but most seem to respond to talk better than to yelling. We have a lot of loose dogs in North Carolina.

I did that once; was grinding up a steep little hill and this dog came charging out of a yard barking like mad. No way I could outrun or outmaneuver it, so I just stopped, patted my leg and called to it to come to me. Dog totally freaked and sprinted for the house.

Tomm Willians 11-06-22 11:07 AM

Originally Posted by rollagain (Post 22702421)
And if you get caught using that on anything but insects, you're legally liable. Just read the label on it.

In a situation of an aggressive dog threatening harm I’m not one bit concerned with that.

rollagain 11-06-22 11:19 AM

Originally Posted by Tomm Willians (Post 22702431)
In a situation of an aggressive dog threatening harm I’m not one bit concerned with that.

Then use something legal for self-defense, like pepper spray, or buy a little water pistol and fill it with grapefruit juice.

RH Clark 11-06-22 11:48 AM

I carry HALT pepper spray. I feel like the best way to confront an aggressive dog is to get off the bike keeping it as a barrier and using whatever means necessary to defend yourself. I do not recommend trying to outrun them. It's a good way to get hurt worse than a dog bite.

3alarmer 11-06-22 11:59 AM

Originally Posted by ADAM31 (Post 22702278)
I live in Tennessee and we have a considerable number of dogs that like to chase cyclists in the area or maybe they just like to chase me. I have been bitten by one particular dog and luckily I was able to use my water bottle hitting him on the head in order for him to let go of my foot. Any suggestions or something you use to keep dogs away?

...when I lived in East TN, this was a problem for me as a runner. I carried a small squirt gun filled with household ammonia. You hit the offending dog in the eye or on his nose. They still bark, and they still chase you after this experience (which they think is their job), but they never came close enough to get squirted again. I imagine this would work as a cyclist, as well, but you might have to dismount to aim it.

Iride01 11-06-22 12:36 PM

Several things work for me. Most of the time I just pay them no attention as all they do is just run along side and bark. They tire quickly if I'm doing any decent speed at all.

And for all the dogs I've stopped and come to a halt, they cease barking immediately and some act puzzled. Some come up and sniff me and I might rub them behind the ears or on the neck. Not the top of their head. I've been told that's a no-no for petting strange dogs.

I've never had a dog bite me whether on the bike or any other time. If I was bitten while riding as you describe, then I'd at least report it and file a complaint to the local sheriff. Might be nothing becomes of that, but if that dog and/or address acquires a history of such reports then it might help someone out in the future.

striker65 11-06-22 01:22 PM

My buddy has an air horn, dogs usually back up.

dedhed 11-06-22 02:13 PM

Originally Posted by rollagain (Post 22702421)
And if you get caught using that on anything but insects, you're legally liable. Just read the label on it.

I think I'd take my chances on the legal system on the minuscule chance I was caught, rather than the legal system on finding an owner and insurance after getting bit.

venturi95 11-06-22 02:26 PM

I had problems years ago, and Halt works as advertised. I kept it clipped to my hydration pack shoulder strap for a quick draw (essential). One tiny village on the only pavement for miles around had a mean dog who had been hit with Halt numerous times. He was maniacal in his aggressive barking, but he kept about 15 feet away from any cyclist.

indyfabz 11-06-22 03:48 PM

I usually wave and say “Hi, buddy!”

indyfabz 11-06-22 03:49 PM

Originally Posted by Bald Paul (Post 22702284)
Lots of threads with lots of suggestions about this.

Dog threads are the new waving threads.

badger1 11-06-22 03:59 PM

Originally Posted by indyfabz (Post 22702673)
Dog threads are the new waving threads.

... and they never end well.

RH Clark 11-06-22 04:07 PM

Originally Posted by indyfabz (Post 22702672)
I usually wave and say “Hi, buddy!”

You must not live in The Dirty South. We had a middle-aged woman die from dog attack here locally, and then the pack also killed the official lady that was sent to investigate. 90% of the barkers and nippers I encounter are not really all that dangerous and a "HI, buddy!" works just fine. I assume we are only concerned here about the other 10% that can actually be life threatening.

Chicken_fat 11-06-22 04:12 PM

Originally Posted by ADAM31 (Post 22702278)
I live in Tennessee and we have a considerable number of dogs that like to chase cyclists in the area or maybe they just like to chase me. I have been bitten by one particular dog and luckily I was able to use my water bottle hitting him on the head in order for him to let go of my foot. Any suggestions or something you use to keep dogs away?

Knock on wood, I usually talk to them and so far they just like to make a bunch of noise and run along side until I’m past their area.

I have pepper spray but haven’t used it. I did check with animal control and they were very pro cyclist and had no issue with using it if need be.

indyfabz 11-06-22 04:36 PM

Originally Posted by RH Clark (Post 22702688)
You must not live in The Dirty South. We had a middle-aged woman die from dog attack here locally, and then the pack also killed the official lady that was sent to investigate. 90% of the barkers and nippers I encounter are not really all that dangerous and a "HI, buddy!" works just fine. I assume we are only concerned here about the other 10% that can actually be life threatening.

People have been killed by dogs everywhere, including in my home town where I have lived nearly all my life. I got attacked by a dog delivering newspapers when I was a teenager. I still usually say “Hi, buddy” these days or just keep riding and don’t react. Never been harmed by a dog while riding a bicycle, and I’ve ridden across the U.S. and then some.

gringomojado 11-06-22 06:39 PM

Try waving and keep on riding!

tcs 11-06-22 07:59 PM

Originally Posted by Iride01 (Post 22702498)
I've never had a dog bite me...

Me neither, but I've had two quite small dogs come off the side of the road full speed into my front wheel. Got the scars on my legs to prove it.

RH Clark 11-06-22 08:10 PM

Originally Posted by indyfabz (Post 22702718)
People have been killed by dogs everywhere, including in my home town where I have lived nearly all my life. I got attacked by a dog delivering newspapers when I was a teenager. I still usually say “Hi, buddy” these days or just keep riding and don’t react. Never been harmed by a dog while riding a bicycle, and I’ve ridden across the U.S. and then some.

You have just been lucky. There are some out there that will pull you off. I've encountered hundreds that ran and barked, without incident, but I was also wrecked by a Pit that grabbed me. Some dogs will attack no matter how friendly you act, period.

JW Fas 11-06-22 08:36 PM

Things to try in order:
1. 53x11
2. Yell at the dog to go home.
3. Squirt them with your water bottle.
4. Use pepper gel (not spray which gets carried by the wind).
5. Use your bike frame as a weapon.
6. Roll up your sleeves and give the dog your best Ip Man fighting stance.

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