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LarrySellerz 03-29-22 07:34 AM

Bicycle Messenger Riding Fast and Fluid Through NYC Traffic

Koyote 03-29-22 08:08 AM

I watched just long enough to see him ride in the wrong direction in a bike lane, then nearly run over some pedestrians in a crosswalk as he ran a red light in heavy traffic.

The guy's riding like a jackass -- endangering himself (which is his business) as well as others.

LarrySellerz 03-29-22 08:17 AM

Originally Posted by Koyote (Post 22454636)
I watched just long enough to see him ride in the wrong direction in a bike lane, then nearly run over some pedestrians in a crosswalk as he ran a red light in heavy traffic.

The guy's riding like a jackass -- endangering himself (which is his business) as well as others.

the kid randomly started walking backwards in the crosswalk, but yeah that clip wasn't the greatest. Cooper claims he has never hit a pedestrian

livedarklions 03-29-22 08:27 AM

So there's the cameraman and this guy riding like this with no brakes, absolutely disrespecting the crosswalks and bike lane directions, clearly endangering a lot of people, and we're supposed to admire this for its what, artistry? Screw that, this is disgusting.

burnthesheep 03-29-22 08:31 AM

For a long time, I've wondered why youtube and others either don't ban posting illegal acts OR at least force you to sit through a 15 second long legal disclaimer banner on each one.

One auto forum I used to frequent when I was into all that took a stand around the year 2010 or so on all this finally after some high profile crashes/deaths. No more posting illegal street racing videos, period. Only dyno's or track videos. Offense was a ban as you read the disclaimer in the user waiver and also due to how bad spreading the videos was causing increased bad behaviors.

Kapusta 03-29-22 08:36 AM

What a freaking jack@$$.

At the age of 74, my mother got knocked over by a jerk like this.

I found myself hoping he gets doored before he hurts someone else.

livedarklions 03-29-22 08:58 AM

Originally Posted by LarrySellerz (Post 22454648)
the kid randomly started walking backwards in the crosswalk, but yeah that clip wasn't the greatest. Cooper claims he has never hit a pedestrian

It's a crosswalk, you aren't supposed to go until there's no one in the crosswalk, a pedestrian turning around in the crosswalk is no excuse.

Judging by the video, it's a matter of when, not if. He's been lucky so far. And that's if you believe him.

Reflector Guy 03-29-22 09:00 AM

Originally Posted by LarrySellerz (Post 22454648)
the kid randomly started walking backwards in the crosswalk, but yeah that clip wasn't the greatest. Cooper claims he has never hit a pedestrian

He came very close here but the pedestrian(s) leaped out of the way, completely startled.

It is this type of behavior that makes so many motorists hate bicyclists.

Kedosto 03-29-22 10:28 AM

Are we supposed to be mournful when he gets taken out in an accident? I’m not sure I’ll have the capacity for that.

leob1 03-29-22 11:03 AM

Originally Posted by Reflector Guy (Post 22454697)
It is this type of behavior that makes so many motorists hate bicyclists.

This, it will be used as proof, "this is how they ride.".

qwaalodge 03-29-22 12:05 PM

The rider is deliberately causing unneeded distraction to motorists by banging at the doors of moving vehicles, dragging their hand at the side and cutting them off super closely.

A distracted driver can hit a pedestrian or run a red light. Deliberately endangering everyone on the road is not good.

The guy should be banned from riding. I wouldn't shed a tear for him if he gets under 18 wheels, if it makes the streets safer.

qwaalodge 03-29-22 12:09 PM

Originally Posted by LarrySellerz (Post 22454648)
the kid randomly started walking backwards in the crosswalk, but yeah that clip wasn't the greatest. Cooper claims he has never hit a pedestrian

There's parts where he starts harassing motorists by deliberate physical contact with their vehicle.

If you drive any vehicle, you'll know that any unneeded distraction on the road is quite dangerous. Such behavior is no different than motorcyclists doing wheelies on the freeway, causing dangerous distraction

Rolla 03-29-22 12:30 PM

NYC fixie videos are so 2008.

WhyFi 03-29-22 12:30 PM

Terry has a lot of cool videos and has trailed a lot of great riders, but this dude is the worst - he rides like an obnoxious asshat. Probably one of my favorites is Ana in Mexico City -

indyfabz 03-29-22 02:32 PM

Cut off its food supply, folks.

Camilo 03-29-22 05:49 PM

The OP title should read: "Look at this a$$hole screwing it up for the rest of us!". Fast and fluid... morelike inconsiderate and stupid.

_ForceD_ 03-29-22 06:19 PM

Jacka$$e$ like this guy give all riders a bad name.


Trakhak 03-29-22 07:18 PM

I rode and drove for a messenger service in Manhattan in 1978 and 1979. The smart messengers were the ones who figured out that riding like a childish ass didn't earn you any more money than riding responsibly. The dispatchers always figured out who the jerks were and avoided giving them multiple runs ("pick up this package and don't call in until you've delivered it").

GhostRider62 03-29-22 07:35 PM

Top earners make $21 per hour. There isn't much living in making $6 per drop for Attorneys billing $1200 per hour. What a lousy job. Someone would have to be crazy to do it like riding with no brakes in traffic cra-cra

Rage 03-29-22 09:27 PM

I’m embarrassed to say that I was also a messenger in Manhattan and that I rode like that for a brief period of time.
In my defense, I was in high school/college at the time and was young and stupid and inconsiderate as heck.

LarrySellerz 03-30-22 06:17 AM

Originally Posted by GhostRider62 (Post 22455453)
Top earners make $21 per hour. There isn't much living in making $6 per drop for Attorneys billing $1200 per hour. What a lousy job. Someone would have to be crazy to do it like riding with no brakes in traffic cra-cra

it’s a really bad job, stuff like Uber eats have taken over and they abuse immigrants and homeless people. When I did sandwiches for Jimmy John’s a few years ago I started at $4.25 an hour plus tips, the server minimum lol.

livedarklions 03-30-22 06:38 AM

Originally Posted by Camilo (Post 22455324)
The OP title should read: "Look at this a$$hole screwing it up for the rest of us!". Fast and fluid... morelike inconsiderate and stupid.

If it's fluid. it's a noxious one.

Reflector Guy 03-30-22 06:53 AM

Originally Posted by Camilo (Post 22455324)
The OP title should read: "Look at this a$$hole screwing it up for the rest of us!". Fast and fluid... morelike inconsiderate and stupid.

I'm just thankful OP was able to find and share this particularly egregious example of poor cyclist behavior. An example of what not to do.

After all, he can't POSSIBLY be endorsing it. At least I hope not.

veganbikes 03-30-22 08:10 PM

Hey it is wrong and mean to insult other members, Let's cut Larry a break here, he was just proud of his riding and got a pretty ***** video out to people.

On a serious note, yeah don't ride like that. Premium Rush was fun because it was a Hollywood picture so you know it was entirely scripted and not actually real. This is just sad. Nobody is impressed by riding like an idiot and if you are you better figure yourself out there, bud!

Kedosto 03-30-22 08:48 PM

Originally Posted by Rage (Post 22455531)
I’m embarrassed to say that I was also a messenger in Manhattan and that I rode like that for a brief period of time.
In my defense, I was in high school/college at the time and was young and stupid and inconsiderate as heck.

Admitting to one’s past transgressions is a risky thing to do in our current culture, with so much canceling going on. Bravo for taking ownership of it and making the changes it takes to get to a better place. Some people never outgrow the ignorance of youth.

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