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diphthong 10-13-20 10:53 PM


Troul 10-14-20 09:55 AM

31 outside 17 inside.

diphthong 10-14-20 05:16 PM


rsbob 10-14-20 08:00 PM

Twenty wet soggy miles with 600’ climbing. average of 17.8. Max speed, 45 on the 600’ descending. And yes little Ricky, it was a tad foolish and scary.

Troul 10-15-20 12:15 AM

Originally Posted by rsbob (Post 21743782)
Twenty wet soggy miles with 600’ climbing. average of 17.8. Max speed, 45 on the 600’ descending. And yes little Ricky, it was a tad foolish and scary.

If you're not 1st you're last, Ricky Booby. "Just wanna go fast"

ultrarider7 10-15-20 09:53 AM

55 windy miles

Troul 10-15-20 11:05 AM

39 indoor, sad indoor, miles.

rsbob 10-15-20 07:57 PM

30 miles with 1900’ climbing with an average speed a tad over 17. A lackluster low energy day. 58* day. Taking tomorrow off to drink heavily.

Troul 10-16-20 03:08 PM

45 miles 22F 7mph headwind

kgcabs 10-17-20 02:22 AM

83 coastal cruise

Troul 10-17-20 11:43 AM

51 in doors. Not exciting but it is a good feeling to achieve.

rsbob 10-17-20 11:43 PM

32 and climbed 1500’. 56*. Average speed: Meh

SVTNate 10-18-20 01:28 AM

40 miles. My bike feels dialed in, the Black Bib Company bibs are fantastic, and if I didn't have to turn back home to meet a friend at my house to consume alcohol, I could have done more.

The Chemist 10-18-20 05:16 AM

141.5km. Beautiful day for a ride.

ultrarider7 10-18-20 05:22 AM

60.1 miles

808HIcycler 10-18-20 05:47 AM

42.7 today. Dehydration is a real *****.

one4smoke 10-18-20 07:11 AM

A measly 14 mi while out to lunch...:rolleyes:

Troul 10-18-20 12:12 PM

40 with most of it backed by 12 mph wind.

Danjohnsonson 10-19-20 07:27 PM

Baby's first metric centrury today.

rsbob 10-19-20 11:24 PM

Squeezed in 16.5 between rain showers. Zero gain but managed 19.65 Ave speed.

SVTNate 10-20-20 12:05 AM

Zero, I ran a 10K after work.

Actually, more than that, by about half a mile. Zero water, zero preparation other than drinking 8-ish ounces of water before I left the house, and eating a fried chicken tender out of the fridge. I had a chicken salad and an avocado for lunch, about 5-6 hours earlier.

Still PR'ed it

DennySporter 10-20-20 04:01 AM

I drove 5 km in the morning)

Thomas15 10-20-20 05:14 AM

Last week, finished with a total of 175 miles, 10,500 feet of ascent. My longest ride was only 34 miles.
The week prior was 150 miles, week before that 170 miles. Having a good month.

Troul 10-20-20 02:19 PM

27 miles before the eyes glazed over from looking at the window leading outside.

rsbob 10-20-20 07:51 PM

20 miles at 19.65 MPH climbed 450’

Troul 10-20-20 07:58 PM

round #2 ; the struggle was real, real fun doing a second ride hovering the rear wheel over the frame of the trainer base while achieving 28 miles before the midnight oil all burnt up.

gios 10-23-20 10:58 AM

22.3 miles this morning.

GeneO 10-23-20 02:48 PM

I haven't rode in over a month - I got burned out on the same routes. Only 20. Windy fall day today. But it didn't rain like it was supposed to and it was warmer than expected - 77F

Had some cager going the opposite direction stick his head out the window and yell at me "get on the bike path". This is a bike friendly city too, guess you can't stop aholes from driving through.

Troul 10-23-20 08:19 PM

135 miles

one4smoke 10-24-20 06:53 PM

Originally Posted by Troul (Post 21757612)
135 miles

Good one! :thumb: ...Personal best?

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