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NoWhammies 07-31-19 10:19 PM

66k. Didn't have a heck of a lot in the tank, so I suffered. But it beats the alternative.

Dr.Lou 08-01-19 10:31 AM

Back in Sacramento on vacation. Enjoyed a ride along the American River from Old Sac to Folsom. 60+ miles

Plmkoo 08-01-19 06:42 PM

I’ve rode about 20 miles the whole week

terrymorse 08-01-19 06:47 PM

Mt Hamilton
43 miles, up and down Mount Hamilton.

Had my traditional Coke at the summit, the only place I drink it.

one4smoke 08-01-19 06:59 PM

60 total yesterday. Rest day today. :)

DrIsotope 08-01-19 07:48 PM

Planned on getting my Strava Fondo challenge knocked out on Friday, but the kids have all sorts of school-related activities as school is back in next Wednesday... soooooo, ended up putting in my 63 miles / 2,500ft^ today. Decent day for it. Wind was largely a non-issue, and the heat actually kind of held off on me. About 95º by the time I finished at 12:30. Not bad. August starts off on me easy. Also, stopped in at the LBS at mile 50, hit the donut shop for a fantastic ham 'n cheese croissant-- which is perhaps why the last 13 miles flew by. I do love that croissant.

audiomagnate 08-01-19 09:47 PM

About 30 miles. I discovered a couple new Atlanta neighborhoods that don't see many cyclists, Reynoldstown and East Atlanta Village.

one4smoke 08-04-19 06:17 PM

107 total miles this weekend. 45 yesterday with 2,504 feet of climbing, and today 62 miles with 3,414 feet.

PGHNeil 08-05-19 08:04 AM

24.3 leisurely miles on a local MUP with my wife and her friend the other day. The benefit was blown by a double IPA, a coffee stout and a beef brisket sandwich.

My Strava link doesn't work, but the ride was short and slow: 1:55 with an average speed of just over 12mph. The trail is partly washed out in places, but not significantly difficult for me to traverse on my hardtail.

rodgeman 08-05-19 03:26 PM

I rode 8.5 miles on my hybrid today. Up from 7.5 miles per ride last weekend.I started at two miles at a time in late Feb.

Slightspeed 08-05-19 05:24 PM

Mid 90s here today, north of LA. I got in 10 mile post office run before it got really hot. I'm mad that I wimped out on the Pasadena Vintage ride yesterday, but I don't do heat like I used to. 😡 Planning on a club ride up the coast tomorrow.

OhioJTrek 08-06-19 09:09 AM

11 miles yesterday, off day today.

one4smoke 08-10-19 08:52 PM

40 miles today. 25 early morning, then 15 in the afternoon.

Slightspeed 08-10-19 09:12 PM

46 miles, 2300+ ft climbing along the Montecito ridgeline and hills above Santa Barbara. Great day to ride. Fully supported Century and half century ride ride by Channel Islands Bike Club for volunteer staff working next weekend's Cool Breeze Charity Ride, August 17th. Lunch stop at Stowe Park, Goleta. Google it, ride it!
My 2007 Specialized Roubaix

JDandy 08-11-19 05:24 AM

I rode my first century (yesterday). Woo ho!:thumb:

one4smoke 08-11-19 07:03 PM

Originally Posted by JDandy (Post 21070050)
I rode my first century (yesterday). Woo ho!:thumb:

Congrats! :thumb:

So, tell us a little about it. Where, how long did it take you, how did you feel during the ride, how did you manage it along the way, etc...? Easier or harder than you thought?

Enquiringly minds want to know! :foo: :p

JDandy 08-12-19 10:21 AM

Originally Posted by one4smoke (Post 21070842)
Congrats! :thumb:

So, tell us a little about it. Where, how long did it take you, how did you feel during the ride, how did you manage it along the way, etc...? Easier or harder than you thought?

Enquiringly minds want to know! :foo: :p

Thank you. The event was called the Emerald Necklace 100 Bike Ride. It "encircles Cleveland using the Emerald Necklace of Parks and bike trails."

I completed the course in about 10 hours. We started at approximately 7:00AM and I finished a few minutes before 5:00PM.

One of our riders had a tube blowout within the first 10 miles and the majority of us stopped to assist with the repair or to simply offer supporting encouragement. Other than that our small group experienced no material problems that I was aware of.

The real riding didn't begin until we had covered about 25 miles. Oddly enough I was able to stay within about 10 minutes of the fast riders and we met up at the first rest stop which was at 40 miles.

The next 5-10 miles were extremely hilly as we climbed out of the Cuyahoga Valley. Between 55-70 miles I lost contact with the breakaway group of 3 or 4 but they were kind enough to wait for me at the 70 mile mark which took us out of the parks and onto mostly city streets and bike paths along the shores of Lake Erie.

I held my own with the roadies for the next 10 mostly flat miles until we reached the 80 mile rest stop at the Joy Machines bike shop in the downtown Cleveland area.

I gave my new friends permission to head out on the last 20 miles without me as I didn't want to hold them back. I needed a few more minutes of rest and from where we were I was confident that I could navigate my way back to the finish.

Overall it went just about as I expected effort-wise. I was comfortable through 40 miles. I was dragging a bit between 60-70 miles but recharged a bit during the next 10 miles. The last 20 I was on my own and it was a slog but that is how I expected to feel as my longest rides prior were in the 50- 60 mile range.

I started with two frozen water bottles. One was filled with water and the other contained Gatorade. I topped off my water bottle once along the way and I drank a small water and a small Gatorade provided at the 40 mile rest stop in addition to what I was carrying.

