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bampilot06 10-08-21 10:38 AM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 22262399)
Nobody likes Zwift.

when I get the trainer set up I am going to let my wife decide the platform.

Zwift, rouvy, or wahoo system. What ever she picks decides my fate.

MoAlpha 10-08-21 10:41 AM

Originally Posted by bampilot06 (Post 22262412)
when I get the trainer set up I am going to let my wife decide the platform.

Zwift, rouvy, or wahoo system. What ever she picks decides my fate.

They all suck balls after a while. Zwift, at least, allows some social interaction. My wife uses Rouvy. If I were simply interested in scenery, I'd use Trainer Road.

Eric F 10-08-21 10:43 AM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 22262399)
Nobody likes Zwift.

I like Zwift more than I like riding alone in the dark IRL.

indyfabz 10-08-21 10:43 AM

Fantastic fall Friday.

MoAlpha 10-08-21 10:45 AM

Originally Posted by Eric F (Post 22262418)
I like Zwift more than I like riding alone in the dark IRL.

Me too, or not being able to grab the brakes with cold-paralyzed hands, but it's all relative, isn't it?

Mojo31 10-08-21 10:47 AM

I have what many consider to be a high stress occupation in a field that has more than its share of drug and alcohol dependency. Most of my work involves monetary amounts that are far more than my malpractice coverage, so there is always the pressure of not screwing up and stress that goes with it. Couple that with client expectations for turn around and other things, and it can pile up. Fortunately, it is not the type of stress that is personally demoralizing.

The one thing that I've learned is that if there is any time when it's important to keep up your fitness, exercise and diet, it is when you are stressed. While that is the time when it is easiest to skip the exercise, it is also the time to push to get more. It also helps to vary things and not just rely on one form of exercise.

It also helps to waste time on the internets. ;)

datlas 10-08-21 10:54 AM

Originally Posted by indyfabz (Post 22262420)

We will be heading that way tomorrow afternoon. I am afraid the weather won't be quite so sunny but we have reservations at a restaurant near Rittenhouse Square for our 30th anniversary.

indyfabz 10-08-21 10:56 AM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22262428)
It also helps to waste time on the internets. ;)

Visiting General is a good way to accomplish that. :innocent:

datlas 10-08-21 10:59 AM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 22262424)
Me too, or not being able to grab the brakes with cold-paralyzed hands, but it's all relative, isn't it?

I thought that disc brakes solve that problem. :innocent:

big john 10-08-21 11:02 AM

Originally Posted by phrantic09 (Post 22262391)

I definitely have some psychological burn out. 10 months of an incredibly high stress environment has worn me out mentally and physically. Today is my last day at current job and I’m not even reveling in it because I feel like **** (C19 negative though).

Wife and I have a mini trip next week in the Catskills for a couple of days then it’s on to better and bigger things a week from Monday.

I'm not a good stress manager and have dealt with crushing job stress before. It changes your whole life. Hoping you can relax for a bit and your new job will be better for your mental health.

big john 10-08-21 11:16 AM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 22262382)
a.m. group rides in rush hour traffic (nope), and work.

For years, our club members had a Tuesday and Thursday ride in terrible rush hour traffic. I'd do them when I could because I like the people but when I retired I only did them a couple times and no more. The Tuesday ride I do now has routes that are carefully chosen to avoid commuters, for the most part.

After a year of not doing the weekend club rides I am more sensitive to traffic and don't want to do routes I have done for years. I've spent more time on the bike path than I ever thought I would and I want to do more dirt riding, too. A friend says he might sell me one of his gravel bikes and that sounds like a way to avoid cars, too.

Maybe I'll take the mtb out this afternoon and cruise around the hills.

sbxx1985 10-08-21 11:20 AM

Originally Posted by big john (Post 22262376)
A guy buzzed me really close on a wide 4 lane road. I caught up at a light and said "You could have given me a little more room" and the female passenger started rolling up the window as the driver launched into a tirade of obscenities. The light turned green and he took off, still screaming at me and turning his head and he almost drove into a street vendor parked at the curb. She must have warned him he was about to run someone over. Hey, I tried to be nice and it almost got someone hurt.

Another time a punk-ass kid blasted us with "rolling coal" from his diesel.My friend, who will fight anyone, anytime, chased after the truck and when a red light blocked the road, the truck turned right to escape and almost ran over some kids in the crosswalk. They actually had to scatter to avoid being hit by the coward.

