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Trouble 09-16-04 10:36 AM

It's only a flat...
15 miles into my ride I notice my back tire is bouncing more than normal. I know what that means, a flat is coming. In the past year I have had maybe 3 flats. Two of them were about 1/4 mile from the house and I made it home on a slow leak. The other I patched and used the Airstick pump.
So, I stop, pull the tube, new tube in, start pumping using my AS-1 Blackburn Airstick. About 85% full the tube lets go. I'm like, "what the F@#K?"
Pull the tube, right at the base of the stem there is a tear. So, I grab the other tube and patch it, put it back in the tire, start pumping, 85% full that tube lets go. Now I'm screwed.
I started walking and Ross, who I've never met, pulled up and offered me a tube along with a shot of CO2. 2 minutes later I was on the road. Mucho gracias Ross.
Now, I'm thinking the problem was the pumping action that tore the stems. I held the damn thing as tight as I could against the rim and tried to prevent any movement.
My rim strips are fine, although I'm going to replace both.
Both tubes were Specialized Turbo Ultralight and leaked where the stem connects to the tube.

I'm going to start using CO2 and carry two tubes (pay it forward).

Anyone have a similiar problem/solution?

Melo 09-16-04 10:55 AM

I had similiar problem once, so I use my hand pump enough only to check for possible rim pinch, Then I use the CO2 inflator, Its the only way to go. I carry 2 or 3 spares cylinders.

Trsnrtr 09-16-04 07:21 PM

I carry 2 tubes and 3 cyclinders. Even then, I've seen days in the winter when the roads are cindered/sanded and are a little wet where 2 tubes and a patch kit weren't enough. I generally carry 3 tubes on my tandem.

DieselDan 09-16-04 08:24 PM

You are being rough with the pump. Two solutions: a pump with a hose (Topek Road Morph for example) or a CO2 inflator.

Trouble 09-17-04 05:49 PM

If I'm going to put a pump back on my bike, it's going to be a full size frame pump.
My seat pack now has; 2 tubes, 3 16g cylinders(100-130psi), a small inflator head and a patch kit.

The idea about maybe pumping in a bunch of air and then CO2 is a good idea, that way I can purchase the cheaper 12g cylinders that give you about 90-100 psi.

When are they coming out with a CO2 cylinder that has sealer in it? Or...tubeless wheels.

bmph8ter 09-17-04 11:01 PM

I was bad about snapping stems and tearing tubes too. Then I got a new pump (Topeak Road Morph) and all my problems magically went away. I guess I'm just to clumsy to keep from putting sideways pressure on the valve stem.

MaximusHQ 09-18-04 06:34 AM

I use the topeak road morph with the hose which works great. The downside to it is the rather large size in comparison to the co2's

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