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bampilot06 10-10-21 07:12 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22265148)

bloody brilliant.

bampilot06 10-10-21 07:14 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22265099)
I didn't ride today. Sad.

but I didn’t ride today either! Who was holding down the fort!

DougRNS 10-10-21 07:14 PM

Originally Posted by bampilot06 (Post 22265152)
only 20 left in it.

I just remembered I have the old Shimano rs wheels hanging on the wall. If it low tomororw I will just pull the super team off and throw the old wheel on. My spare tube will work on it too.

LAJ might lose his mind when if he sees the mismatched wheels…..

if it has 20 tomorrow you need a new tube and it doesn't matter why it's leaking. I don't patch tubes. F that noise.

bampilot06 10-10-21 07:18 PM

Originally Posted by DougRNS (Post 22265160)
if it has 20 tomorrow you need a new tube and it doesn't matter why it's leaking. I don't patch tubes. F that noise.

I agree with you 100 percent.

But the idea of putting gators back on it, plus the no whoosh whoosh of the carbon wheels does make me consider.

I think I get to test ride the madone tomorrow so I will just pick up some tubes then and get it all squared away.

I don’t know what the weather has been like where you guys are at but it has been randomly spitting rain all day with nothing on the radar over us. I think it’s suppose to be like that tomororw so I want to avoid using the Ritchey if there is any chance of wetness.

DougRNS 10-10-21 07:21 PM

Originally Posted by bampilot06 (Post 22265162)
I agree with you 100 percent.

But the idea of putting gators back on it, plus the no whoosh whoosh of the carbon wheels does make me consider.

I think I get to test ride the madone tomorrow so I will just pick up some tubes then and get it all squared away.

I don’t know what the weather has been like where you guys are at but it has been randomly spitting rain all day with nothing on the radar over us. I think it’s suppose to be like that tomororw so I want to avoid using the Ritchey if there is any chance of wetness.

big john 10-10-21 07:25 PM

I've been driving to the bike path more often and spinning around for a couple hours. I like to have a snack on a bench and people watch. Last time a guy rode up on a nice looking Specialized of some kind and slammed it into the bike rack knocking the top tube against the rack. He then gasps and groans and acts like he was really gassed. Young dude, looked fit, new shoes, etc.
Anyway today I'm out there again eating a granola bar and a young lady rides by with this same dude like 50 yards behind her. A few minutes later she comes back and pulls into the rest area and I say "Good morning". She smiles and says 'morning and parks her bike. About then the guy comes rolling in looking really tired, flips the bike upside down and launches into his histrionics, gasping, hyperventilating, and looking like he just raced up Mount Evans. I guess his girlfriend worked him pretty good on the old mup.

Anyway I got a kick out of it.

LAJ 10-10-21 07:29 PM

Originally Posted by bampilot06 (Post 22265152)
only 20 left in it.

I just remembered I have the old Shimano rs wheels hanging on the wall. If it low tomororw I will just pull the super team off and throw the old wheel on. My spare tube will work on it too.

LAJ might lose his mind when if he sees the mismatched wheels…..

Naw. I'm not the one riding it.

LAJ 10-10-21 07:30 PM

Originally Posted by DougRNS (Post 22265160)
I don't patch tubes. F that noise.


Velo Vol 10-10-21 07:35 PM

I have a mystery leak in my rear tube (haven't bothered to take it off and find it). Sometimes it's moderately slow, sometimes it's completely soft after two or three days.

I just pump it again and keep riding.

Velo Vol 10-10-21 07:37 PM

Reminder that baseball is dumb. If you're a defender, you can be rewarded for hitting the ball out of play.

DougRNS 10-10-21 07:47 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22265195)
Reminder that baseball is dumb. If you're a defender, you can be rewarded for hitting the ball out of play.

On this we agree! That rule needs modified. You've made sense 2 days in a row...I'm scared.

seedsbelize2 10-10-21 07:50 PM

I still patch tubes.

