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one4smoke 09-20-17 06:10 AM

Originally Posted by OldTryGuy (Post 19873822)
Out the door at 3AM for a quiet and less hot 60 miles. Back home for a quick shower, kit change, quick bite to eat then out to ride with the guys for another 49 miles. Six Gap Hundred on Sunday. Home of the Six Gap Century

91 feet of climbing in 109 miles here in SW FL today with 11,000+ feet on Sunday. Should be a bit more of a work out. :D

Fella, if we were giving yearly awards, you'd definitely get one. :thumb:

one4smoke 09-20-17 06:15 AM

Monday, I rode 31 miles and the heat really put a whoppin' on me. Cooled off, had a late lunch with a friend, then went for 12.4 more.

OldTryGuy 09-20-17 06:35 AM

Originally Posted by one4smoke (Post 19874410)
Monday, I rode 31 miles and the heat really put a whoppin' on me. Cooled off, had a late lunch with a friend, then went for 12.4 more.

Just got the weather up-date from Six Gap organizers and it is going to be wonderful... Come on down, it's ONLY a little more than a 4 hour drive for you. :thumb: :thumb:

one4smoke 09-20-17 09:28 AM

Originally Posted by OldTryGuy (Post 19874447)
Just got the weather up-date from Six Gap organizers and it is going to be wonderful... Come on down, it's ONLY a little more than a 4 hour drive for you. :thumb: :thumb:!2d34.5261465

Already have plans of riding in the Smoky Mountain metric century ride the 30th, or I might consider it. May be something to shoot for next year!

Maelochs 09-20-17 01:13 PM

Originally Posted by one4smoke (Post 19874410)
Monday, I rode 31 miles and the heat really put a whoppin' on me. Cooled off, had a late lunch with a friend, then went for 12.4 more.

Same thing for me Sunday but I only did about 15. The heat just kills me now that i work in an air-conditioned office and live in an air-conditioned home. I can do twice the mileage in the evening or at night at higher speed with less energy.

My sort-of goal is to do 15-20 miles a day every day (with maybe one day a week off) to see if it helps with weight loss. Takign longer rides every couple days didn't seem to be working. (Before anyone says anything ... No, my problem is Not overeating.

I have absolutely No problem overeating, and I practice frequently to keep my skills sharp. :) )

Now that the relatives have departed after a moths's stay, and the job has solidified ... I no longer have the "stress" excuse. I will have to start working really hard now ... to come up with some lame reason why i don't magically get thinner and fitter.

Doctor Morbius 09-20-17 10:44 PM

10 miles today. :o

... on a road bike! :twitchy:

a1penguin 09-21-17 12:13 AM

Same as every commute day: 22 mi in the morning, 5.7 in the evening. Four days a week. It's enough riding to keep fit and maintain good endurance.

55murray 09-21-17 07:01 AM

47 miles yesterday, more than half those miles in the dark. I think that mileage is a record for me...

Dreaded1 09-22-17 05:45 AM

I put in 32 miles last night, which is getting harder to do with the sun setting so early now. Those miles were the last miles I needed to get to my 1000 mile goal this year. At 42 yeas old, my first season back on a bike in over 10 years, I am extremely happy to hit 1K in a season. My next goal is to ride a century which I have scheduled for next Friday.

Doctor Morbius 09-23-17 04:10 PM

Did 30 total today, but had to break it into halves because of the 90 degree heat. Did 15 at a reasonable exercise pace, putzed around for a while in the garage and drank some ice water, went back out for 15 at a super easy pace.

I need 125 more miles next week in order to make 1,000 miles since June 18th when I started this year. :cry:

sw20 09-24-17 02:22 AM

37 miles yesterday, furthest I have ever ridden, done it on the new road bike, feeling it today though!

45srbest 09-24-17 08:48 PM

18.2. I'm working my way up in mileage. I'm 66 and trying to get the mileage up. Started riding in July.

Maelochs 09-24-17 11:59 PM

Originally Posted by 45srbest (Post 19884567)
18.2. I'm working my way up in mileage. I'm 66 and trying to get the mileage up. Started riding in July.