I don't chase people down any more. More problem than it's worth. I'd rather be appreciative I didn't get smushed.

LesterOfPuppets 10-08-21 11:20 AM

Made it through another morning of grinding by hand. The little lady even ground the second batch. I need to lube the spindle because it squeaks a bit. I'm surprised these things are about $100 new. I should check eBay and see what a 1970ish one with patina goes for.

Velo Vol 10-08-21 11:24 AM

Originally Posted by sbxx1985 (Post 22262473)
I don't chase people down any more. More problem than it's worth.

I must be slow because I rarely catch up to naughty drivers. :foo:

Mojo31 10-08-21 11:30 AM

I don't ever approach cars or even gesture at them. Just want to stay as far away from them as I can since typically two things will happen: (i) the occupants will be aggressive and you don't know what they will do, or (ii) the occupants will be scared, go into defense mode, and you don't know what they will do. Too many guns in cars, among other things, around here to take those chances.

Velo Vol 10-08-21 11:38 AM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22262484)
I don't ever approach cars or even gesture at them. Just want to stay as far away from them as I can since typically two things will happen: (i) the occupants will be aggressive and you don't know what they will do, or (ii) the occupants will be scared, go into defense mode, and you don't know what they will do. Too many guns in cars, among other things, around here to take those chances.

Only bad things can happen if you confront a vehicle. You're not going to "win."

WhyFi 10-08-21 11:43 AM

After some fits and starts, my first smart trainer ride is complete.

It's weird. I find erg to be very counterintuitive and the erg downward spiral sucks. I'll give it a little more time to get used to it for threshold-ish stuff, but I have doubts that I'll ever warm to it for sprinty stuff.

datlas 10-08-21 11:44 AM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22262500)
After some fits and starts, my first smart trainer ride is complete.

It's weird. I find erg to be very counterintuitive and the erg downward spiral sucks. I'll give it a little more time to get used to it for threshold-ish stuff, but I have doubts that I'll ever warm to it for sprinty stuff.

Erg mode is merciless. Avoid.

WhyFi 10-08-21 11:46 AM

When catching up with drivers that have endangered me, I find that they're typically very receptive to feedback and are grateful for the learning experience.

Ha ha - j/k.

WhyFi 10-08-21 11:48 AM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22262503)
Erg mode is merciless. Avoid.

I wouldn't say that... I'd just say that it doesn't reflect the dynamics of cycling in the real world. :innocent:

Do you just ride in slope mode or something? That's the closest to what a good dumb trainer does, right? Resistance increases as wheel speed increases?

WhyFi 10-08-21 11:55 AM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 22262416)
They all suck balls after a while. Zwift, at least, allows some social interaction. My wife uses Rouvy. If I were simply interested in scenery, I'd use Trainer Road.

I think that Wahoo's System (I don't know which vowels they've omitted :rolleyes:) could be pretty interesting. It's absorbed all of Sufferfest (which is my favorite in terms of setting power zones, instead of simply scaling zones based off of FTP) and they seem to have added some new, less punishing ride options with video, and the new phantom ride thingie seems like it could be really cool (camera footage from an actual ride/pro race and you have to match the [scaled] efforts of the rider; you can also use this to re-ride one of your previously recorded outdoor rides). I'm not sure if it has any social, fake ride aspect, but I would expect not.

LesterOfPuppets 10-08-21 11:58 AM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22262477)
I must be slow because I rarely catch up to naughty drivers. :foo:

You should visit a big city's downtown sometime. Drivers generally can't get a half mile down the road before hitting a red light.

Velo Vol 10-08-21 11:58 AM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22262510)
When catching up with drivers that have endangered me, I find that they're typically very receptive to feedback and are grateful for the learning experience.

British accent: "Thank you for alerting me of my error, good sir. This has been a teachable moment, and I will certainly be mindful when passing cyclists in the future!"

Velo Vol 10-08-21 11:59 AM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 22262526)
You should visit a big city's downtown sometime. Drivers generally can't get a half mile down the road before hitting a red light.

No lights here in the boondocks, obv.

LesterOfPuppets 10-08-21 12:04 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22262530)
No lights here in the boondocks, obv.

Brown Squirrel vicinity is pretty suburban looking, tough to catch a car in that environment.

It's even tough in some big cities. Salt Lake City for instance doesn't have many areas where cars have to stop/go constantly.

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