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LAJ 04-24-20 10:45 AM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 21436525)
I thought they were saying it's just a li'l ol' flu and the old folks should (wo)man up and croak?

Agree. Do your part to be one of the 2.2 million projected.

Velo Vol 04-24-20 10:49 AM

Originally Posted by rjones28 (Post 21436498)
Our shop has been pretty busy with repairs.

My rig needs help. Among other things, it's creaking going uphill. The BB only has like 2000 miles on it. :foo:

Originally Posted by rjones28 (Post 21436533)
Still no urgent need for grass cutting here.

How about snow blowing?

Bah Humbug 04-24-20 11:10 AM

Originally Posted by abshipp (Post 21436230)
I'm usually the bad guy in the house that trims the cats' nails. I should really do it more often but neither of us like doing it.

Frankie used to get on top of the cabinets all the time, when she was younger and smaller. She can still get up there, but just chooses to stay closer to the ground nowadays.

My boy was definitely a percher. One time I moved us to an apartment where the kitchen ceiling was lower and there was no space above the cabinets. As soon as he discovered this, he climbed to the top of the fridge and howled his disapproval down at me.

Somehow I didn't get any pics of him up on one of those, but here's one of him on a bathroom shelf shortly after I moved to Boulder.

Bah Humbug 04-24-20 11:12 AM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 21436279)
Jack, who passed in the fall, used to open doors all of the time when we lived in Brooklyn. Whenever we had guests over, we had to tell them to lock the door when they used the bathroom. Not everyone listened, though, and Jack walked in on a few people while they were in the middle of takin' care of business.

Growing up we had one who figured out doorknobs. She tried to teach the others, though only one learned.

seedsbelize 04-24-20 11:26 AM

Originally Posted by abshipp (Post 21436133)
Our governor extended stay-at-home orders through May 30.

Masks in public become mandatory starting May 1.

Additionally, some state parks are going to be opened up again and I got excited, but my local one is not on the list :(

As of this week, masks mandatory away from home. But There are still some holdouts. As of today, only one person per car, unless going to the hospital, and all occupants must be masked. In Merida, Walmart an Home Depot open, but not for people over 60

MoAlpha 04-24-20 11:30 AM

Telework extended through 31 May.

rjones28 04-24-20 11:32 AM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 21436588)
My rig needs help. Among other things, it's creaking going uphill. The BB only has like 2000 miles on it. :foo:

Are you sure it's the bike?

How about snow blowing?
Nope. Haven't had enough at once to need that in at least a month.

seedsbelize 04-24-20 11:35 AM

Originally Posted by LAJ (Post 21436577)
Agree. Do your part to be one of the 2.2 million projected.

2.2 million? Last I heard it was60,000/ Once italics is turned on, it can not easily be turned off

abshipp 04-24-20 11:40 AM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 21436588)
My rig needs help. Among other things, it's creaking going uphill. The BB only has like 2000 miles on it. :foo:

Did you ever get your shifting problems worked out?

abshipp 04-24-20 11:42 AM

Originally Posted by seedsbelize (Post 21436638)
As of this week, masks mandatory away from home. But There are still some holdouts. As of today, only one person per car, unless going to the hospital, and all occupants must be masked. In Merida, Walmart an Home Depot open, but not for people over 60

I'd say overall, general masked population is around 25-30%.

Interesting to see if that changes May 1.

phrantic09 04-24-20 11:44 AM

Originally Posted by abshipp (Post 21436672)
I'd say overall, general masked population is around 25-30%.

Interesting to see if that changes May 1.

here it’s close to 100% based on my observations

indyfabz 04-24-20 11:48 AM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 21436558)
It almost came to that. He would not let it go.


Here. Hold my beer.

MoAlpha 04-24-20 11:55 AM

Originally Posted by indyfabz (Post 21436678)

Be sure to check the use-by date.

Velo Vol 04-24-20 12:35 PM

Originally Posted by rjones28 (Post 21436648)
Are you sure it's the bike?

My creaking is less audible.

Originally Posted by abshipp (Post 21436663)
Did you ever get your shifting problems worked out?

I haven't had another multi-attempt fiasco as I did right before I posted that, but sometimes it still takes two clicks.

Someone here suggested it may be a cable-related, which is plausible, as my cables are old. I sprayed WD40 on them to the extent possible.