I had raisin bran, coffee, and juice for breakfast. I ate a Clif Bar at 25 miles. At the 40 mile rest stop I ate a banana and some trail mix. I consumed the best tasting Luna bar I have ever had at about 60 miles and I ate some more trail mix at the 80 mile rest stop.

I did no specific training for the event but I had several rides of 40-50-60 miles under my belt before taking on the century.

I started riding about mid-June of last year and found that 15 miles was a comfortable ride for me. So, of course I stretched that to 30 and by early fall I had gone a little over 40 miles in a single ride a few times.

I acquired a used trainer to help keep me pedaling during the winter months but honestly didn't use it very much.

As things warmed up again in the spring I found I was comfortable riding 30 miles and then I quickly extended that to 50 and then 60 mile long rides.

I generally do 2-4 rides of 15-20 miles as well as one long ride a week. It really just depends on the weather, how I am feeling, and available time on any particular day.

I hope this helps any newbie century riders out there.

one4smoke 08-12-19 07:57 PM

Originally Posted by JDandy (Post 21071632)
Thank you. The event was called the Emerald Necklace 100 Bike Ride. It "encircles Cleveland using the Emerald Necklace of Parks and bike trails."

I completed the course in about 10 hours. We started at approximately 7:00AM and I finished a few minutes before 5:00PM.

One of our riders had a tube blowout within the first 10 miles and the majority of us stopped to assist with the repair or to simply offer supporting encouragement. Other than that our small group experienced no material problems that I was aware of.

The real riding didn't begin until we had covered about 25 miles. Oddly enough I was able to stay within about 10 minutes of the fast riders and we met up at the first rest stop which was at 40 miles.

The next 5-10 miles were extremely hilly as we climbed out of the Cuyahoga Valley. Between 55-70 miles I lost contact with the breakaway group of 3 or 4 but they were kind enough to wait for me at the 70 mile mark which took us out of the parks and onto mostly city streets and bike paths along the shores of Lake Erie.

I held my own with the roadies for the next 10 mostly flat miles until we reached the 80 mile rest stop at the Joy Machines bike shop in the downtown Cleveland area.

I gave my new friends permission to head out on the last 20 miles without me as I didn't want to hold them back. I needed a few more minutes of rest and from where we were I was confident that I could navigate my way back to the finish.

Overall it went just about as I expected effort-wise. I was comfortable through 40 miles. I was dragging a bit between 60-70 miles but recharged a bit during the next 10 miles. The last 20 I was on my own and it was a slog but that is how I expected to feel as my longest rides prior were in the 50- 60 mile range.

I started with two frozen water bottles. One was filled with water and the other contained Gatorade. I topped off my water bottle once along the way and I drank a small water and a small Gatorade provided at the 40 mile rest stop in addition to what I was carrying.

I had raisin bran, coffee, and juice for breakfast. I ate a Clif Bar at 25 miles. At the 40 mile rest stop I ate a banana and some trail mix. I consumed the best tasting Luna bar I have ever had at about 60 miles and I ate some more trail mix at the 80 mile rest stop.

I did no specific training for the event but I had several rides of 40-50-60 miles under my belt before taking on the century.

I started riding about mid-June of last year and found that 15 miles was a comfortable ride for me. So, of course I stretched that to 30 and by early fall I had gone a little over 40 miles in a single ride a few times.

I acquired a used trainer to help keep me pedaling during the winter months but honestly didn't use it very much.

As things warmed up again in the spring I found I was comfortable riding 30 miles and then I quickly extended that to 50 and then 60 mile long rides.

I generally do 2-4 rides of 15-20 miles as well as one long ride a week. It really just depends on the weather, how I am feeling, and available time on any particular day.

I hope this helps any newbie century riders out there.

Very cool read. Enjoyed the heck outa that. Thanks!

I did my first century several years ago, and sounds like we have a lot in common. I had done a lot of 50 milers, and I thought "well, all I have to do is double that, no big deal." Found out it's a bit more than just doubling it. Those last 20 miles were brutal on my first one. But I gritted my teeth and kept pressing on. No way was I gonna be denied being that close.

For someone that hasn't being cycling very long, you sure are coming along really well. :thumb:

Just curious, but what's your age and bike of choice?

JDandy 08-12-19 08:43 PM

Originally Posted by one4smoke (Post 21072626)
Just curious, but what's your age and bike of choice?

I'm 58 and I'm riding a 1996 Gary Fisher Avant Garde. It's worked for me so far.

Thanks for the encouragement.

one4smoke 08-12-19 09:59 PM

Almost forgot... 62 miles again for Sunday.

Slightspeed 08-13-19 04:53 PM

Only 12.2 miles today, getting hot, 93° right now. I needed to vote on a City Council runoff election, which was at a nearby middle school. Didn't realize it was also the first day of school, cars, kids, parents everywhere. What were they thinking, putting a polling place, first day of school? As I was unlocking my 1978 Peugeot, an older couple came walking up (I'm 70) from a long walk from where they had to park. They told me I was smart to ride my bike, and park just outside the door. I told them my wife was smarter, she mailed hers in. Still, I enjoyed the ride. These are dangerous times, be sure you vote, whatever it takes, but biking to do it is the best.

one4smoke 08-15-19 06:06 PM

57 years today ...57 miles today! :50:

JDandy 08-15-19 09:48 PM

Originally Posted by one4smoke (Post 21077473)
57 years today ...57 miles today! :50:

Happy Birthday! . . . from one greybeard to another:lol: (nice miles btw)

tim24k 08-16-19 02:46 AM

Only 20 miles today as it was my regular commute day.

BlazingPedals 08-17-19 02:20 PM

I just got back from a 70-miler. It was mostly an easy pace, although the last 10 felt harder as I became dehydrated in spite of trying to drink continually.

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