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General Geoff 12-09-18 11:46 PM

A very chilly 12 miles today, temps between 29 and 31F. Had to avoid a few ice slicks en route, but I carried on a lovely conversation with an equally crazy gentleman riding a Honda Grom motorcycle, as we both caught every red stoplight while we traversed through center city Bethlehem and I was able to catch up to him for six consecutive lights. His motorcycle actually had a smaller footprint than my bike!

timsmcm 12-12-18 07:55 PM

20 miles today. 30+ mph winds. Never could get my core temp up. Not enough layers. Still beats the heck out a being on the trainer. I know it wasn't actually this way but it felt like I was going against a head wind the whole time.

mtn_cyclist 12-12-18 10:35 PM

14 miles off road in Colorado

one4smoke 01-07-19 09:16 PM

Finally got out and managed a 25.3 mile ride today.

Working 85 hours a week doesn't leave much time for cycling anymore. :(

BrocLuno 01-10-19 07:52 PM

0.5 between rain showers and errands. But, it is my local leg burn hill so it was worth something :D

Pulsify 01-10-19 10:42 PM

Originally Posted by one4smoke (Post 19077952)
(The way it's said in the south by us old guys. :p)

32 miles for me...

0 miles so far

BirdsBikeBinocs 01-14-19 06:32 PM

11 miles on the Schwinn today over salt stained roads and a couple inches of snow on the short trails. 25 degrees. No wind. Sweet. Picture is from Christmas morning, 2018.

one4smoke 02-04-19 09:58 PM

28 miles by an apparently out-of-shape has-been...

fietsbob 02-04-19 11:02 PM

Studded tire bike at the ready..
Cold right @ 0C, though morning sun melted what little snow fell at night , so a mile max each way to the Bar & back

you young guys ... brag among yourselves :.. Ill have a Beer :beer:

avole 02-05-19 02:07 AM

3 km. Should have been half that, but forgot to buy the toothpaste at my local supermarket.

Wattsup 02-10-19 08:28 PM

30 miles of muddy gravel, temp = 33F.

robnol 02-11-19 11:20 PM

Originally Posted by one4smoke (Post 19077952)
(The way it's said in the south by us old guys. :p)

32 miles for me...

how far is unimportant …..its how fast u rode is what matters....

diphthong 02-11-19 11:50 PM

114.6 miles. first big ride of the year. it was a slowpoke fest so i guess it doesn't count. the 5,000k+ elevation gain slowed me down more than i would like to admit.

39 degrees @ union station dtown la at the 7am start according to the garmin. that is approx 21 degrees colder than my preferred morning starting temp.
i knew there was a reason i hated mornings...

Doctor Morbius 02-12-19 12:32 AM

I rode exactly zero miles today. But I got in 2 hours on the Cycleops Fluid 2 trainer. :thumb:

THIS year I'm going to be ready for Spring! No holding back!

one4smoke 02-12-19 09:57 AM

Originally Posted by robnol (Post 20790554)
how far is unimportant …..its how fast u rode is what matters....

Naaaa, distance is where it's at. More satisfaction in doing a century than maintaining a certain speed.

fietsbob 02-12-19 06:32 PM

Retrieved a take and bake Pizza in Town, on the bike .. RT was probably a Mile.. not raining , like it was .... yesterday :innocent:

diphthong 02-12-19 06:43 PM

logged another 40 today. dead legs.

MadProphet 03-20-19 11:40 PM

Finally had a chance to ride - first time in five plus months. 21 miles, most on gravel, which is a first for me. Flat lands and e-bike feels like cheating.

NoWhammies 03-21-19 09:34 AM

50k after work. Managed to get in just after the sun set. Felt good to be riding again after a winter off the bike.

BirdsBikeBinocs 03-21-19 08:13 PM

5 miles today in the hard gears. 155 miles since January 1st.

OldTryGuy 03-22-19 02:15 AM

Back on the bike after a 12 day holiday that included a week long cruise. Moon was awesomely full with enough reflection to light up the roads permitting riding without front lights on. Got out at 12:52AM and had a slow but enjoyable 104 mile ride.

BirdsBikeBinocs 03-22-19 05:50 PM

Originally Posted by OldTryGuy (Post 20849592)
Back on the bike after a 12 day holiday that included a week long cruise. Moon was awesomely full with enough reflection to light up the roads permitting riding without front lights on. Got out at 12:52AM and had a slow but enjoyable 104 mile ride.

How sweet it is.... Nice.

Doctor Morbius 03-23-19 11:11 AM

Did 15 miles today and froze my butt off, even though it's 50 and sunny with low wind. I really need for it to be about 10 degrees warmer before I tackle the great outdoors.

adalah 03-23-19 01:47 PM

29 miles on a rail trail

Sojodave 03-23-19 05:18 PM

30 in a group ride, and I was first back to the parking lot.

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