WhyFi 04-24-20 12:51 PM

A local guy posted a ride yesterday that included a ~17 mile loop/Strava segment. I decided to check it out today.

That was dumb. I could not, for the life of me, find my lungs until I was 12-13 miles in. Then there's being at the mercy of the lights - I hit a full traffic light cycle literally one block in to the segment and another four or so significant traffic light delays throughout the loop. I'll probably ride it at tempo every once in a while, just for the variety of having a new-to-me short route, and then try to turn myself inside-out again in another month or so.

Bah Humbug 04-24-20 12:55 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 21436793)
A local guy posted a ride yesterday that included a ~17 mile loop/Strava segment. I decided to check it out today.

That was dumb. I could not, for the life of me, find my lungs until I was 12-13 miles in. Then there's being at the mercy of the lights - I hit a full traffic light cycle literally one block in to the segment and another four or so significant traffic light delays throughout the loop. I'll probably ride it at tempo every once in a while, just for the variety of having a new-to-me short route, and then try to turn myself inside-out again in another month or so.

That sounds like it just shouldn't be a segment. We have a few long ones on the tri-training highway, but they have essentially zero cross traffic. Lights? No.

Velo Vol 04-24-20 01:02 PM

Thought question of the day:

Bah Humbug 04-24-20 01:04 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 21436817)

Money is worthless except in the context of what it can buy you. Doesn’t take much thought...

WhyFi 04-24-20 01:14 PM

Originally Posted by Bah Humbug (Post 21436802)
That sounds like it just shouldn't be a segment. We have a few long ones on the tri-training highway, but they have essentially zero cross traffic. Lights? No.

It's one of those "it is what it is" deals. There might be some sections of bike path along the river that are a few miles long, without a traffic light, but there sure isn't anything longer than that within... probably a good 40 miles of me. I'm willing to accept that there's a roll-of-the-dice/do-you-want-to-be-an-idiot factor associated with longer segments - I'm not threatening the leader board without an accompanying paceline and I'm not going to take any of this **** serious enough to put myself in jeopardy.

abshipp 04-24-20 01:23 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 21436830)
roll-of-the-dice/do-you-want-to-be-an-idiot factor

I was thinking about that looking for how many left turns across the oncoming traffic lane that segment had.

At the end of most of my rides I have to make a left 90° turn across incoming northbound traffic. The pavement is nice and smooth and it's tempting to take at speed in order to beat oncoming traffic, but I have this mental image where I screw up the turn, crash, and slide into oncoming 55mph traffic. I chicken out every time.

abshipp 04-24-20 01:26 PM

Also, can you spare a few degrees of your Fahrenheit, WhyFi ?

Not sure how you're 20 degrees warmer than we are right now :notamused:

Velo Vol 04-24-20 01:31 PM

Originally Posted by Bah Humbug (Post 21436820)
Money is worthless except in the context of what it can buy you. Doesn’t take much thought...

Agree to disagree.

WhyFi 04-24-20 01:50 PM

Originally Posted by abshipp (Post 21436841)
I was thinking about that looking for how many left turns across the oncoming traffic lane that segment had.

At the end of most of my rides I have to make a left 90° turn across incoming northbound traffic. The pavement is nice and smooth and it's tempting to take at speed in order to beat oncoming traffic, but I have this mental image where I screw up the turn, crash, and slide into oncoming 55mph traffic. I chicken out every time.

I think that there were only one or two left turns, so not bad on that count. But yeah, a left in front of oncoming traffic is usually something that I'll give myself a bit of margin for error.

Originally Posted by abshipp (Post 21436846)
Also, can you spare a few degrees of your Fahrenheit, WhyFi ?

Not sure how you're 20 degrees warmer than we are right now :notamused:

Honestly, that was giving me problems. I was wearing bibs, base layer, ss jersey, sun sleeves, cycling cap and light (but full fingered) leather gloves... and I was too hot. I'm still acclimated to 40° riding. I went through a similar thing last year - I'd ride solo 2-3x per week in the cooler mornings, but then the warmer evening group rides would kick my ass until I got used to it in the late summer.

Bah Humbug 04-24-20 01:52 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 21436856)
Agree to disagree.

What else would you do with it? You can't eat it, as they say. Even saving it only has value in terms of what you or someone else could buy with it in the future.

Bah Humbug 04-24-20 01:53 PM

It's 95* here; I'd be happy to loan someone up to 15 or maybe 20 of them.

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