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rsbob 11-29-20 08:13 PM

18 miles with 1800’ climbing with one 18% pitch. That’s a lot of 18s. Ave speed a scintillating 16.5 :rolleyes: But I was looking for a friends house at the top of the first climb. That’s my excuse and am sticking to it.

rsbob 11-30-20 09:51 PM

A mere 16.5 miles as dark was falling. Ave speed 19.65 and climbed a whopping 300’. Temp was 43*.

Strava had a quarter mile sprint towards the end of the ride with a slight rise at the end. I decided to go for it and spooled it up to a whopping 26 before hitting the rise and getting out of the saddle to hammer the hill, but completely blew up. It was so pathetic that I had nothing left I had to laugh out loud. Seems like yesterday’s climbing fest and trying to keep today at 20+ caught up and blew up.

one4smoke 12-02-20 09:19 PM

December, January and February ...what a lousy time of the year. :(

ultrarider7 12-03-20 07:10 AM

57 miles on a beautiful December day! Which are very rare in Minnesota!

Troul 12-03-20 12:14 PM

22 indoors yesterday. Dull yet still gets that edge off.

gene99 12-03-20 07:55 PM

14 miles in Wattopia. :)

rsbob 12-03-20 10:42 PM

24 miles with 1500’ climbing at a scintillating Ave speed of 15.6. Temp 52*

BlazingPedals 12-04-20 08:33 AM

Yesterday evening I did 7.5 miles in Watopia. My first session since Covid. Man do I need to recover my strength AND endurance!

Troul 12-05-20 03:32 PM

41 miles facing 31F 15mph winds in the beginning.

Paul Barnard 12-05-20 03:38 PM

Just did 30, mostly on the MUP. My right knee is getting worse by the day.

one4smoke 12-05-20 06:00 PM

31 for me today...

jaxgtr 12-05-20 06:24 PM

Birthday was Tuesday, so I rode my age today plus 2 for good luck. 58.3 miles.

rsbob 12-05-20 07:43 PM

Only 16.5 before sunset. Had one helluva a tailwind and set 3 PRs on my heavy steel vintage ride. The ride into the head wind had me working just as hard to maintain 16 MPH.

one4smoke 12-06-20 04:27 PM

30 chilly miles today. :eek:

bampilot06 12-06-20 04:32 PM

30 miles this morning. Temperature was 33 but it felt a lot colder than that. Cap trail and some neighborhoods.

Troul 12-06-20 07:04 PM

21 miles 25F with some annoying lite snow in the mix.

Kabuki12 12-06-20 07:15 PM

25.5 today on my new to me 1975 Colnago Super. Just a “get to know the bike” day after spending all day yesterday getting tuned to my liking. A mild low seventies with light wind in Southern California. The bike was more than I had hoped it would be!

delbiker1 12-06-20 07:18 PM

Got in a chilly, windy, slow 30 miles. Left the house about 9:45 and back home a couple minutes before noon. Temp when I left was 38F with NW wind at around 8 mph, 42 with 15 mph wind upon return home. First time since last April with a ride that chilly. The last 5 or 6 miles was a chore riding right into the wind. My knees were sore today, combination of the chilly wind and yesterday I installed a new faucet set up in my small bathroom. It is really tight trying to work in the small space with a small cabinet for access. I am not a very good DIY guy when it comes to things like that.

Mulberry20 12-06-20 08:41 PM

It was 37 degrees and very windy so Zero.

I did a 90 minute Tabata class outside though in Central Park.

Litespud 12-07-20 12:25 AM

107 miles, 17.2 mph average, ~5600ft climbing. Started out at 38F. Likely last century of the year

daveton 12-07-20 06:04 PM

52.3 miles it’s getting cold but I can’t stop going out. Cheers

Troul 12-08-20 11:21 AM

indoor day of 15 miles.

one4smoke 12-08-20 05:04 PM

Originally Posted by Litespud (Post 21821719)
107 miles, 17.2 mph average, ~5600ft climbing. Started out at 38F. Likely last century of the year

Awesome! I think I had 2 or 3 this year, with 133 miles being my best. That’s a nice average speed for 5.6K of climbing.


daveton 12-09-20 05:34 AM

41.5 km -2C -10C wind chill. 80% rail trail bright sunshine had the trail to myself. Trying out my new overshoes worked well but feet still cold at end of ride. Not really bothered just so happy to be riding. Cheers

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