You are doing great ... age nonwithstanding ... and awesome if the age is factored in.

bmwjoe 09-25-17 04:26 AM

Big fixed gear weekend for me with the Bike MS City to Shore. Saturday was 96 miles at 19.5 mph (rolling) and Sunday was 76 miles at 18.4 mph. I did not draft either day. I felt very good for the whole ride and the weather was great.

In two weeks I will do the Bike to the Bay, which is the same ride, but in Delaware. Check out my video:
Bike MS: Bike to the Bay (Delaware) 2017: Mr. Joe C Dille - National MS Society

littleArnold 09-25-17 11:29 AM

Been Riding 10 miles a day with wife after work I go her pace which is only like 10miles an hour she is getting a lot better

packitin 09-27-17 07:30 AM

My standard 7-mile trip on the greenway past the hospital on flat terrain. That's the best I can seem to do. I traded my old bike (a Trek) for this one, which is a lot lighter (18 lbs, '05 Fuji). I go 3.5 miles, rest on the bench, watch the ducks in the river, meditate, pray, enjoy the scenery, the quiet time, let the minutes go by while in "another world". I hope I can continue this into my '80s, because its the highlight of my existence (since my wreck - 1 day in ER, 2 brain scans, almost "kicked the bucket" after going down a hill on another greenway and missing a concrete buffer by 1 foot, landing in the bushes beside a river in Salem, Va - and some kind soul called the rescue squad while I was "out cold" with bleeding on my frontal lobe- I was a few feet from the river and could have drowned if I had gone a couple more feet). So, as you can see, I am thankful that I can go 7 miles, even.

954luigi 09-27-17 10:17 AM

21 yesterday. started in brooklyn went to manhattan then cross the qb bridge to queens and back home

one4smoke 09-27-17 03:06 PM

Originally Posted by packitin (Post 19890186)
My standard 7-mile trip on the greenway past the hospital on flat terrain. That's the best I can seem to do. I traded my old bike (a Trek) for this one, which is a lot lighter (18 lbs, '05 Fuji). I go 3.5 miles, rest on the bench, watch the ducks in the river, meditate, pray, enjoy the scenery, the quiet time, let the minutes go by while in "another world". I hope I can continue this into my '80s, because its the highlight of my existence (since my wreck - 1 day in ER, 2 brain scans, almost "kicked the bucket" after going down a hill on another greenway and missing a concrete buffer by 1 foot, landing in the bushes beside a river in Salem, Va - and some kind soul called the rescue squad while I was "out cold" with bleeding on my frontal lobe- I was a few feet from the river and could have drowned if I had gone a couple more feet). So, as you can see, I am thankful that I can go 7 miles, even.

Wow, certainly glad the worst didn't happen and you survived the ordeal.

Most times I ride for excercise, putting emphasis on average speed, distance, etc.. But every once in awhile I'll do a "ride awhile, rest on the bench, watch the ducks in the river, meditate, pray, enjoy the scenery, the quiet time, let the minutes go by while in another world" type ride (really, my most favorite ;)).


sjanzeir 09-30-17 01:12 AM

First day I felt well enough to ride in more than three weeks; didn't think it was a good idea to venture out of the neighborhood given my still-fragile health, so I kept it close to home.

one4smoke 09-30-17 09:02 AM

Originally Posted by sjanzeir (Post 19897391)

First day I felt well enough to ride in more than three weeks; didn't think it was a good idea to venture out of the neighborhood given my still-fragile health, so I kept it close to home.


one4smoke 09-30-17 09:04 AM

Back in the saddle yesterday for a 20.3 mile ride at 16.5.

Troul 09-30-17 11:34 AM

26 miles, averaged 15.2mph with 7-9mph winds coming from the side. Temps were 48F when starting off, ended with 55F. Stopped in the middle to watch the freighters puttz along the channel. Was a nice morning.

intransit1217 10-01-17 08:34 AM

72 at avg 14.5 mph over 6 hrs with a gain of 3500 ish. Still verifying that gain. Bristol woods park out to Lake Geneva, around the lake and back. Was down on my climbing. Now I'm not. I bet I get doms tomorrow. pfff.

Smlitz12 10-01-17 09:29 AM

Did a midnight ride on my Ross a little detour on dirt paths still only ten miles though

BikeRider3000 10-01-17 09:40 AM

Yesterday was 8 miles, ascent 1364 feet. 48 minutes overall, includes a few traffic light stops. Grade 3.3%.

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