DougRNS 10-10-21 07:55 PM

Originally Posted by big john (Post 22265176)
I've been driving to the bike path more often and spinning around for a couple hours. I like to have a snack on a bench and people watch. Last time a guy rode up on a nice looking Specialized of some kind and slammed it into the bike rack knocking the top tube against the rack. He then gasps and groans and acts like he was really gassed. Young dude, looked fit, new shoes, etc.
Anyway today I'm out there again eating a granola bar and a young lady rides by with this same dude like 50 yards behind her. A few minutes later she comes back and pulls into the rest area and I say "Good morning". She smiles and says 'morning and parks her bike. About then the guy comes rolling in looking really tired, flips the bike upside down and launches into his histrionics, gasping, hyperventilating, and looking like he just raced up Mount Evans. I guess his girlfriend worked him pretty good on the old mup.

Anyway I got a kick out of it.

before I became a former cyclist, I rode the mup 3 or 4 days/week after work. I'm not sure why the mup is so derided. I ride the silver Comet trail and it is 60 miles long and not heavily cluttered by walkers, meanderers and the like except around trailheads on the last 15 miles on the eastern end. I don't ride much that way so I enjoy the car free, minimal hassle experience quite a bit. Miles are miles.

DougRNS 10-10-21 07:57 PM

Originally Posted by seedsbelize2 (Post 22265206)
I still. patch tubes.

I have no problem with that.

Velo Vol 10-10-21 08:02 PM

Originally Posted by DougRNS (Post 22265211)
I'm not sure why the mup is so derided.

MUPs, to the extent they exist here, are not made for serious cyclists. Fact.

Velo Vol 10-10-21 08:13 PM

Oh my. A police chase in Olympic Stadium!

DougRNS 10-10-21 08:16 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22265218)
MUPs, to the extent they exist here, are not made for serious cyclists. Fact.

the silver Comet trail is for serious cyclists. 10 or 12 feet wide in mostly remote areas. See below..
once I'm healed up, come on down for a ride and experience the joy of unencumbered freedom. I'll even buy you a vegan friendly meal.

rjones28 10-10-21 08:25 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22265191)
I have a mystery leak in my rear tube (haven't bothered to take it off and find it). Sometimes it's moderately slow, sometimes it's completely soft after two or three days.

I just pump it again and keep riding.

Oh boy.

DougRNS 10-10-21 08:26 PM
1 Gratuitous shot of Roscoe from BITD
2 Shot from Alabama looking to Georgia on the Silver Comet trail

LesterOfPuppets 10-10-21 08:28 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22265233)
Oh my. A police chase in Olympic Stadium!

Hahaha. Ol' Ponch couldn't get his hog up the stairs.

That's where they're gonna have the stock car race!

I wonder if that episode happened before the motocross races there or after they started.

Here's some vintage action there.

big john 10-10-21 08:29 PM

Originally Posted by DougRNS (Post 22265211)
before I became a former cyclist, I rode the mup 3 or 4 days/week after work. I'm not sure why the mup is so derided. I ride the silver Comet trail and it is 60 miles long and not heavily cluttered by walkers, meanderers and the like except around trailheads on the last 15 miles on the eastern end. I don't ride much that way so I enjoy the car free, minimal hassle experience quite a bit. Miles are miles.

This bike path is great. I don't know how many miles of it there are but you can get some good work in, especially during the week. A few knuckleheads, of course.

When I first started riding I lived near a park with a 5 mile bike path loop. I thought I was a badass bike rider when I did the whole thing. Later, I graduated to 2 laps and was ready for the Tour de France.

LesterOfPuppets 10-10-21 08:29 PM

Originally Posted by DougRNS (Post 22265248)

1 Gratuitous shot of Roscoe from BITD
2 Shot from Alabama looking to Georgia on the Silver Comet trail

You're never gonna find him if he goes out in the woods like that! :)

rjones28 10-10-21 08:34 PM

E-bikes on a MUP. Seriously.

LesterOfPuppets 10-10-21 08:41 PM

Lightning delay?

Velo Vol 10-10-21 08:51 PM

Originally Posted by DougRNS (Post 22265236)
once I'm healed up, come on down for a ride and experience the joy of unencumbered freedom.

As if.

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 22265253)

Here's some vintage action there.

Stadiums were much simpler BITD. I only see one small media skybox.

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