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one4smoke 02-20-18 09:29 PM

25.2 against strong winds.

mdouthit 02-20-18 09:56 PM

20miles today

ScootermanBob 02-21-18 07:14 AM

I did 19.4 miles after work on my rebuilt Gary Fisher mountain bike. The temps were in the low 70's to upper 60's by the time I finished. Felt great to get out there and ride OUTSIDE! The roads still have tons of gravel and dirt from this tough Winter. I looked like I actually went off road by the time I arrived home. Legs were covered in dirt and grime.

I'll be riding this bike until the roads and weather improve.


one4smoke 02-26-18 07:40 PM


h8m3 02-26-18 08:01 PM

dropped both my bikes off to get tuned up :( cant wait to ride!

one4smoke 03-11-18 01:21 PM

Originally Posted by h8m3 (Post 20193343)
dropped both my bikes off to get tuned up :( cant wait to ride!


25.3 @ 16.1

General Geoff 03-11-18 07:47 PM

19 miles today; some pavement, lotsa gravel and even a bit of mud. Coaxed my cousin out with me and my girlfriend by lending him my Cannondale. He did the 19 miles like a champ for someone who hadn't been on a bike in 10 years!

Slightspeed 03-11-18 07:56 PM

3 Attachment(s)
50 miles yesterday on the Solvang Century. The pictures don't show it but it rained almost all day, and the half century was plenty for me and the old Roubaix. I tried new Kool Stop dual compound brake pads, and they worked great on the wet and muddy farm roads. Good times! The roads in Solvang are so bad, it's like a mini Paris-Roubaix !

one4smoke 03-18-18 12:36 PM

40 miles Thursday and 50 yesterday.

Dirt Farmer 03-18-18 01:55 PM

First ride since end of October!

44.9 miles, albeit only 1219 total elevation gain. Baby steps.

Dirt Farmer 03-18-18 05:16 PM

Originally Posted by hazetguy (Post 20231036)
~15 miles on my Trek 660. Sorry, I don't have any kind of computer or gps to know exactly. I frequently drive the roads I rode today, so I have a fair guesstimation of the distance.

Even without a GPS you can still plot your ride on ridewithgps. It is fairly accurate.

rollagain 03-18-18 08:24 PM

Sunny day, clear roads, mild temps--out I went. I ... traveled about 7.7 miles according to my topo map (I don't use a cyclometer). Didn't ride all of it; had to walk a few hills, maybe half a mile's worth. The terrain in all directions from me is like a roller-coaster.

I was a little surprised at the mileage; my previous longest ride was less than four miles, but I did what I got the bike for: I explored. Took all the side-roads, and saw interesting things that made it well worth cooking my legs for.

General Geoff 03-18-18 08:42 PM

Originally Posted by rollagain (Post 20231454)
Sunny day, clear roads, mild temps--out I went. I ... traveled about 7.7 miles according to my topo map (I don't use a cyclometer). Didn't ride all of it; had to walk a few hills, maybe half a mile's worth. The terrain in all directions from me is like a roller-coaster.

I was a little surprised at the mileage; my previous longest ride was less than four miles, but I did what I got the bike for: I explored. Took all the side-roads, and saw interesting things that made it well worth cooking my legs for.

That's what it's all about! Take the road less traveled. :thumb:

I did 17 miles today with my girlfriend, finally convinced her to ride on the road with me to a nearby town. All hills, and while she groaned going up, she discovered on the descents that she is, in fact, a speed demon.

40.4 miles per hour going down one section, and she might as well have been high on a designer drug!

one4smoke 03-18-18 08:46 PM

Originally Posted by General Geoff (Post 20231493)
That's what it's all about! Take the road less traveled. :thumb:

I did 17 miles today with my girlfriend, finally convinced her to ride on the road with me to a nearby town. All hills, and while she groaned going up, she discovered on the descents that she is, in fact, a speed demon.

40.4 miles per hour going down one section, and she might as well have been high on a designer drug!

40.4 miles per hour! Wow, that's gettin' on with it!

General Geoff 03-18-18 08:55 PM

Originally Posted by one4smoke (Post 20231502)
40.4 miles per hour! Wow, that's gettin' on with it!

Yeah, but even with the super fast descents, we only averaged about 9mph for the trip. She likes to take her time and spin up the grades in granny gear. Nothin wrong with that! :D

Waltsmith 03-18-18 09:36 PM

Cold and windy (40s) but I wanted to check out a new cassette (11-40). 2 miles around the house, everything checked out OK, took one of loops (8.7 miles). Decided to fill my bottle with hot cocoa, and went to check out THOUSE HILLS. 23 miles and yes, I didn’t need to go down to the small ring, so successful on all points.

Ju st took my second hot shower, still can’t get warm! Is hell getting old

rollagain 03-18-18 11:13 PM

Originally Posted by Waltsmith (Post 20231601)
Cold and windy (40s) but I wanted to check out a new cassette (11-40). 2 miles around the house, everything checked out OK, took one of loops (8.7 miles). Decided to fill my bottle with hot cocoa, and went to check out THOUSE HILLS. 23 miles and yes, I didn’t need to go down to the small ring, so successful on all points.

Just took my second hot shower, still can’t get warm! Is hell getting old

Ha! I was overheated after the ride, and mostly stayed that way for a while. My problem now is that ever since dinner I've been needing back-to-back naps! :lol:

Waltsmith 03-19-18 03:42 AM

Originally Posted by rollagain (Post 20231688)
Ha! I was overheated after the ride, and mostly stayed that way for a while. My problem now is that ever since dinner I've been needing back-to-back naps! :lol:

Well, my core was sweating like a b..... , but everything else is frozen. Feet and ears the worst. When I got home I looked at the weather and it said the wind chill was 28*F and I would guess it was worse then that when you add in another 15mph for the speed. First ride really since last fall. I don’t do cold well

dennis336 03-19-18 04:54 AM

Got 40 miles in on Saturday ... still pretty cold (upper 30s) with strong winds (why, oh why, are they always head winds) so, on balance, was pretty happy for a cold March day. Trying to get ready if the warm weather comes!

one4smoke 03-19-18 04:28 PM

Originally Posted by General Geoff (Post 20231522)
Yeah, but even with the super fast descents, we only averaged about 9mph for the trip. She likes to take her time and spin up the grades in granny gear. Nothin wrong with that! :D

There's other ways to cycle up the grades?? :p

LuckySailor 03-19-18 08:51 PM

Today it was 24 degrees out, still lots of snow, and I rode 18.5 miles in 90 minutes. kinda slow, but I was on a mountain bike for some silly reason.

Slightspeed 03-21-18 06:06 PM

Zero today. Rain all day, water up over the curb. 50 miles round trip to Malibu yesterday, 18.3 mph average. So glad we made it before the rain came.

one4smoke 03-31-18 07:21 PM

32 @ 15mph

General Geoff 04-01-18 05:31 PM

41 miles today, very leisurely pace. Lovely easter sunday activity.

darkslime 04-01-18 06:28 PM

Not at all, because none of my bikes are in working condition :(

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